Issue 340
February 10, 2016
In This Issue
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Jesus Is The Door
So Jesus said to them ,
"Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."
John 10:7-10 NASB

So what does Jesus mean that He is the door? How does that work? It doesn't make sense until you see this picture of a sheepfold below:

Jesus is the one who stands in that opening to love His Sheep. He is the One through whom people can be saved.  He is the One who has come for us to have LIFE...and to have that LIFE ABUNDANTLY. 

Won't you enjoy Jesus being your Door this week?

Listen to Phil's message on I AM the Door online>>
mens retreat
Men's Retreat in San Clemente

Surfer's of Catan on March 11-13, 2016
Camping in San Clemente
Cost: $45
Sign up Deadline by March 3
Sign up or details contact KC: 
Promotional Info Online >>
Matinee @ Friedmans Feb. 13
Please join us on Saturday, February 13 at 1:00pm for a viewing of "War Room". It's a must-see for those who haven't yet, and a want-to-see-again for those who have.

Come and visit 1801 Montair Ave, Long Beach CA 90815. All are welcome!

More Information online >>
pancake bfast  
February Newsletter Online
  • From Where I Sit... Hear from Miles & Roxanne Fisher!
  • Young Adult Ministry
  • Burritos & Board Games on 2/27
  • Coffee House on Sundays
  • & more!
Pancake Breakfast & Help Needed
Get your breakfast Sat. Feb 20th and support our school. More details
To make this a successful event, we need your help! There are a host of ways to help.  

Start Up for Young Adult Ministries

Exciting stuff is brewing with our young adults!

New small groups, regular events, gatherings on Sunday mornings at 9am and much, much more. 

To find out all the details, go to our young adult ministry webpage: 
Help for Coffee Fellowship Time
Starting this week, we will need some help for our coffee time:
1) Bring some Baked Goods: We will need baked goods (homemade or store-bought) every Sunday. There will be a clipboard on the patio for sign-ups.
2) Be a part of the Team: We need folks who will set up, serve, clean up, or just hang out to encourage the Body!

For info or to sign up contact: Coordinator Karen Salas  

Honoring our Worship Team

On Sunday February 7th, we took some special time to honor members of our Worship Team for their long and loving service to our church family. Each of these have served more than one decade and some for three!  See more pics and info online

Genesis to Jesus Class

From Genesis to Jesus is a seven-lesson study about the major theme of the Bible.

We have pared down this study to what we think is absolutely essential for you to get a clear picture of what the Bible (and Christianity) is all about. 

9am on Sundays Room 15 by Mike Jentes 
Friday Coffee House
No Coffee House Friday Feb. 12th!

The Los Altos Coffee House happens in the Fellowship Hall on Friday mornings! Please come by between 7:00-9:30 to make relational connections with our school and church families and have a good cup of coffee!

Find out more info & to help >>
water for good
Water For Good AMAZING Report

From our partners working in the Central African Republic we received the followin:

We just released our 2015 Annual Report
Meet our team, check out the numbers, and find out how we're solving the water crisis for good!
Check out the report online >> 
J4Japan E-newsletter

Although we've been welcomed into this new life by a group of people here in California who have embraced us, not to mention, done everything possible to help us settle into this new place, the truth is it's still hard...

Read more from the Marin Family here>> 
precious lamb  
Report from Matt Higby

This month I reached the first milestone in my support raising process.I surpassed 25% of my financial target for special assignment ministry. What this means is that I am officially on salary with Encompass...

Check out the report online >> 
Precious Lamb Art Gala

Calling all volunteers for our 3rd Annual Art Gala 
Friday, April 29th 6:00-9:00pm

This fun, community-wide event needs lots of help to ensure its success...

Details on Helping online >>
Just a reminder on the adjustment to our Sunday times and add a special relational time into our morning groove: