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  May 2014


 What a Lizard Showed Me About God

by Sue Hume 



I made a risky parenting decision when my daughter was in sixth grade. She had recovered from a long illness and I felt she deserved something special.  


"What would you like?" I asked.


"A leopard gecko," she said. "They're really cool."


"A lizard?"


"Yeah, you don't have to walk them and they don't bite. Pleeeeze!"


So off we went to our local pet store for further research. Satisfied the reptile would not require much work on my part, we left the shop with our new family member safely stuffed into a small cardboard box. 


What surprised me was how well my child took care of "Buzz." She never forgot to feed him with his daily allotment of five crickets, and regularly gave him fresh water, cleaned his aquarium and replaced the burnt out heat lamp.


As I've watched their relationship over the years, it reminds me of how God is always my provider. Not in the sense he sends cricket manna each morning. But as Psalm 54:4 (NIV) says, "Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me."


Life can be difficult, yet God is faithful to give me what I need when I need it. Perhaps it's strength to make it through another day or peace in the midst of unsettling circumstances. Sometimes it's just a few words from the Bible which nourish my soul.


Buzz is now ten-years-old and my daughter continues to look after him. I admire her commitment and love for a creature who offers little in return. Maybe the gecko purchase wasn't such a bad idea after all.


More Joni Memories

Children's class volunteers
Volunteers from children's class



Joni with Patti Payne, Barnabas

floor monitor


John, Lanae and Nick Doiron

(spoke Saturday night)

Sharing a smile with Rachel Martin.

My favorite Joni quote from the weekend:


"The weaker I am, the harder I lean on Jesus. And the harder I lean on Jesus, the stronger I discover him to be."

Sue Hume



    Meet the Germann Family



How did you first get involved with the Barnabas Disability Ministry?

I (Bonnie) was invited to the Special Moms bible study several years ago by Lanae Doiron.  It was nice to get to know other mothers of children with disabilities.  They were encouraging and accepting.  And I liked the biblical focus.


Tell us a little about your family and the kids' disabilities.

Dan and I have been married for eighteen years.  Dan is a software engineer and I am a stay-at-home mom.  Our daughter, Gretchen, is fifteen and has Down Syndrome and Autism.  She has been part of an adaptive dance group for ten years, and she also loves to sing.  Our son, Jonathan, is almost fourteen and has Autism.  He enjoys swimming, and is a story-teller.


Why did you decide to start attending Grace?

Our children were in Sunday School classes at our former church, and for awhile we had helpers who would go with them to class and help them participate.  But once they got into the upper grade classes, we noticed two things.  It was harder for them to comprehend the material being discussed, and it was difficult for them to make and maintain friendships with their typical peers.  We saw a real need for them to have good, ongoing friendships with Christian friends their age.  We knew of the Barnabas Ministry through the bible study, and thought this might be a good place for that to happen.  Dan and I visited Grace and it was immediately clear that the biblical teaching on Sunday mornings was spot-on.  That was something that was very important to us.  We came back the next week with Gretchen and Jonathan.


What changes have you seen in your children since they've been involved in Barnabas?

They have friends they look forward to seeing every week.  And they really enjoy going to church.  The teen and young adult class is a great fit for them.  They're surrounded by young men and women who love Jesus and by teachers who love them right where they're at.  The teachers follow the same schedule every week, and our kids know what to expect.  Having consistency from week to week really helps them.  Jonathan has also developed a special friendship with Officer Josh Nelson, one of Grace's security team members.  Josh has gone out of his way to befriend Jonathan, even showing him his office and telling him about his job.


What do you like most about Barnabas?

There is a place for our kids to belong at church.  I don't dread going to church anymore and worrying about how Gretchen and Jonathan are going to do.  They are accepted where they're at.  I like the fellowship of the other Barnabas families.  It's been nice to get to know the other parents and consider them dear friends.  We know they understand.  And Dan and I also have the opportunity to grow spiritually because we are freed up to attend the church service.  Dan also enjoys the monthly men's bible study for the Barnabas dads.


Both Gretchen and Jonathan were in the performance Saturday night following Joni's talk. How did they prepare for that?

Josiah's (one of their classmates) mother taught the class the sign language for the song "As It Is In Heaven" (the Lord's Prayer).  They practiced in class each week.  Gretchen liked to practice at home, too, even without the music!  We also heard that she had been doing it at school -- and they enjoyed it.


Joni drew a picture for Jonathan's class when she visited on Sunday. What was Jonathan's reaction to watching Joni draw?

Jonathan's answer: It was kind of entertaining.  I did not know people could do that (draw a picture with a pen in their mouth).  She did a good job.  A very good job.


Anything else you'd like to add?

We are very thankful that God led us to Grace.  We felt very welcomed and included by everyone we met.  God is very good to us.



Next respite:

Friday, May 9, 2014, 6-9 p.m. To register, contact DeAnn Hopper at or 612-432-1388.


Last classes:

Sunday, May 18 will be the last regular class until fall for the Children's class, Teen/Young Adult Class in M212 and the Adult Class in M213.


However, we will offer summer programming for the Children's class. We will notify families with further details.



The Men Turned Out


We had a wonderful gathering of forty-five men for the pancake breakfast held on Saturday, April 5. The event was designed for all men affected by disability, whether a dad, grandfather, uncle, brother, caregiver, or volunteer.


After dining on the delicious pancakes, the Higher Call Quartet led worship. Their songs were inspirational and entertaining.




Then Kempton Turner, youth pastor at Bethlehem Baptist and father of a son with special needs, encouraged us with his talk from Isaiah 43: 1-7.  The theme was "Fear Not: Fearless Men, Faithful God."  He explained we do not need to fear affliction on this earth.  When we go through affliction, and we will, it will not overwhelm us because God is with us and we can rely on His strength.





 A Parent's Journey from
Weakness to Power
by Jon Ebersole
I collapsed on my bed feeling like a failure as a father - again.  I had become impatient with my daughter, Amanda, while helping with her nightly routine. Hadn't I just recently raised my voice at my other daughter, Jessica, during her driving practice? 
Feeling like a failure had become commonplace.  In my head I understood that Amanda and Jessica's cerebral palsy and premature births had affected their ability to function.  But, somehow I couldn't keep this in perspective when it came to showing them kindness and patience. 
(Read more). (This article will be available until May 15).