Issue 313                                                        
                     June 18, 2015 
In This Issue
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Names of God

Sunday, we took a quick look at the name God gave to Himself--Yahweh.

"Then Moses said to God, "Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel, and I will say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you.' Now they may say to me, 'What is His name?' What shall I say to them?" God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM"; and He said, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"  God, furthermore, said to Moses, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.' This is My name forever, and this is My memorial -name to all generations."
(Exodus 3:13-15 NASB)

Listen to Phil's 9 minute message introducing this topic online.

Madi Garcia in Haiti

This week, Madi Garcia took off for her 10 day trip to Haiti. Please be praying for her and for God to work in and through her...  

See news on her Facebook page >>
Read about the journey on her blog >>
Grads & Dads Sunday June 21!

We will celebrate our graduates this Sunday with a special time of recognition. And we won't forget our dads on Father's Day either!

See our Graduates >>

Get Text Messages from Us

This week, some of you might have received a text message from our church.  We are trying out this way of communication with our church family. If you didn't get it, we would love to have you get our text alerts!    

Text LosAltos to 51555 to get 'em >>
Summer Day Camps!

We are excited to host Science and Technology Summer Day Camps for students 1st - 6th grade. Our own Lee Wadsworth is directing this fun program!   We also have PreK and Kindergarten summer programs as well!

Find out More >>
College Pool Party July 7

College Group Pool Party - July 7 at 4pm

At Haley Helfer & Amy Witbeck's house   

There will be pizza, games, and a jacuzzi!

For more info contact Lydia Deaton 

For More Info Contact Lydia >>
Family Meeting June 28!

Save the Date - Sunday June 28 @ 9am Each year, we have a "Family Meeting" which is a time to review and celebrate the ministry.  Please put it on your calendar now!

More Information coming soon >>
Lock Up Men Needed

We have an amazing group of faithful men who unlock our facility on Sundays and then make sure it's locked back up again.  It's a rotating schedule and we need a few more men to join the team!


For More Info Contact Karen >>
Zellmer shared on Sunday

It was a joy to have our missionaries to the US Air Force Academy - Don & Danka Zellmer with us on Sunday.  Read up on what has been going on in their ministry below...

Read their recent update >>
Cecil O'Dell and his co-workers

We have an amazing group of workers among the Japanese here in Long Beach! Read Cecil's latest update and pray about helping fund him for more fruitfulness!  


Read these stories online >>
Matt Higby & Japanese Mission

Below is some news of Japanese students who recently met Jesus Christ through our witness and have decided to follow Him. I hope you're encouraged!

Read Matt's update >>
Encounter SoCal August 10-14

A cross-cultural experience in one of the most ethnically diverse geographic regions of the world - SoCal.  
August 10-14, 2015 (Mon 9am - Fri 4pm)

   A learning community of only 20 High School Seniors, College Students, and Adults. Talk to Mike J. if interested.  

Find out more online >>
Camp Rally Night July 8

Save the Date - Wednesday, July 8 @ 6:30pm.  Meet the Camp Staff, get your questions answered, and your final payment is due!   Please put it on your calendar now!

Info on Green Oak Ranch >>
The Dates are set: Sunday, August 2 - Saturday, August 8, 2015  

Our Theme for 2015 is set: 2015-GOR-GlowInTheDark

Registration is now Open! Check out the Green Oak Ranch 2015 webpage for all the details about registration and more!
Donate now! Help us provide for dozens of children get to Green Oak Ranch camp this August. We are raising $10,000 for "camperships" so kids who are at-risk or who need financial assistance can be there.  Please help these children
have a life-transforming camp experience this year!

Faith Changes Everything! 
We felt impressed upon by God through a fellow pending missionary to visit a place I had never heard of before: Giurgiu, a town of about 55,000
... read more here >>
Donate now... every dollar helps bring clean water to Central Africans!

Mobilizing the Church for the Sake of the Least Reached  --  June 2015
Last month I shared about a vision trip heading to Chad, and that trip was a great success.  We are actually in the process of building at least 3 coalitions to aid
... read more here >>