Healing Hands...
Contact me at:
c: 508-237-4929
o: 602-923-1292
Coming Up: 
Expo. at Penelope's Metaphysical Boutique,
April 20, 21, 10-5 
15610 N. 35'th Ave, Phoenix. 
I will be doing a presentation Saturday at 1:00 pm & also permanent clearings there.
Drop in and say 'hi!'

Expo. at Penelope's Metaphysical Boutique 
May 18, 10-5  


"Ellie sees into your soul and gives words to the thoughts/beliefs that you are afraid to say.  Then she heals them."

 Patricia F. 


"Ellie was kind, patient, and loving towards me. I felt a wonderful gentleness and Spiritual energy coming from her. Meeting Ellie, was a true guidance from Source.  It was more than I ever expected. My heart sings lighter now, my mood is not dark with despair. Deeply grateful",  








Over the last 30 years, Ellie has  developed her own technique, the Pechet Healing Technique through a combination of intuition, counseling, and energy medicine.  She permanently dissolves issues such as trauma, anxiety, phobias and more, one core issue at a time every session. 


For more information about how Ellie can help you, visit her website  

or call and schedule a free 15 minute consultation or a session for you today!   


How the 
Pechet Healing Technique Works:
The properties of Quantum Physics are an integral part of my technique combined with Counseling which is interwoven into every session. At a certain point during the session, with the assistance of a Higher Intelligence, I intuit the issue that is most significant for the client that session. I use highly focused intention and attention that is like a laser beam and proceed to energetically dissolve a core issue, symptom or block for the client on the cellular level which is the deepest level possible.  I send  energy through my hand and the results are much like the clearing of a chalkboard full of writing, returning it to a clean slate. Next, I energetically imprint the

desired condition

that is intuited to be for the highest good of the client.  The emotional issues I clear for clients both over the phone/in person are permanent and in most cases, only need to be dealt with once for each issue.  My clients call me  The Real Deal. Call 508-237-4929 and  see for yourself.
(Phoenix #: 602-923-1292)    
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April, 2013

"Believe in Yourself. Have faith in your abilities! 
Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." 
Norman Vincent Peale  

Dear Friend, 

Life, Love, and You... 
Life is precious; every day, hour, minute and moment, you have a choice to make.  Would you like to be happy?

If so, first remember that you are created as a precious and unique being of Love.  From the day your spirit entered physical form in your Mother's womb, you have been the embodiment of LOVE.  The only thing that has gotten in the way of you being happy is unknowingly allowing the experiences you have had to define you. The conditioning you've taken on from those around you such as your family, classmates, teachers and society have profoundly influenced your perception of who you are. 

You are always making choices whether they are conscious or unconscious.
How will you choose to interpret the messages given to you by the world?  By tuning in to your inner self rather than turning to the world outside of you, you are able to connect with your own Guidance if you so choose.  I quote Katherine Woodward Thomas in her book, Calling In The One  "The truth is, it's never what happens to us that matters as much as what we do with what happens to us. Those who hurt you in the past have no authority to determine whether or not you will live a life of love and fulfillment.  You are the only one holding that power." 

This is the purpose of my work...to help you reclaim your authentic power by energetically dissolving the painful memories you still hold. As a result of my technique, you will have access to more of your own energy to create the life you really desire.

So who or what still has influence over you ?  Do you desire to step fully into your authentic power?  In the new book Jesus by Rev. Cynthia Williams and Verling Chako Priest, Ph.D.  they say,  "Your own I AM presence is the flow of the energy of Light within you." 

They go on to say that when you have full acceptance of all emotions, it allows you to journey deeper into the place of peace.  Inner peace is authentic power.  When you are in a place of inner tranquility, you are likely to make choices that will enhance your life.

Sometimes, you need help releasing old thought patterns and painful memories.  This is why you continue to suffer.  One of my specialties is clearing unresolved issues for my clients.  Each session is profound in eliminating a painful memory, trauma, heart ache; whatever it is that is holding you back. 

Through your willingness to receive,  we can create a place of greater healing, wholeness, and joy for YOU with every session.

Call me to schedule your free 15 minute consultation or take advantage of one of the specials below.
o- 602-923-1292

Love Always,

Ellie Pechet, M.Ed.  
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- Sign up for 4 Clearing sessions and receive 2 more at $100 off each!

- Sign up for 8 Clearing sessions and receive a 50% discount for 2 additional sessions!
Sessions can be done in person or over the phone.
You can reach me most easily at 508-237-4929 or email me at 
[email protected]

Offer Expires: April 12, 2013
for testimonials and information about the Pechet Healing Technique and how it can change the way you experience life for good.
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