Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church Spire

June 15, 2015    

In This Issue

In the Life of Our Congregation  


Data not available for this issue. 


Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry


June 19
Ephesians 2:13
But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ 


June 26
Ephesians 3:16
I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his spirit. 

Contact a pastor or Carl Krohn for more information about this ministry.
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       Children's Nurture 


The Diaper Drive was a HUGE Success! We collected a total of 3,414 diapers to donate to Fish

and Loaves. Thank you for all the donations!  


  The Children's Nurture Commission (CNC) wishes to thank the more than 60 volunteers who participated in the

planning, teaching, supervising of and participating in the many activities of children's Sunday School.

  Thanks also for signing up to participate in the 2015-2016 school year.  A few volunteers are still needed.

  Please contact Jan Holmes or the CNC Elders if you would like to help out.
  From all of us at GIPC, we thank the CNC for  delicious dessert and fellowship on Sunday, June 14th!

Sending Sunday


Young Adult Mission Trip
   Our prayers for a safe journey go to our Young Adults on their long weekend mission trip to Flint, MI to work with Forge Flint, repairing homes for those unable to do so themselves. May you realize God's presence in your efforts!

York Connection


Tips For Seniors


Password, please...
   Your computer passwords are deadbolts to your personal information. Choose them carefully! The two most common (and least secure) passwords used in the US today are" 1234567" and "password." Most on-line financial institution sites require passwords to contain more than six figures, have both upper and lower case letters and some numerals to make them secure. If you have complied by capitalizing one or two letters and adding your birth date to an existing password, it may work fine but the next time you log-in to a secure web site, you may have difficulty recalling the combination you used for that particular account. Clicking on "I've forgotten my password" will require you to wait for an e-mail message and change your password once more!

   Instead, consider using a combination of first letters and numbers of things known only to you to create a safe, easy to remember password. Here are a few examples:
* If you use a familiar name, a date of birth, and the name of a deceased pet. Your password might look like this: Clark Kent + May 5, 1946 + Fido = CK050546F.
* Using your favorite automobile, a date in history and a cartoon character, your password might appear this way: 1964 Ford Torino + Pearl Harbor + Bugs Bunny = 64FT1207BB.
* Your favorite color, an address and your granddaughter's name could produce a password such as this: Yellow + 10301 Slocum + Jennifer Smith = Y10301SJS.

   Although quite simple, your new password will be theft proof. To you, it will be logical and easy to remember. It is still a good idea to jot your passwords down and keep them locked in a safe place, in case you do forget them.

                                                        Chief Runamuck



"Feeling Fit" Class  continues through the summer on Thursdays at 10:30 am.  Class meets for 45 minutes. All levels are welcome, $5 drop in fee.  


Game Day

Join us this summer for a friendly game of euchre or dominoes (Mexican Trains) every Wednesday starting at 2:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. All adults welcome!! (No dinners during the summer.)


Farewell, Terrie Thurlow!

   Our Administrative Assistant for the past 12 1/2 years, Terrie and her husband are moving to South Carolina. We will miss you! Many thanks for all your hard work! Our best to you and Don in your retirement years! 

   GIPC is searching for a new Administrative Assistant. To view the qualifications and job requirements, please visit our website Home Page at for details. Submit resumes, by email only, to [email protected].



   Just Us Ladies Interested in Events Together activities are open to all Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church women and their guests. Occasionally we open our activities to men. Generally, fees paid are non-refundable unless there is a person to take the vacated spot. Rides to events are available upon request. A more detailed brochure of planned activities should arrive in your 'snail mail' shortly.


  Please note our new programming for Summer and Fall 2015. Further details and sign-ups at the Crossroads will be available in advance of each event.
Friday, July 24th
   Carpool to MCTOS (The Redford Theater) for an 8 pm show on The "Shawshank Redemption". Cost is $5.00 per person. Meet at Daddy's Restaurant (near Southland) at 5:30 for dinner, arriving at the theater by 7:30 for an old- time theater organ concert.

Saturday, August 1st
4 pm.
   Picnic/Potluck on the river at the home of Sue Hurst. Main dish and lemonade are provided. Bring your own table setting and sign up to bring an appetizer, salad, side dish or dessert to pass.

   Afternoon movie at MJR in Southgate; dinner afterwards. Date, time and details to be determined.

Tuesday, October 27th
    7 am-6 pm. Cleveland Museum of Art
"Painting in the Modern Garden: Monet-Matisse"
Leave GIPC by bus at 7 am. Tour the traveling exhibit from the London Museum. Cost includung the bus and admission to the exhibit is $55; additional cost: your lunch.
November 21st
  7:30 pm. Theater on the Avenue in Wyandotte
Back by overwhelming demand: 3 Men and a Tenor!
Tickets $20.


Suggestions for JULIETs activities are always welcome. Please contact a board member or Jan Holmes by calling the church office (734-676-8811).


JULIETs Board Members: Melva Barstow, Addie Firnschild, Jan Holmes, Susan Hurst, Carol Krohn, Madge McGoorty and Lea Schelke.


The Spire is a publication of the Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church, 7925 Horsemill Road, Grosse Ile, Michigan. The purpose of this newsletter is to share news and information about GIPC and our denomination.

Contributions are invited and encouraged. The Communications Commission reserves the right to accept or reject submissions and to edit to fit available space or for style and consistency.

Material is due six business days before the first or the fifteenth of the month. Emailed submissions should be sent to [email protected].

Please contact the church office or a member of the Communications Commission if you have any questions. Communications Commission: Sue Ashley, Marta Kramer, Ray Kramer, Carl Krohn, Nancy Morrison