Issue 332                                                                       
December 9, 2015
In This Issue
Quick Links
Join Us for Christmas Events
Favorite Christmas Musical Returns!

Wise Men Still Seek Him
Sunday morning, December 13th @ 10:15 am
Wes Tyvog repeats his stunning narrative: Little Lamb, Little Lamb with our Festival Choir and Soloists.

Happy Birthday Jesus Party
Sunday December 13 at 10:15am
In the Fellowship Hall
Age 4 -  Grade 5
One of the funnest times in our
Children's Ministry all year long!


Water for Good...this is  Update

"When we announced to our local staff in Africa the plan to drill a well in the Lomi neighborhood, our community trainer, Jean-Albert's reaction was "Oh! This is going to be tough!"...

Read When Water brings Peace >> 
Gifts DUE SUN., Delivery SATURDAY! 

By Sunday, Dec 13 - all gifts due back to Pete! Gifts must be wrapped and with the "Angel" label stuck to the outside.

Saturday Dec. 19 at 9am- our teams deliver the gifts. If you can help deliver gifts, contact our church coordinator Pete Anderson by email

Carleda Hutton in Local Newspaper

It was exciting today to see in the newspaper a great story on our own Carleda Hutton!

See the Article from the OC Register >> 
December Newsletter online!
All kinds of good stuff in this month's newsletter: From Where I Sit... Karen Salas gets personal with JESUS and much more!
December newsletter info >>

Online Church Directory

Did you know...our church has an online phone/address directory that you can access at anytime?!?!
Check out the page which has all the information on it and our smartphone app for this as well!

Our Online Church Directory >> 
Dollhouse Campership Raffle

An amazing Dollhouse has been donated to the church to raffle off for  Green Oak Ranch Camperships -subsidizing the cost for at-risk children to go to camp next year! Raffle tickets are available for a $5 donation each. DRAWING Sunday Dec. 20th! 
Details Online >>
Construction Help Needed

One of our own church family, Maria Marquez Acosta & her daughter Genesis, have recently moved into a new place, but it needs some construction work done. You don't have to have great expertise, we are just looking for some people willing to help. If you are interested in helping...

 Contact Pat Griffith at [714] 309 0952  >> 
Children's Workers NEEDED!
Nursery at 9am on the 3rd Sundays of the month.

Junior Church after worship {10:30am} for on the 4th Sundays of the month. Junior Church is for 1st- 5th graders.
Help us starting immediately!
Contact Cindi Stone >>

Cecil O'Dell Update

As we approach the end of 2015 we have seen God do many great things and seen many lives changed. With help from folks like you we are anticipating even more fruitfulness in 2016!

Read Cecil's latest update for more >> 
Help for Teachers in Chad 
Churches in the USA are partnering with the Chadian church to help start new Christian elementary schools and help their teachers get the training/ certification they need to lead those schools.  We are in an end of the year push to try to get the first 5 teachers into their certification program in January!

See Mike's latest update for more info >>