Healing Hands...
Contact me at:
c: 508-237-4929
o: 602-923-1292
December/January Events:

December, 2012; Submitted a personal story about
authenticity  for "Spread Your Wings and Fly", a collection of short stories by Women authors to be published this spring.   
January, 2013:
Submitting a second story about my life as a Medium & a Shaman to this collection of stories written by women. 

12/2- Presented
 a talk on The Emotional Needs of Pets at the New Vision Ctr. for Spiritual Living, Phoenix

Coming Up:
Special Treat! 
Marianne Williamson will be speaking at New Vision Ctr., Phoenix 1/16/13
Order tickets at NewVisionAz.org 
I am invited to be the guest on  Radio Show, "Tarot & Runes: Your Life Revealed"
link for radio show Jan 30

Friday, February 8
 7:45-9:00 pm
I am presenting the Pechet Healing Technique at the Real Love House, Phoenix;
Must be a member to attend. Call Ellie for information! 

My healing work   with Ellie created the opportunity for me to realize important personal
areas that I was rather oblivious to before and embrace them anew .  I had not noticed how my caring for others had
left me rather unaware  of the need to serve and nurture myself ;
I felt and continue to feel a renewed connection and caring for my dear self.
I admire Ellie's dedication/passion  to creating her unique caring way of healing over the last 28 years
and find that she is capable of   'healing-magically' - intuitively with great spirit and compassion.
Caverly, Sebastopol, CA

Hi Ellie!

 On the way home tonight after our session, I got the sensation that I have "fallen in love"!!! I now realize that the relationship I have been longing for is between me (physical self) and me (spiritual self). Thanks to the issues you cleared, I am now in a position to listen to my spiritual self as I would a partner, and be open to what I am learning about me!  I am very excited about my realization and about beginning to participate in this beautiful relationship with my Spirit!


Thank you so much!!


Marjorie, Prescott, AZ 








Over the last 30 years, Ellie has  developed her own technique, the Pechet Healing Technique through a combination of intuition, counseling, and energy medicine.  She permanently dissolves issues such as trauma, anxiety, phobias and more, one issue at a time every session. 


For more information about how Ellie can help you, visit her website  

or call and schedule a free 15 minute consultation or a session for you today!   

How the 
Pechet Healing Technique Works:

The properties of Quantum Physics are an integral part of my technique and Counseling is interwoven into every session. At one point in the session, I intuit the issue that is most significant for the client at the time, then use my  ability to energetically dissolve issues, symptoms, and blocks for him or her on the deepest level possible - the cellular level.  I set the intention for the issue or symptom that most needs to be cleared, focus and then send  energy through my hand.  The results are much like clearing a chalkboard full of writing and returning it to a clean slate. Next, I energetically imprint the desired condition that is intuited to be for the highest good of the client.  The emotional issues I clear for clients both over the phone/in person are permanent and in most cases, only need to be dealt with once for each issue.  My clients call me  The Real Deal. Call 508-237-4929 and  see for yourself.

(Phoenix #: 602-923-1292)    
January, 2013
Happy New Year, 2013, Bird-sunset
 Clear Your Past, Experience Personal Transformation in 2013  

Dear Friends,

Here we are at the start of a new year, with all of the possibilities of a full year in front of us.  We have a beautiful opportunity to begin again as we move forward into 2013.

Many of us have been noticing an increased feeling of agitation and turbulence in recent months.  There is a profound connection between the events happening around the world and how we are feeling, resonating on every level in our own being as the result of realizing we are all energetically connected.  When there are unresolved issues from the present and the past that still exist, it makes our individual and collective situation even more challenging.

When our own energy fields are unclear because of the personal issues we still carry within our energy field and our minds, we are even less able to cope with the chaos that exists outside of us. One result is the difficulty in sending healing, compassion, and even prayer to those around us, such as our spouse, our children, our friends and especially,  people experiencing a crisis in another part of the world.  Self absorption is the result of carrying lingering wounds often from the past that often cause us to feel unlovable.  My favorite inspirational speaker, writer, political activist Marianne Williamson said in her article on Love (November/December, 2012 issue of Spirituality and Health Magazine) " The love that will save the world is the love that you feel for the kids on the other side of town and for the other side of the world." 

I feel that we can do this by healing our past and getting out of our own way as individuals  because when our own cups are full, we have a surplus of love to extend to those outside beyond our selves or our inner circle.
I agree with her when she says  "the miracle we need will come when enough of us are willing to say love is the bottom line, not only in our personal relationships but also in our political and social relationships."

My mission is to facilitate profound transformation for the clients I work with by clearing past or current issues and wounds that continue to hold them back.  With every significant issue that is cleared for good,  the spirit of that individual expands and starts to soar. The more the individual can access their spirit and move beyond ego, conditioning and personal wounds, the more empowered they become to send the compassion, prayer and healing energy to others in need that Marianne is talking about.  The more accessible our spirit is as individuals, the more we benefit the whole, all of human kind because we are in fact all connected energetically.
Facilitating my mission of helping heal the world one person or group at a time is what motivates the work I do with my clients.

I have developed the Pechet Healing Technique to help others permanently clear subconscious and childhood issues so that they feel happier in their lives and can start to move into a place of selflessness, compassion, and altruism.  According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs,  self-actualization and altruism are the highest levels we can reach during our lifetime.  No matter how much we say we want to help others, we are limited in our ability to do so without first healing and going one significant step further - literally dissolving our own wounds for good on at the deepest level possible. 

By healing our own personal issues for good, we become liberated.  This results in a higher level of energy and the capacity to assist others during difficult times without feeling resentful or depleted.  The start of the year is a perfect time for one to clear and get "unstuck" from the old unhealed issues which do not serve anyone.  Each time I clear a significant issue for a client,  their quality of life improves and their ability to manifest  what they want greatly increases. Relationships, finances, feeling much more comfortable in their own being and their increased ability to be altruistic are just a few of the areas my clients tell me their lives are improving.

  As a way of supporting and encouraging you to clear any lingering issues during this powerful time of the start of the New Year, I would like to offer you a significant discount with every four sessions that you purchase.  These sessions can be used by you or as a gift for someone you care about.  See the coupon below for more details on this offer.


Blessings and warm regards to you always...  


Ellie Pechet, M.Ed.  



Receive 1/3 off today with every four sessions  you purchase...
Receive a discount of 33% off when you buy four or more sessions. Sessions can be done in person or over the phone, wherever you live.

This is an opportunity to take a profound step for yourself today and experience the profound shift you have been wanting. You can reach me at 508-237-4929 or email me at
[email protected].
Offer Expires: January 31, 2013
for testimonials and information about the Pechet Healing Technique and how it can change the way you experience life for good.
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For fastest response, call me at  
c: 508-237-4929    Local Phoenix #: 602-923-1292