Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church Spire

May 15, 2015    

In This Issue

In the Life of Our Congregation  



April 12   154
April 19   176
April 26   183
May 3      181



Pam and Bob Kubic; Barb Poco; Bev Arnesen; Sharon Marshall; Toni Steffke 


Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry

May 17
Psalm 1:6
For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish. 


May 24
Romans 8:24-25
For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. 


May 31
Isaiah 6:3
And one called to another and said: " Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory.


Stephen Ministry Hours
14 Hours

Contact a pastor or Julie Gloor for more information about this ministry.
GIPC Connections
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You Are Invited!
From "beach breakfast" to "cook-out" at GIPC!


All GIPCers are welcome!  

   The Children's Nurture Commission invites you to a cook-out dinner on Wednesday, May 20th at 6 pm. in Fellowship Hall. Menu: Grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, coleslaw, chips. Cost? Bring a dessert to pass. Youth Nurture is providing lawn games. 
   Please sign up at the crossroads so we know how much food to buy.

Memorial Garden Service

  You are invited to join us for worship on Sunday, May 24, 2015 at 9:30 am. This poignant service includes prayers, the reading of the names of those interred in the Memorial Garden, and the Sacrament of the Lord's

Supper. Many regard this service as very helpful in their ongoing grief, reflection on and remembrance of their

loved ones.
   You are also most welcome to join us at 8:15 or 10:30 am. for traditional worship in the sanctuary. 

York Connection


Tips For Seniors 

When is it time to give up the car keys?
   Targeting adults with elderly parents, this article also speaks to conscientious, older persons who may be acknowledging diminished driving skills. Often, folks are capable of driving well into their 80s but the ability of some can be compromised earlier by illness, medication, or age-related factors. An average of 500 elderly persons in the U.S. are injured in car crashes every day and, according to the CDC, the fatal crash rate per mile driven increases yearly, beginning at age 75. Signs that indicate it may be time to limit or stop driving altogether are frequent close calls, getting lost, inability to see the road and becoming distracted easily. You may have recognized some of these signs, already.
   Your attitude can make a world of difference when it becomes necessary for your adult son or daughter to speak to you about your driving skills. If you recognize a change in your own ability to drive safely, endeavor to make it less awkward for your "kids" by being less defensive, trusting their judgment and accepting their decisions.
   The AARP offers these tips to assist adult children with this difficult and challenging task:
*Take a ride to assess your parent's driving skills: be observant about how he/she handles situations involving right-of-way (one of the most common driving errors) and follow-up with a carefully worded debriefing, afterwards.
*Maintain a respectful, sympathetic tone: driving represents autonomy, mobility, and social life to an elderly parent. Because you love them, you want them to be healthy, mobile and independent, as long as possible.
*Provide alternatives to driving: determine ways for them to continue their current activities, even if unable to drive there themselves.
*If necessary, get a professional involved: schedule a medical appointment to determine if eyesight, illness or medication is affecting their driving. Consider having your parent's skills assessed by a professional driving clinic.
*Maintain an open, ongoing dialogue: return to the topic periodically, evaluating your parent's driving continually. Restricting him/her to familiar local driving, or to daylight hours may meet the goal of keeping your parent active and safe.                                                    Chief Runamuck


Friday Flix
"The One Hundred-Foot Journey" will show at 2 pm. on Friday, June 12, 2015. Tasty popcorn!


"Feeling Fit" Class  continues through the summer on Thursdays at 10:30 am.  Class meets for 45 minutes. All levels are welcome, $5 drop in fee. No class on May 21. 
Game Day

Join us this summer for a friendly game of euchre, bridge or dominoes every Wednesday starting at 2:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. All adults welcome.


Green Team News


   A special thanks to Steve Benton, Carl Krohn and Kelsey Waugh, who joined Susan Coolsaet, Don Ledbetter and Doug Ledbetter for the spring clean up of our church grounds. The flower and shrub beds are ready for the Adopt a Plot folks to maintain for the growing season.
  There are still plots available for adoption. Adopting a small plot is an easy and fun way to insure that

our church grounds always look their "Sunday best". A poster with a map of the grounds and plots and a sign

up sheet is at the crossroads. Flowers will be available for planting later this month for specific areas.

Pull weeds and tidy up your plot at your convenience twice a month. What a nice family activity, or sign up with a friend to double your pleasure!
   A shout out to Westcroft Gardens for the discount they provide GIPC for our flowers. Please support this island gem when purchasing flowers for your home.

- Leigh Krauss

Pentecost "Special Offering"

When you give to the Pentecost Offering, you help bring God's transforming, redeeming love to children at risk, guide and nurture young people's growing faith, and provide opportunities for young adults to become spiritual leaders---all in the name of Jesus Christ.
   Forty percent of the offering stays within our own congregation to support ministries that help youth and children at risk. Last year GIPC was able to support the Taylor Teen Substance Abuse Task Force which runs a summer camp for at-risk children of alcoholic parents/caregivers in the Downriver area from the local portion of the offering.
   Special Pentecost Offering envelopes may be found in the pew racks in the Sanctuary.  Please give generously.

                         Your Mission and Stewardship Committee


The Spire is a publication of the Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church, 7925 Horsemill Road, Grosse Ile, Michigan. The purpose of this newsletter is to share news and information about GIPC and our denomination.

Contributions are invited and encouraged. The Communications Commission reserves the right to accept or reject submissions and to edit to fit available space or for style and consistency.

Material is due six business days before the first or the fifteenth of the month. Emailed submissions should be sent to

Please contact the church office or a member of the Communications Commission if you have any questions. Communications Commission: Sue Ashley, Marta Kramer, Ray Kramer, Carl Krohn, Nancy Morrison