Contact me at:
c: 508-237-4929
(local Phoenix #: 602-923-1292)
RECENT EVENTS in December:

12/2- Submitted a chapter about authenticity  for "Spread Your Wings and Fly", a collection of short stories by Women authors to be published in spring. 
I will keep you posted!

12/2- I gave a talk on The Emotional Needs of Pets at the New Vision Ctr. for Spiritual Living, Phoenix

Coming Up Presentations, Radio...

Time: 10:30-12
4425 North Granite Reef Rd.
Scottsdale, AZ
$40 pre-register
$50 day of.     
JANUARY 13, 2-4 
at New Vision
Ctr. for Spiritual Living
18010 N. Tatum Blvd. Phoenix, AZ
Call Ellie to register:  Phoenix #: 602-923-1292 c- 508-237-4929

Wed., Jan 30,        4-6 pacific, will be a Guest on Radio Show  Tarot & Runes: Your Life Revealed  
with host Kathy Kanavos. Details to follow next newsletter 

Hi Ellie!

 On the way home tonight after our session, I got the sensation that I have "fallen in love"!!! I now realize that the relationship I have been longing for is between me (physical self) and me (spiritual self). Thanks to the issues you cleared, I am now in a position to listen to my spiritual self as I would a partner, and be open to what I am learning about me!  I am very excited about my realization and about beginning to participate in this beautiful relationship with my Spirit!


Thank you so much!!






I had a phone session with Ellie Pechet recently to work on an emotional issue that had been bothering me for the past 2 years.  I thought that by working with Ellie, I might at least get some perspective on it. However, to my surprise, the storm cloud was gone after one session with Ellie! My mind had been in a rut pouring over the same problem day after day, and after my session with you, my mind was free of that grinding train of thought It was as though the negative emotions regarding the issue had been banished.

Now I am able to look at the issue much more objectively and surprisingly, finding it does not seem like a problematic issue after all. Having experienced this and other clearings that have lasted, I highly recommend Ellie for clearing emotional issues, especially ones that have persisted and negatively affected one's life for a long period of time. I find working with Ellie is a great value, because she is able to clear in one session what might have taken other practitioners weeks or months to work on, if they would able to clear it at all.


Zoe Tassencourt,    

March, 2012





Pechet Healing Technique...  

Over the last 30 years, Ellie has  developed her own technique, the Pechet Healing Technique through a combination of intuition, counseling, and energy medicine.  She permanently dissolves issues such as trauma, anxiety, phobias and more, one issue at a time every session. 


For more information about how Ellie can help you, visit her website  

or call and schedule a free 15 minute consultation or a session for you today!   

How the 
Pechet Healing Technique Works:

The properties of Quantum Physics are an integral part of my technique and Counseling is interwoven into every session. At one point in the session, I intuit the issue that is most significant for the client at the time, then use my  ability to energetically dissolve issues, symptoms, and blocks for him or her on the deepest level possible - the cellular level.  I set the intention for the issue or symptom that most needs to be cleared, focus and then send  energy through my hand.  The results are much like clearing a chalkboard full of writing and returning it to a clean slate. Next, I energetically imprint the desired condition that is intuited to be for the highest good of the client.  The emotional issues I clear for clients both over the phone/in person are permanent and in most cases, only need to be dealt with once for each issue.  My clients call me  The Real Deal. Call 508-237-4929 and  see for yourself.

(Phoenix #: 602-923-1292)    
December, 2012
Healing Hands...

Reflecting...Preparing for the New Year
Dear Friends,


The end of the year is here, with the promise of a new year and fresh opportunities right around the corner.  December is an auspicious time to reflect on this past year, and prepare for 2013.  What aspects of your life worked for you in 2012?  What areas would you have liked to go better or differently?  What issues do you want to finally heal rather than carry with you into the next year?  Do you have regrets about specific aspects that did not work out, involving career, relationships, finances, etc? The Pechet Healing Technique is a proven way to permanently clear issues that are still affecting you and help you prepare for the year in front of us. 

Below are some common questions clients ask about how I work along with answers.  I hope you will find this helpful.

What is the Pechet Healing Technique?

It is a technique I have developed as the result of 30 years devoted to combining counseling and metaphysical healing to get the best and most efficient results for the clients I work with.  With this technique, I incorporate the properties of quantum physics for the energy work portion of the session along with  counseling to help clients understand and process the content that comes up during the session. Then, I energetically clear the issue or symptom that is at the top of their list at the deepest level possible, the root level.  The issue that is the highest priority for the client is intuited and with the assistance of my Spirit Guide,  I then use my ability to energetically dissolve issues by sending highly focused energy from my hand to the client on every level of their being until the issue is completely dissolved.  What started off as a 9 or 10 on a 0-10 pain scale, gets down to 0 based on the client's feedback by the end of the session.  The best way to describe the effectiveness of my work with clients is literally like taking an eraser and clearing a chalkboard full of writing and returning it to a clean slate.  The emotional issues I clear for clients both over the phone or in person are permanent and in most cases only need to be cleared one time for each issue.  As a result of my effectiveness and efficiency, clients call me "The Real Deal".  



Why do people typically seek your services?

Unresolved childhood issues is the most common reason clients all over the world seek my services.  Often despite many years of traditional counseling as well as having tried numerous healing modalities, they still feel stuck.  Most practitioners and psycho therapists do not energetically clear issues at the deepest level possible, the cellular level so the issues do not get resolved.   Clients may have more understanding about the reason for their pain on an intellectual level, but these issues are still present in their energy body, deeply buried on an unconscious level which is the level I prefer to work on.  This is the reason new year's resolutions often fail. Resolutions are usually made from the conscious mind yet the unresolved blocks that sabotage wanted results persist in the unconscious.

Most indivisuals have great intentions for where they want to go in their life as a result of meeting the goals they set at the end of the year, start of the new year, but it is the often unknown/unresolved issues that sabotage their efforts. My specialty and my passion is working on the unconscious level and resolving and dissolving issues for clients at the root quickly and permanently.

What types of issues can you clear using the Pechet Healing  Technique?
Some of the most common ones include unresolved childhood issues such as trauma, sexual abuse, abandonment, neglect, physical abuse, etc.  The work is effective as a result of  intuitively going to the root cause of an issue and with laser beam precision create a transformation that is long lasting.  I also assist clients with clearing residual soul memory from past lives which have continued to influence the current lifetime, often without their awareness.  Other issues which can be cleared for good include low self-esteem, money issues, aging, intimate relationships, job performance, and on the job relationships such as with co-workers, employers, etc.

Why are some relationships harder to let go of than others?

I believe that most, if not all, relationships in this lifetime have been experienced in  previous lifetimes between the same souls, sometimes in different roles. Mother and daughter in this lifetime may have been husband and wife in a previous lifetime.  We often carry residual energy or unfinished business forward from our past lives, affecting us today without our knowledge.

Can you give me an example of how a past-life relationship may affect someone today?

Yes.  A recent client had a very difficult time letting go of a relationship with her significant other.  During the session, my intuition showed me that they were in reversed roles in a past life where she was the husband and he was the wife.  She, as the male, put him as the female out on the street and he died.  As the husband, she then carried the guilt from that event forward into this lifetime, and as a result, has had a very difficult time letting go of a dysfunctional relationship because of her unresolved guilt.

What would you clear in a situation like this?

For this client, I cleared the guilt she carried forward from the past lifetime into this lifetime.  After this and a subsequent, relevant session to this issue, this client was finally able to end an unhealthy relationship after many years of being unable to and not understanding why.  She was able to move forward with her life by having the highly consuming time and energy she was spending on him freed up for herself and what she wants to create in her life.

How can clearing childhood issues help your clients increase their financial abundance?

In my 30-years of experience in working with clients, one of the biggest connections I see is between childhood issues and finances.  Often, people who do not make as much money as they would like, have issues rooted in low self-esteem from childhood or past lives. For example, a person may have lived as a monk or a nun in a previous lifetime, taking a vow of poverty.  Another common cause which stems from childhood has to do with the environment the person grew up in, and the various messages which were received surrounding money. Once these issues are discovered and cleared, their financial issues also clear up.

How do you suggest I avoid carrying these issues into the new year?

Clearing several issues is really key to eliminating blocks and moving forward. What I find to be most effective with my clients is a series of sessions, typically 4 or 8 to help them clarify, then clear their unique issues.  This is not a quick-fix, and I can not clear one's entire life in one session.  Yet, my technique is extremely efficient as I clear a significant core issue during each session.  Most clients I work with find the most benefit a series of four or eight sessions.  This month I am offering a free session for every four sessions purchased, which may be used by the client, or given as a gift to a loved one.

If I live in a different state or country, is your technique as effective over the phone or Skype as working with you in person?

Absolutely.  Most of the clients I work with are all over the world.  Just in the last few weeks, I have been working with clients in Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Saudi Arabia, and all throughout the U.S.  All of my long-distance clients have been very happy with the results they are experiencing.  See the testimonials page on my website for feedback from some of my clients.

How do you suggest I review 2012 in order to prepare for a session with you?

Here are some tips on reviewing 2012 to prepare for an even better new year.  Take some time to get quiet by yourself, giving yourself these simple gifts:

  • Quiet the mind by centering and grounding yourself. Become silent and feel yourself completely supported by and connected to the earth.  
  • Long, slow deep breathing is a very good way to become still and centered. 
  • Try journaling.  Quiet your mind and focus on the main areas in your life such as career, relationships, finances, etc. Write down and gently reflect on questions such as:
    • What worked for me in 2012?  
    • What didn't work well for me?   
    • What regrets do I have about situations or specific people?  
    • What would I like to improve in the new year?
    • What qualities do I want to manifest in a partner, job...  
  • Once you begin asking yourself such questions, know that the answers may come to you in different ways sometimes over several days.  Pay attention to your thoughts, dreams, interactions with others, etc. for insights and answers. 
Be sure to take advantage of my special offer by December 20, 2012, of a free session with every four purchased, which can be used by you or gifted to a loved one.  It will very likely be one of the most appreciated gifts you give and receive this season!


Blessings and warm regards to you always...  


Ellie Pechet, M.Ed. 


Get one Free Session, with every four purchased...
If you act by December 20, 2012 with the advance purchase of four sessions with me, receive one free session to give as a gift or to use yourself.  If you purchase eight session, receive two more sessions free!

This is an opportunity to take that step today and make needed changes in your life easily and permanently. You can call me at 508-237-4929 or email me at
[email protected].
Offer Expires: December 20, 2012
for testimonials and other information.
01Ellie-2011 head
For most immediate response, call me directly at  
c: 508-237-4929    Local Phoenix #: 602-923-1292