Issue 269                  
                                 May 7, 2014 
In This Issue
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As we got back into our "Tour of 1 Corinthians," we encountered a passage which on the surface doesn't look like it really applies to us--food sacrificed to idols. Even after spending time on this passage the week before, there was more to unpack.

In reality this passage has pervasive principles to apply in how we live out our Christian life. We also jumped into a similar passage in Romans 14 to give us some handles on how to live this out.

Now accept the one who is weak in faith, but not for the purpose of passing judgment on his opinions. (Romans 14:1 NASB)

Again we see that the point of the passage though is to come alongside and defer to the weaker brother. To demonstrate love, not arrogance towards other Christians.

Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand. (Romans 14:4 NASB)

The point is simple: I trust Jesus. I trust Jesus in Your life. I trust Him with You! I don't have to judge you, but rather trust

For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself; for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord's. For to this end Christ died and lived again, that He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living. (Romans 14:7-9 NASB). 

Jesus is our All in All! Our purpose is to belong to Him and do what He says!

Those who are stronger have to educate those who are weaker. This actually demonstrates love for the walk of faith for another believer! Let's love one another!

Listen to Pastor Phil's message online

Gospel Concert May 10th @ 6pm

One of the most unique outreach tools for the Japanese is Black Gospel music. We have the privilege of hosting the Long Beach Japanese Cornerstone Gospel Choir at Los Altos Grace. It's Free, Enjoy!

Read more about how Black Gospel is having impact on the least reached Japanese >
Cecil O'Dell and Japanese Disciples

Making disciples of Christ who join together in local churches and spiritual families is one of our primary goals. It is always exciting to participate in the public testimony of our new believers as they are baptized....   Read this story and much more from Cecil!.

Read the rest from Cecil >
Precious Lamb

Precious Lamb Update

Website redesign, A Happy Mother's Day greeting and a Cocktail Party Fundraiser on Friday May 9th, 6-9pm!

The latest info on Precious Lamb >
May Newsletter Online

We have the latest scoop on Green Oak Ranch, Char Hauser, the Gripentrogs, the Kinjos and much, much more! "

View/Download/Print the Newsletter >


Baptism Coming Up This Spring!

Getting Baptized is such a profound spiritual milestone. We look forward to having a special time together as a church family celebrating those who want to follow the Lord that way. Contact the office or one of the Elders if you are interested!

More about Baptism >
Church Directory Review

We have been updating our church directory and want to ask you to review your listing and send any changes to us via email to
You can download it at the link below. The password is " lagbc "

Church Directory Link >

THANK YOU TO THE LAGBC FAMILY from Denny & Linda Hehn 

To to our church family for praying for us while we were on our mission trip to Gleanings for the Hungry.   During the week our team mad over 500,000 servings of soup mix, 31 quilts, and put new upholstery on some of the vehicles used on the compound. We were all blessed by the YWAM staff missionaries and had a great experience.

-Denny and Linda Hehn


Return to Indonesia

During the 25 years since we (the Gripentrogs) departed from Indonesia, the ministries with which we had the privilege of serving have continued to grow...We are going back... 
Summer Fun Programs

Registration is now open for our "Summer Fun Pre- school Program." We will have a special weekly international theme.

Summer Day Camp for Technology and Science for elementary students is also gonna be great!

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