Issue 258          
                                   January 30, 2014 
In This Issue
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The Spirit In Us
The Spirit knows the deep things of God & us!
The Spirit, since He is God, knows exactly what goes on in God's mind. As a Christian, we each possess the Holy Spirit and He helps us to know what God wants us to know.

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God...
(1 Corinthians 2:12 NASB)
The Spirit enlightens us to understand and beyond that He applies the Word to us!

When God reveals something to you, it's God's heart to have us share that with others! Don't keep it to yourself, but share what God has given you. 

Sharing it, doesn't mean everyone will understand it though.  The Scripture continues by saying:

But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. (1 Corinthians 2:14 NASB)

Listen to Phil's entire message online or on iTunes

Supper For 6
Precious Lamb
A Relational Way to Connect!

Supper for 6 is an opportunity for six people to get together three times in three months to enjoy fun, food, and fellowship.


New Year @ Precious Lamb

New year, new classroom and new precious faces at Precious Lamb Preschool.

See the latest e-newsletter >

February Newsletter  
Dave Guiles

February Newsletter

Check out the news in our church and in our mission staff around the world:

Long Beach Japanese Outreach, David and Anne Bashore, Water For Good, Update from the Kinjos and much, much more... 


Read/Download Online >

Dave Guiles @LosAltosGrace

This Sunday Feb. 2nd, Executive Director of  Encompass World Partners will be with us: 


9 am in the Connected Class

10:15am Worship Service

Check out the calendar >

McNeely Memorial

Sunday, February 15th   

at 3pm at Los Altos Grace 


Reception to follow.   


Help needed with setup, tear down, food and serving.  


Details & signup online >

  Patty Morris
Patty Morris News

Our mission administrator with Encompass World Partners in France, Patty Morris, shares her January update.

Read it online >

Gripentrog News

Dear Ministry Partner,
2014 marks the 38th year that Denyse and I have had the privilege
of serving as OC missionaries...
Check out their newsletter >

House Church
Gobbles Moving -- Help Needed!

Our beloved KC, Erin and Dylan are moving but the place they are moving to needs some work. They need all kinds of help to make this move happen in a timely fashion
Contact Erin if you can help 562 682 7492>

Housing Needed

Several other people in our church family have housing needs.  If you or someone you know, has rooms or apartments for rent...  

Please email the office >

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