Issue 254       
                                   January 9, 2014 
In This Issue
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Light In A Dark World
Thoughts from Isaiah
In a passage many look at in December, we looked at Isaiah chapter 9 and it's broader context.

"The people who walk in darkness

Will see a great light;
Those who live in a dark land,
The light will shine on them."

We know that our world had a great light appear when Jesus came. In Isaiah's prophecy he describes, Jesus with 4 amazing titles which are worth another look:

Wonderful Counselor

Don't we all want someone wonderful to care for us? That's what Jesus is for us.

Mighty God

We often refer to God as "Almighty." Isn't it great that our God is strong and not merely sitting on a shelf?

Everlasting Father

He is forever. He's never off the job. Jesus serves us in ways much like a father. He wants what is best for us.  He also said, that "I and the Father are one." (And remember that the term God belongs to more than just the Father...but to all three!)

Prince of Peace
The Gospel is about peace. The fruit of righteousness is peace. Peace is from God and Jesus is the one who can really bring it.

He is our light in the darkness!
Supper For 6
Precious Lamb
A Relational Way to Connect in 2014!

Supper for 6 is an opportunity for six people to get together three times in three monthsto enjoy fun, food, and fellowship.   


Read the details & sign-up online >

New Classroom Celebration

Celebrate with Precious Lamb their "ribbon cutting" Saturday 10-noon!

More info & to RSVP >

Water for Good
Water for Good - 226 Pumps in 2013!

12 months of work in the midst of a war...and Water for Good did all this work!

See the Picture of all 226! >

International Day of Solidarity

Pray for peace in the Central African Republic joining with thousands Jan. 20! 

More info >

Women's Retreat
Ray Hauser
Women's Retreat 2/21-23

Rising Above Life's Storms with Carol Hopson.
Register Now!...and if you can't go we need scholarships for women who have financial hardship.

Registration Deadline January 26 (More Info) >

Happy New Year from Ray & Char Hauser

A New Year's Greeting and latest update from the Hausers.
Register >

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