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MARCH 2013

In This Issue:

Parenting Solutions:

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Dear Friends,


"Your children need your presence more than your presents."

While I doubt many people would argue with this quote from Jesse Jackson, I think it is still worth contemplating what it means to be "present" for our children and whether or not we follow through with that intention fully.

That issue is the subject for Week 19 in my book, "52 Weeks of Parenting Wisdom," and was also the topic of my recent interview on Australian ABC Radio. In this month's feature below, you can access and listen to the interview, in which I talk about what it means for child development when we, as parents, are distracted. I share important related research findings and discuss the need for children to learn to entertain themselves at times. I also give suggestions that all parents can put to use immediately.  I hope you'll click on the link below, listen, and let me know your thoughts.


I want to help you be the best parent you can be!  So, if you are ready to commit to taking your parenting to the next level but haven't grabbed your copy of "52 Weeks of Parenting Wisdom" yet, you can find both the paperback and e-book versions for sale on 



I'm delighted to share that "52 Weeks of Parenting Wisdom" is a finalist for the 2013 Foreword Book Review Award, and that more than 3,000 people downloaded the e-book on Amazon in one weekend!  Join the movement to parent with intention and to make one manageable yet important shift in your parenting each week.

Best wishes and happy parenting,





P.S. I have transitioned to sharing my parenting information and tips mostly on Facebook, so click here Like us on Facebook to "like" my Facebook page if you don't want to miss out on any of the good (and free) stuff!  A name will be picked randomly from the new "Likes" on my Facebook page from 12 noon on 3/31 until midnight on 4/1, and that person will receive a free signed copy of my book! 


Attention, Please!

This month's feature:
PENNY JOHNSTON of Australian radio  
interviews MEG AKABAS about what it means
to be present for our children.

You can also access the interview through the
ABC Radio website
or download the podcast for free on


book talk flier

I want to bring "52 Weeks of Parenting Wisdom" to you
 in person!  If you have a mom's book club or other parenting community located in the NYC area, I would be happy to try to arrange a talk for your group! Contact me at:




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The New York State Parenting Education Partnership presents:

Normal Child Development - From Birth to Age Three
with Meg Akabas, author and certified parenting educator

Thursday, April 25, 2013  12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

The first years of life bring an abundance of physical, social, and emotional milestones, which are vitally important in determining future development. This exciting webinar is packed full of information and includes helpful video clips. Providing knowledge of child development assists parents to either be reassured about their child's development or to accept when intervention might be necessary. Early intervention is critical to successful outcomes! Learn the behaviors that signify normal development along with the corresponding critical needs of infants and toddlers at each stage.

Who should attend: Parents and primary care providers, parenting educators, family life educators, family development or support staff, social workers engaging with families, and anyone interested in learning more.

For more information and to register, please CLICK HERE.