MidWeek E-Newsletter
Issue: # 236                                  
July 10, 2013
Over the last few weeks we have had the privilege to hear from the hearts of three men in our Community of Elders. It has been beautiful, challenging and encouraging to hear their hearts. 

A couple weeks back, it was Pete Anderson with "Reflections On My Birthday." Pete boldly took the time to walk us through Psalm 90 and the ups and downs of his own life on his birthday. This ten minute testimony was powerful...

A week ago, Mike McGinnis took us to the Old Testament and challenged us to "Pay Attention to our Focus and Watch Out for Discontentment." In the compelling story of Naaman and Gehazi from 2 Kings chapter 5, we found some lifelong challenges.

Listen to the message from Mike online here

View the Powerpoint Presentation online

This past Sunday, we interviewed Allen Witbeck. Allen is a constant presence on the platform on Sundays and part of the Community of Elders. His heart for the Lord and for our Church Family is huge. We thought it would be good to get to know more of the Heart of our Worship leader.

Allen shared some key verses from his lifelong journey- 
  • "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good." Romans 12:9
  • "We urge you, brothers and sisters, to do so more and more,and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you,so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody." 1 Thessalonians 4:10-12
  • "Blessed is the one
        who does not walk in step with the wicked
    or stand in the way that sinners take
        or sit in the company of mockers,
    but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
        and who meditates on his law day and night.
    That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
        which yields its fruit in season
    and whose leaf does not wither-
        whatever they do prospers..."   Psalm 1 

There were many more gold nuggets from Allen's candid sharing, so listen in to this interview online.   




This week our team of 21 people are headed home after serving on the Philippine island of Boracay.    


You can read a blog post by Phil  

Also you can

see pics and more on Facebook 

Please be praying for their trip home.   

"We leave for Honolulu tomorrow evening.  The 10th here but the 9th back at home.  Please pray for our health,  some of us have been sick.  We have several long flights.  We return on the 11th at 11:59 pm." 


Operation Boracay Webpage
All In

Wednesday, July 10th 

at 6:30pm 


-You will meet the camp staff.  

-All camp questions will be answered.

-Your final camp payment is due.


Scholarships for Campers still needed! 
If you can help donate to help kids come to know the Lord and grow in Him, we could use your gift for students this year!

A Few Slots Still Remain... 
 If you haven't registered yet, there are still a few slots available! The stuff you need to know and the forms you need are all online. Check out the pics and videos from last year and see our theme of ALL IN!


Friday July 12 from 6-9pm  

at Los Altos Grace (Fellowship Hall).     


Thanks to Cecil O'Dell and Joshua Chandler- a summer intern from Moody Bible Institute--for getting things together!  We are excited to host at Los Altos, and we are gonna need some help!!

Let us know if you would be willing to do any of the following:

1) Transportation- pick up/drop off student(s)

2) Food coordinator.

3) Be a Table Talk person - conversation leader(Question asker!!!)

4) Help Setup/Clean up

5) Could you lead/play an Americana folk song? (ex: Yankee Doodle Dandy, others) Maybe give a little history with it and teach it to our group.

You can let Josh Chandler know direct how you could help -- 


More info and an invitation for others on our webpage 

Cecil & Debbie O'Dell
Discipling the Japanese with Encompass World Partners 

Cecil works among the Japanese here in the Greater LA to reach them for Jesus and equip them to be spiritual leaders. Read more about current ministry updates online.

Also there are hospitality needs for Japanese Cecil for more information!

If you would like to financially support the ministry of Cecil & Debbie you are welcome to do so through your regular offering, or you can use the Donation button above to do so online! 

We have a golden opportunity to share the love of Christ with the Japanese in our own homes!

Compass USA has been bringing students from the Osaka, Japan area for the last 7 years.  This year 110 middle school students are visiting America through this particular program.  Their stay in the Long Beach area is from 10/31 - 11/4. The students arrive early afternoon on Thursday, go to Disneyland on Friday, spend the weekend with their host family and then depart on Monday morning.

Last year some of our church family hosted students:
"We really enjoyed hosting two girls last fall.  Nanako and Tomoyo were sweet and appreciated our time together. They were eager to try all kinds of food and to go to the mall and the beach.  It was hard to say goodbye at the end of the weekend.  We loved hosting these two girls and are signed up for this Fall!" - Shelly Deaton

Again, it's a short stay, but a great investment.  It provides a great opportunity to engage with the other side of the world in our own home as well as a simple opportunity to love them with Christ's love.  In exchange, your family has the opportunity to get a scholarship for your children to travel to another country:  Japan, France or Spain.  You can see the details here at .

In any case, I'd love to partner with you in the gospel. Please call me 562.879.0191 or email if you have any questions about hosting.
In Christ,
Amy Lachica

Our Newsletter is jammed with great stuff for the summer...  

  1. Congrats Grads! 

  2. LABS Summer Day Camp 

  3. Jr. High Localpaloosa 

  4. Team Boracay 

  5. Encompass World Partners 

  6. Opportunity to Host Japanese Students 

  7. Patty Morris Praises 

  8. Please Pray

Download / Print the Summer Newsletter (PDF)
Unknown For Protection UPDATE
They are taking a scouting trip this summer and need $2500 more to make it possible.  Would you pray / give for this need to be met! They are going to an important part of our word to see about their next assignment!

If you would like to financially support them you are welcome to do so through your regular offering, or you can use the Donation button above to do so online! 

Fri- Sat, August 2-3.

At Calvary Chapel Chino Hills  


All the Speakers, Schedule & Details Online 


Contact Bruce Harman if you want to go, as the group is car pooling from our church.  


We had a generous donation of new computers for our computer lab at Los Altos Brethren School.  Our old systems are available for purchase.  


It's a great deal at only $50.   


Contact Lee Wadsworth for more details.  


Press on!

Los Altos Grace // Mike Jentes
Los Altos Grace Brethren Church