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JULY 2013
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Dear , 
I hope you and your family are having a relaxing and fun-filled summer.

For children, summer can be a time to explore interests, activities and experiences - a time to delve into something new or simply pursue something with more intensity, without the responsibility of school.

We want our kids to enjoy and learn from trying new things, but sometimes children resist for fear of not being good enough. And, sometimes this fear can stem from perfectionism.

What is "perfectionism" and where does it come from? What issues does it present?

This month's article features my interview with The Mother Company, in which I help parents become aware of and understand perfectionism. Most importantly, I list five constructive things parents can do to curb it.

Looking ahead: This coming fall/winter, I will be traveling to various communities for book talks for "52 Weeks of Parenting Wisdom." Watch for my schedule of appearances in the next newsletter. (Maybe I'm coming to your city!)

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Best wishes and happy parenting,



  perfectionist child


Is your child a perfectionist? What's the down side? Do you worry about how your own perfectionist tendencies might be affecting your child? How can you tell whether your child is just highly motivated or a perfectionist? What can parents do?  


I answer these questions and share other insights on this topic with The Mother Company!


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