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May 2013 

In This Issue:

Parenting Solutions:

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Dear Friends,


I like to say that every day should be Mother's (and Father's) Day because few jobs are more important or more difficult than parenting.


However, to mark this day of formal recognition for all that mothers do, I am excited to share my interview about "52 Weeks of Parenting Wisdom" on Shalom TV (see link below); it begins airing today. 

AND....Shalom TV has invited me to be their resident parenting specialist, presenting a segment on one parenting topic each week!! So, stay tuned for more info on that. 


 Next Generation Book Award

I'm grateful for all the endorsements "52 Weeks of Parenting Wisdom" has received; just this past week it was named a finalist winner in the 2013 Next Generation Indie Book Awards, and I'm looking forward to attending the awards ceremony later this month!

Enjoy the interview below, and, as always, let me know your thoughts.

Best wishes and happy parenting,





P.S. I have transitioned to sharing my parenting information and tips mostly on Facebook, so click here Like us on Facebook to "like" my Facebook page if you don't want to miss out on any of the good (and free) stuff!  


This month's feature: 
Rabbi Mark Golub of Shalom TV  
interviews Meg about her book and asks her
some 'big' parenting questions:

"Do parents today parent differently than those  

of the previous generation?"


"If we 'spare the rod' do we 'spoil the child?'"


"Are children born 'good?'"


"Should parents be friends with their children?"


"Do parents forget how it felt to be a child?"


Click here
Parenting Wisdom: Meg Akabas 
Parenting Wisdom: Interview with Meg Akabas on Shalom TV 

 You can also view the program on Free Video on Demand on virtually every cable system in the U.S., from today through Saturday, June 8th. 
To find the channel number to watch Shalom TV,  simply go to and click on "Find Us" on the menu bar at the top.
My interview on Shalom TV's On Demand TV channel can be
found in the category entitled Judaism and Culture. 


book talk flier

I want to bring "52 Weeks of Parenting Wisdom" to you
 in person!  If you have a mom's book club or other parenting community located in the NYC area, I would be happy to try to arrange a talk for your group! Contact me at: