Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church Spire
November 15, 2014     
In This Issue
Afternoon Birds
Fort Street Open Door
Church Has Left the Building
York Connection
Green Team
New Bible Book Club
Women's Advent Tea
Women's Retreat

In the Life of Our Congregation  



October 12      174
October 19      227
October 26      159
November 2     185 



Mike, Christie, Elizabeth and Andrew Sellers; Cassandra Lucas; James Johnson; Ellen Mosher; Bri Tackett; Alex Burkhart;  Larry and Jeanne Todd; Victoria, Maverick and Dexter Adedapo; Reese Thomas; Virginia Wagner; MaryLou
Snider; Steve and Shannon Payne 



Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry


November 16

Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we willreap a harvest if we do not give up.   

November 23
Psalm 13:6
I will sing the Lord's praise, for he has been good to me.

November 30
Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Stephen Ministry Hours

October: 12 Hours

Contact a pastor or Julie Gloor for more information about this ministry.
GIPC Connections
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Afternoon Birds
Early Birds is now known as the Afternoon Birds, a Prayer and Bible
Study group that meets on 
Wednesdays at 1:30 pm in the Fireside Room. Open to all who are interested.

Fort Street

Open Door 

Help others keep warm this winter!

Clean seasonal clothing is always needed at the Fort Street Open Door.
Please put items in plastic bags marked

"Fort Street"

and place them in the closet at the bottom of the stairs by the west entrance door.


The Church Has Left The Building 
Youth and Children Are Out There!
Middlers WIRED!  is a special opportunity for students in 6th-8th grades. We meet most Wednesday nights during the school year from 6:00 to 7:15 pm for a fun evening of faith exploration and friendship.
Friends are always welcome!
Coming up:
11/19: ChristNet (6:30-8:00pm)
11/26: Interfaith Worship Service 7pm
12/3: Family Christmas Dinner
Coats for Kids
The past two years GIPC youth have collected coats for the children of Harms Elementary School in Southwest Detroit for Christmas but this year, we are doing it a bit earlier so that the children can have their coats when it starts getting cold out. We need help from all the youth!
Coat Collection continues through Sunday, November 23, 2014.
Coats will be delivered on Monday, November 24, 2014.
Diaper Drive

Children's Nurture and the children of the church continue collecting packages of children's disposable diapers through November 23rd. They will be donated to Fish and Loaves, our mission project for this year. The need is great so any help you can be will be greatly appreciated. Leave your donations at the Crossroads. 
York Connection


Tips For Seniors


Will your Thanksgiving be stressful or fun?
Thanksgiving can be a stressful time for hosts as well as for seniors and their caregivers. If a loved one is beginning to show signs of lucidity or is losing physical capability, a normally gleeful family gathering can take a turn for the worst. For most people, Thanksgiving is a fun and festive occasion but for some, it is an emotionally challenging time. To avoid facing emotional or physical challenges this Thanksgiving, we suggest that seniors follow these helpful tips:
*Don't dine alone: even if you don't have family members to celebrate the holiday with, many senior centers provide Thanksgiving meals. Sharing the holiday experience with others may help to lift your spirits, while providing you with a hearty, healthy meal.
*Avoid overdrinking: limit your intake to no more than one or two alcoholic drinks per day. If you overindulge, you could suffer negative social and physical repercussions.
*Watch what you eat: although you may be tempted to eat everything in sight, calories and fat still count during the holidays. Overeating can lead to health problems, such as heartburn or a heart attack.
*Focus on your health: if you feel out of the ordinary this holiday season, don't hesitate to set up an appointment with your doctor. Colds, flu, and depression are more common during the colder months.
-Quinn Korzeniecki, November 28th, 2013 Health & Lifestyle  


Yoga "Feeling Fit" Class

Join us at 10:30 am. on Thursdays. All ages and levels of mobility are welcome. Class cost $5 per session and meets for 45 minutes.


Game Day

Come play a friendly game of euchre, bridge or dominoes every Wednesday starting at 2:00 pm. in the Fellowship Hall. Stay for dinner at 6 pm. Only 4$ per person. Great Food!

All adults welcome.

Green Team


THANK YOU for working to spruce up the church grounds! The following people shared their time and energy at the fall clean up: Steve and Kathy Benton, Melva Barstow, Sandy and David Bettinger,  Judy Dever, Carl Krohn, Greg Gentler, Carole Poleski, Jeanne Kennedy, Bill Jambeau, Robert Coolsaet and Doug Ledbetter. Leaves were raked, weeds and annuals pulled, shrubs trimmed and bulbs planted to keep our church home beautiful. The next Green Team event will be in the spring. Plan to join us then!   

 - Leigh Krauss

Bible Book Club 
   Adult Nurture is offering an evening Bible Study beginning in November. "Bible Book Club" will be hosted by Leah Iglehart at her home 1640 Kenwood in Trenton on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month 7:00-8:00 p.m. 
Sign up at the Crossroads or contact Leah for further information.
Women's Advent Tea 


  xmas-tree-icon.gif All girls and women are invited to attend the Women's Advent Tea on Sunday, November 30, at 3 pm. Bring your friends! Decorate a table or sign up to bring finger food treats or just attend the wonderful program and tea. Any way you choose, reservations are being taken at the Crossroads. 

Annual Women's Retreat 


   Mark your calendar now for the 2015 Women's Retreat --
January 30, 31, 2015, at Weber's Inn in Ann Arbor. This year's speaker is Rev. Jill Mills and her subject will be
"The What, When, How of Prayer".Rev. Mills is a newly ordained minister who came to the ministry after 30 years as an engineering manager. Her first pastoral call is at New Life Presbyterian Church in Sterling Heights.

   Sign up at the Crossroads. Reserve your room and decide what you'd like for dinner. In the meantime, make certain you've locked in the date on your own calendar. We're back in the retreat business after a year's absence, and we want all of you to be part of the warmth and friendliness of this annual getaway.

   Prayer Partners: We asked last winter, in the absence of a Women's Retreat, that you continue praying for your prayer partner from the previous year's Retreat. Now it's time to let your prayer partner know that you've been watching over her. Send her a card or a note and let her know she's had special attention 

Presbyterian Women (PWPD)


   More than 70 women from 22 churches in the Detroit area attended the November 5th gathering at Second Mile Center where the PWPD has carried on a neighborhood mission since 2006. It draws over 150 children into the center for Bible study, mime, dance, and family dinners every week and has been a major force for good in a rough area of the city of Detroit. During the business meeting a video was shown of the children performing for the GA at Cobo Center in June.

   The program featured a playlet about a victim of human trafficking followed by a panel discussion on: "What does it take to STOP violence against women?" Representatives who addressed the subject were from the YMCA; First Step, a shelter for abused women; Alternative for Girls, a home for wayward girls brought in off the streets; and Rev. Diane Smalley, an active spokesperson in preventing domestic violence. The main points made were to break the silence of violence against women and work with men's groups to change the culture that leads men to act violently against women. The PWPD Justice & Peace Committee, which planned the program, will incorporate the panel's suggestions into an action plan.

   A hearty lunch followed the program. A large collection of food was collected from the attendees to distribute to area families for Thanksgiving.



   Traditionally, the December PWPD gathering revolves around celebrating the Christmas season either with a play or a musical performance. On December 3rd at Celtic Cross Presbyterian Church in Warren, the program will feature Dr. Jim Parker doing a medley of Christmas music on the piano and accompanying Michelle Lepidi's singing of two traditional Christmas songs and one with a whimsical touch. Following the live music, a DVD of excerpts from the Boar's Head Festival will be shown on two giant screens. Featured will be "The Twelve Days of Christmas" in dance and costume including the drum line from the Grosse Ile High School band marching and playing "Twelve Drummers Drumming."

   As liaison to the PWPD and chair of their Justice & Peace Committee, I regularly attend the PWPD gatherings. I'd be happy to drive anyone interested in attending the December 3rd gathering. Call me at 671-0170 or email me at by November 19th to make reservations.

-Pamela A. Frucci, liaison 

Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of Detroit   


The Spire is a publication of the Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church, 7925 Horsemill Road, Grosse Ile, Michigan. The purpose of this newsletter is to share news and information about GIPC and our denomination.

Contributions are invited and encouraged. The Communications Commission reserves the right to accept or reject submissions and to edit to fit available space or for style and consistency.

Material is due six business days before the first or the fifteenth of the month. Emailed submissions should be sent to

Please contact the church office or a member of the Communications Commission if you have any questions. Communications Commission: Sue Ashley, Marta Kramer, Ray Kramer, Carl Krohn, Nancy Morrison