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Dear , 
Before you make your resolutions for 2014, remember that success takes 1) an understanding of the underlying problem, and 2) bite-size manageable steps to do better. Below, I start you off with a simple, effective parenting tip to begin with in 2014. Master that and then layer a new skill each week. For more about parenting resolutions for the new year, listen to my interview on Australia's ABC Babytalk radio here.

And, now is the perfect time to begin on your 52- week journey to improve your parenting; Amazon is offering a countdown deal on the Kindle version of 52 Weeks of Parenting Wisdom beginning today.  Get the e-book version for just 99 cents! (Don't wait - the price goes up in increments and is back to full price on Sunday, January 5th.)

Click here to take advantage of this sale!

Coming up are some more opportunities to get motivated by me in person to take your parenting to the next level.  (I'm even coming to the West Coast!)  Check out the dates for these talks below.

And, finally, I am thrilled to announce that I have been appointed to serve on the National Parenting Educators Network (NPEN) Council. Research shows that when we invest in parenting education right from the start, there is the potential to have significant positive long-term impact on society as a whole. I am dedicated to the mission of making parenting education a top priority in this country and have devoted hundreds of hours to this cause in New York State. Serving on the NPEN Council gives me the opportunity to contribute on a national level.

Best wishes in the new year and happy parenting,




* Scotch Plains, NJ
Thursday, January 9th at 9:15 am
JCC of Central New Jersey
* Palo Alto, CA
Friday, January 17th at 9:30 am
Oshman Family JCC of Palo Alto
Oshman Family JCC of Palo Alto


I often hear parents bemoaning the fact that they seem to be always saying "no" and "don't" to their children, leading them to a tendency to let some things slide in an effort to curb negativity.

But there is a much better solution to this problem than "letting things slide." Instead of telling your children "not" to do something, flip your wording into a positive statement, conveying what you expect them to do. Almost every "don't" statement can easily be turned into a "do" statement, and children are more likely to change what they are doing when they are given specific instructions about exactly what IS expected.  Here are some examples:

DON'T: Don't interrupt!

DO: Keep that non-emergency question in your head so you remember it and ask me as soon as I'm off the phone.

DON'T:  Stop jumping on the couch!

DO: Your feet belong on the floor. Feel free to jump all you want on the ground.

DON'T: Don't grab!

DO: Please ask for the toy if you want it.

DON'T: Quit elbowing your brother!

DO: Keep your elbow to yourself. If you'd like to use your arms, give a hug instead.

In addition to using this technique to respond to undesirable behavior, you can let your child know in advance specifically how you expect them to behave in certain situations, such as before going to a playdate, eating in a restaurant, or visiting relatives. (See Week 8: Great Expectations in 52 Weeks of Parenting Wisdom for more on this.)

Practice telling your children what TO do instead of what NOT to do and soon it will become a habit that will solve the negativity problem and result in better compliance.

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