December 11, 2015

Job description for a Christian
As a follower of Jesus, you'll share his love and gospel with everyone. Kindness and humility are vital as you speak about your hope in him. To battle evil, you'll receive a complete set of armor. Use it to defend against attacks by a prowling lion or the temptation to place self above others.

Preferred qualifications:
  • complete surrender to God
  • a desire to follow his commandments
  • a servant heart
  • courage to face fiery furnaces or shipwrecks
Everyone's welcome, and training and support are provided. Though you can expect persecution and adversity, the rewards are life-changing - and eternal!

MaryAnn Sundby

Celebrate our Servants and Ministry Leaders THIS Sunday! Services are at 7:15 AM, 9:30 AM, and 11:30 AM.
Your Metropolitan Baptist Church Family
Celebrating the Messiah

Servants' Sunday
Sunday, December 13
7:15 AM Worship Service
8:30 AM Sunday School
9:30 AM Worship Service
11:30 AM Worship Service
A Celebration of Christmas
Sunday, December 20
The Metropolitan Music and Fine Arts Ministry presents A Christmas Celebration on Sunday, December 20, 2015.

Our 7:15 AM and 9:30 AM services will feature special music arranged by Ramon- Braxton Bryant. Evelyn Curenton will be our guest organist.

Our 11:30 AM service will be our Youth Messiah featuring our Youth Choirs, Cherubs, Youth Magnificat and the Alpha and Omega Step-Team.
Communion Sunday
Sunday, December 27
8:30 AM Sunday School
9:30 AM Worship Service
11:30 AM Worship Service
*No 7:15 AM Service

New Years Eve Services 
Thursday, December 31
8:00 PM & 10:00 PM
IAMA Counseling Ministry

Handling the Holidays
Join the IAMA Counseling Ministry for a discussion of how to handle sadness, the spirit of lack, and personal losses during the holiday season. We're making it a brighter Saturday on December 12 from 10 AM - 12 PM at Miracle Plaza in Suite 150.

For more information please contact Dominique Evans.
Transformational Workshop Series
"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."
~1 Peter 5:7
Handling The Holidays
Saturday, December 12, 2015 ♦ 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Miracle Plaza, Room 150 ♦ Facilitator: Dominique Evans
When The One You Love Dies: Working Through the Grief Process
Monday, February 8, 2016 ♦ 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM 
Miracle Plaza, Third Floor Board Room ♦ Facilitator:  Dr. Sherrill McMillan

After You Say 'I Do': 12 Steps to a Hot Marriage
Friday, February 19, 2016 ♦ 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Saturday, February 20 ♦ 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Miracle Plaza, Room 150
Facilitators: Norman Jones, Licensed Professional Counselor
Dr. Sherrill McMillan, MBC Minister of Counseling and Family Services

No Condemnation: How To Manage Guilt
Date and Time TBD
Facilitator:  Dominique Evans

Living and Thriving Beyond Diagnosis
Friday, April 15, 2016 ♦ 6:30 PM -  8:30 PM
Miracle Plaza Room 150 ♦ Hosted by Survivors United Ministry
Life In the Single Lane
(Single Never Married, Divorced, Widowed)
Friday, June 10, 2015 ♦ 7 PM - 9 PM
Miracle Plaza Room 270 Facilitator:  Dr. Kimberley Turner
Understanding Therapeutic Diets
Friday, June 17, 2016 ♦ 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Miracle Plaza Room 150 ♦ Hosted By Survivors United Ministry

Youth Forum On Managing Negative Effects of Media Violence
Summer 2016

After Your Diagnosis: Managing Fear and Relapse
Friday, September 30, 2016 ♦ 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Miracle Plaza Room 150 ♦ Hosted by Survivors United Ministry
It's Time for Sunday School!
Sunday School

Acceptable Offerings

In Sunday School this week, we will delve deeper into the notion of giving and sacrifices; addressing many of the questions regarding this sometime confusing and challenging topic.  As we examine the scripture on what God requires we will discuss the Holiness Code in the book of Leviticus which consists of the laws that God gave Israel to have a relationship with Him.  The laws and regulations covered all facets of Human Life for the Israelites that included detailed instructions on preparing and offering sacrifices.  A sacrifice is a loss or something you give up, usually for the sake of a better cause.  What are you giving up today?  

By the end of the lesson, we will:
  1. REVIEW what Leviticus says about God's requirement for acceptable sacrifices;
  2. EXAMINE the connection between obedience to God and sacrificial giving of self and possessions;
  3. PLEDGE  to make a self-sacrifice to God.

Bible Background: Leviticus 22:17-33; 23:9-14, 31-32; Romans 12:1-2
Devotional Reading Hebrews 11:4-16

Sunday School will begin at the conclusion of the 7:15 a.m. service. The Adult Class will meet in the main sanctuary promptly at 8:30 a.m.
Ministry Announcements
Make A Special Gift to Metropolitan Before 2016!
Place your gift in the offering plate today or you can mail your tithes and offerings. Please make sure your envelope is postmarked by December 31 so that your gift will qualify as a 2015 gift. Donate now by logging in or making a guest donation.
Thank you for your continuing support of  your church home.

Young Adult Ministry  Save the Date 
Saturday, January 23, 2016 12pm-2pm
Food, Fun & Fellowship Forum With Pastor Watson
For more information please contact Joshua Wright or Nia Fripp-Smith 
Christmas Mix N' Mingle
Jingle! Jingle! Jingle! The Women and Men's Ministries invite you to a Christmas Mix 'N Mingle on Monday, December 14 at Miracle Plaza, Room #150, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM. There will be music, refreshments and good company! Come out and join us for an evening of laughter and good cheer! The more the merrier! Please R.S.V.P. by e-mailing Dr. Kim at:
Thank You for the Decorative Throws  
We asked for decorative throws for cancer patients and your response was overwhelming. Thank you for the 27 throws that will be delivered to cancer patients on December 18. Your support of this ministry is greatly appreciated.
Minister Karen Hampton
President, Survivors United 
Calling all College and University Freshman- Juniors! 
Joshua 1:9 NRSV ~ I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go ."
The Youth Ministry proudly announces First Years After High School (F.Y.A.H), a ministry component which seeks to affirm your collegiate success, and extend support and encouragement to you while away at school. Please stop by the Church Reception Area after service and complete your contact information. If you have further questions, please contact F.Y.A.H Coordinator, Rev. Clarafrancie Cromer at

If you are a youth at Metropolitan, then join us as we recognize the birth of Jesus Christ through song, dance and step! There is a place for you, and we welcome you to take part in this monumental celebration of the Messiah. See below for the week's schedule for the Holliman Memorial Children's Choir (HMCC), Young People's Choir (YPC),Youth Magnificat!, and the Alpha and Omega Steppers.

We'll see you at practice this week!

Tuesday, December 15th
6:30 - 7:15
Holliman Children's Choir (grades 2-8)

7:15 - 8:00
Youth Magnificat! (grades 2 - 5)
Young Peoples Choir (grades 9 - 12)

8:00 - 8:45
Youth Magnificat! (grades 6 - 12)

Friday, December 18th
Alpha and Omega Steppers

Saturday, December 19th
9:00 am
Youth Magnificat! (grades 2 - 5)

10:00 am
Alpha and Omega Steppers

11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Holliman Children's Choir (grades 2-8)
Young Peoples Choir (grades 9 - 12)

Name That Ministry
The new Young Adult Ministry needs a name! We need something out of the box and creative. Do you have some ideas? Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey (less than 5 minutes) and vote for the best name.  
We Are One Body
We are One Body
The Women's Ministry,"We Are One Body" will be distributing food on Sunday, December 13 after the 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM Worship Services. We want to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the Zetas and Sigmas and everyone else who have faithfully contributed. Because of your generous contributions we have been blessed to provide for all who have come to the table. If you are in need, you are welcome to come to the table which will be set up in the far right corner of the Sanctuary (the area behind the organ) and take what you need. Church, we are one body, serving to help each other. Together we will make it happen!
Messiah Update
The Music and Arts Ministry has made the decision not to present Handel's Messiah for 2015. In recognition of our church's efforts to possess the remainder of our space here at Mercantile Lane, the Music Ministry will focus its stewardship efforts on tearing down the wall. However, recognizing how vital the Messiah presentations are to our rich church history, we will begin financial and other planning to support the 2016 Messiah, in January 2016. We would like to thank those individuals who made contributions to the 2015 Messiah. For refunds and questions regarding those donations, please contact Charwin Nah at You may also contact Mona Calhoun at or by phone at 301-529-6510 if you would like to volunteer for Messiah 2016 or have other questions.  
Maintain Don't Gain Challenge
Join the Health Watch Ministry as we issue a Six-week challenge to help the congregation stay focused on healthy eating, active living, and being stress free during the holiday season. The congregation can attend exercise classes with a personal trainer; receive weekly emails that provide tips and strategies for adopting or maintaining healthy behaviors, healthy recipes, stress management tools, physical activity suggestions, as well as encouraging messages to keep you going.
Sign up for the challenge and participate in one or both of our FREE exercise classes. Classes are also being offered on December 12 and 19 at Miracle Plaza, in room 270 from 12 PM - 2 PM. See Kathleen Bryant ( or Servant Wilma Robinson ( for more information.
2016 CAPI Training Registration
Registration for 2016 Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention (CAPI) is now available in the office.  The January sessions as follows:
  • January 11 - Introduction to CAPI from 7 PM - 8:30 PM
  • January 18 - "Creative Self-Expression Working With Youth" 7 PM - 8 PM
  • January 25 - "The Human Trafficking Epidemic: Keeping Children Safe" 7 PM - 8 PM
All classes are held at Miracle Plaza and all youth ministry volunteers must be CAPI trained.
Calling All Writers, Artists, And Photographers! 
The Christian Discipleship Council is now accepting entries for the 2016 edition of the 
40-Days of Power Lenten Devotional: Carpe Diem! (Seize the Day!). Each written entry should have a scripture focus (NKJV, NIV, or The Message), be no longer than 500 words, and include a way for readers to put their faith into action. 
All original artwork and photographs should be submitted in JPEG format ONLY. For more information, please contact Tiffani Jones at deadline for all entries is December 18.
MBC Shuttle to Largo Metro Station
On Sundays MBC Transportation Ministry will run a van shuttle between our church at 1200 Mercantile Lane and the Largo Metro Station from 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM and then for 1 hour after Service. 
Do You Have An Hour Before Or After Services?
The Transportation Ministry is looking for drivers from Largo Metro Station to
1200 Mercantile Lane route. If you are interested in helping, please feel free to call the MBC office at 202-238-5000 or email
Worship Service Broadcast
The Public Relations Team is happy to announce that MBC's Worship Services will be broadcast every Saturday, on WPRS Praise 104.1 Radio One Station at 6:30 AM. Please tune in and invite others to listen in.
Weekly Prayer Calls 
You are invited to join us every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon for Seniors Bible Study and Prayer and again on Friday at 6:00 AM for a Prayer Conference Call. Email prayer request can be sent ahead of time (please indicate if you want it to be anonymous) to Prayer requests will also be shared with the PUSH Ministry. If you cannot call in every Friday, that's okay, just call in when you can, but keep praying for Metropolitan. Remember, the prayers of the righteous availeth much! The conference call information for both calls is:

Phone Number: 1-888-617-3400
Access Code: 459716 
Happy Birthday!

December 13
Mrs. Patricia Joyner
Mr. Major Lewis
Mr. Nathaniel Frazier
Mr. Shaka Owens
Ms. Khalia Williams

December 14
Ms. Gloria Wims
Ms. Colette Burts
Ms. Gwendolyn Charles
Ms. Gloria Wims

December 15
Mrs. Marilyn Tolliver
Mr. Ronald Williams
Mr. Neal Carter
Miss. Kendall Robinson
Master Paul Robinson

December 16
Rev. Emily Jenkins
Mrs. Dawn Johnson
Mr. Richard Smith
Mr. William Corey

December 17
Ms. Carolyn Gay
Mr. Julius Hargrove
Rev. Benita Lewis
Ms. Cheri Alexander
Ms. Donna Price
Ms. Krista Riddley
Mr. Lafayette Smith
Mr. Melvin Smith
Mr. William Wallace
Ms. Jaeshauna Lowe

December 18
Mrs. Vanessa Boyd Napper
Ms. Barbara Carter
Mrs. Camille Gorham
Mrs. Ida Koram

December 19
Mr. Justin Brown
Mr. Trevor Bryant
Mr. Ivory Dillard
Mrs. Kim Lloyd
Mr. John Milton

Healing and Recovering
Please keep the following members and their family members in prayer.

Malcolm Clay
Amelia Parker
Lillie Hammonds
Gregory Bolton
Gladys Blair
Vivian Lynch
Hattie Pride
Elsie Ivey
Floyd Coates
Servant Nathan Brown
Juanita Thornton
Edna Simons
Sakita Holly
Lucille Funderburk
Charles Wayne Nelson
Angela Williams
Aris Ware
Nathaniel Mack
Joyce Brake
Barbara A. Bryan
Lecoast Mack
Susan Browner
Terez Haynes
Shante Westmoreland
Derrick Oates
Elizabeth Norwood
Lorenita Lucas
Rayford Coleman
The Harold Family
Rita Chandler
Lamont Butler
Regina Gaskin
Rachel Meredith
LaVenia J. LaVelle
Dana Williams
Andrease Moore 
James Watkins 
Rosanna Baker
Ellabell Jackson
Ruth C. Smith
Wanda Tillman
Jimmie Lee Davis
Rev. Nawanna Miller
Mattie Taylor
Wilhamena Logan
Teresa Dawson
Dorothy Blanding
Hallie Beaner
Ricardo "Rick" Washington
Patricia Grayson
Arnold "Tony" Jones
Carmin Brittain
James Wilson
Emma Johnson
Ruth Tinsley
Audrey Underwood
Annisteen Turner
Dorothy Pearson
Anita Williams
Charles Freeman
Anderson Bray
Vikki Mitchell
Gerald Stuart
Freddie Brown Sr.
Crystal Ingram
Rev. Addie McCrimmon
Willie Dixon
Beatrice Holloway
Gloria Simmons
Inez Bartee
Roy Taylor
Michael Sipe  
Harrison Williams
Janee' Camp 

Thank You Metropolitan

To my beloved Metropolitan Family,

Words cannot express the depth of my gratitude towards you. The out pouring of love and support was deeply felt and appreciated during the passing of my mother Mrs. Luvenia Robinson White. The phone calls from Pastor Watson, Pastor Hicks and others on the Ministerial staff touched my soul and I am eternally grateful. Metropolitan has proven to be, time after time, my family and home away from home. It is through this Ministry that I have grown, developed and become the woman I am today. The excellence in preaching, teaching, prayer, and service is evident. Your faithfulness to "family" is truly from God. Bless you Metropolitan and thank you for loving me through this very trying time.

Yours in Christ,
Bernadette White

Our Condolences
Rev. Reva Hoosier in the passing of her sister, Ms. Christina Hoosier of Columbus, OH.. Final arrangements are incomplete at this time.

Jobs & Other Opportunities

White House Fellows Program
Over fifty years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson established the President's Commission on White House Fellowships and over the course of nine presidential administrations the nonpartisan White House Fellows program has become the nation's premier fellowship for public service and leadership. The program's mission is to expose Fellows to first-hand, high-level experience in the Federal government. The program consists of a full-time work placement in the offices of Cabinet Secretaries, senior White House staff, and other high-ranking Administration officials. During a year in Washington, DC, Fellows also participate in a robust education program designed to provide a behind-the-scenes look into the inner workings of the Federal government. It is an extraordinary year that yields a lifetime of rewards.

Visit the program website for more information:
USDA 1890 Scholarship 
The USDA 1890 National Scholars Program awards scholarships to high school seniors to attend any of the nineteen 1890 Land Grant Historically Black Institutions in agriculture, food, natural resource sciences or other related disciplines.
The USDA 1890 National Scholars Program will provide full tuition, employment, employment benefits, fees, books, and room and board each year for up to four years to students pursuing a bachelor's degree at the following universities:
  • Alabama A&M University
  • Alcorn State University
  • Central State University, Ohio
  • Delaware State University
  • Florida A&M University
  • Fort Valley State University, Georgia
  • Kentucky State University
  • Langston University, Oklahoma
  • Lincoln University, Missouri
  • North Carolina A&T State University
  • Prairie View A&M University, Texas
  • South Carolina State University
  • Southern University, Louisiana
  • Tennessee State University
  • Tuskegee University, Alabama
  • University of Arkansas Pine Bluff
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore
  • Virginia State University
  • West Virginia State University
The scholarship may be renewed each year contingent upon satisfactory academic performance and normal progress toward the bachelor's degree. 
Eligible students must be U.S. citizens, have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better, have been accepted at one of the 1890 HBCUs, study agriculture, food, natural resource sciences or other related academic disciplines, demonstrate leadership and community service. 
Visit the USDA 1890 National Scholars Program website for more
Metropolitan Baptist Church | 96 Harry S Truman Drive, Largo, MD 20774