November 20, 2015

Give Thanks to the Lord
After retiring from the ministry in England, the Rev. Fred Pratt Green (1903-2000) became a prolific hymn writer. Some people have compared his talents to those of Charles Wesley, co-founder of the Methodist Church.

Green's popular Thanksgiving hymn "For the Fruits of His Creation" calls worshipers to move beyond gratitude to their responsibilities for other people and for God's creation. 

The hymn's closing lines sum up why Christians can give thanks throughout the year: 

"For the wonders that astound us, 
for the truths that still confound us, 
most of all that love has found us, 
thanks be to God."

See you on Sunday! Services are at 7:15 AM, 9:30 AM, and 11:30 AM.
Your Metropolitan Baptist Church Family

High Alert, High Praise 
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you . . ." (John 14:27)

Washington_ DC
Washington, DC is typically on high alert. But given the recent acts of terrorism around the world and threats against the Nation's Capital, we are encouraged to remain extra vigilant and to remember that all things are yet under God's control.
  • Remain prayerful and allow the peace of God to guard your hearts and minds.
  • Limit time spent watching and listening to the news reports. The mind can be fragile, especially in times of crisis, and the 11:00 PM news can creep into our dreams causing us unrest at night and added anxiety during the next day.
  • Acknowledge fears and give the fears over to God. Being Christian doesn't exempt us from being afraid, but we have a powerful Comforter in the Person of the Holy Spirit who is able to keep us calm and focused.
  • If you suffer from depression and/or anxiety, be especially mindful of any sudden and out of the ordinary emotional swings.  Consult your doctor about what you are experiencing and about any changes in medication you feel you might need during this season of unrest.
  • Limit time spent with negative people who only see the worse in what is happening around us.
  • Replace negative chatter with sounds of praise.
  • Talk with children about what they are feeling and experiencing as a result of the recent acts of terrorism. Make sure they have the correct information and are able to properly process the information they receive from church, school, their peers, and other social networks.  
If you need assistance during this time or a place to talk, Metropolitan's Counseling Ministry is always available. Contact Dr. McMillan at (240)312-3306.
It's Time for Sunday School!

Thessalonica, Berea and Athens
The Apostle Paul is credited with starting the missionary movement with his visits to Derbe and Philippi. This week, we will learn the reaction to Paul's visits to Thessalonica, Berea and Athens. Thessalonica was a free city within the Roman Empire. Named after the wife of a general under Alexander the Great, Thessalonica was self-governed and issued its own coinage-the city was wealthy and relatively free from Roman taxation. The Jews formed a small minority in the city which enabled Paul to access the community in order to preach the gospel. Berea was 45 miles southwest of Thessalonica. Located 25 miles inland from the Aegean Sea, it was one of the most populous cities in Macedonia around the time of Christ. Athens is another Greek city named after the goddess Athena. It was known as a cultural hub and a source of Hellenistic philosophy and literature. Athens was home to philosophers, authors, poets, sculptors and architects. The population was considered to be highly educated and was open to many ideas and schools of thought. 
Paul and Silas method of preaching would begin in the Jewish synagogues. They would proclaim the gospel first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles. The audience in Thessalonica was less receptive then the Bereans; they were nobler and more open minded. They received the gospel message with eagerness and searched the scriptures to confirm whether it was true. Paul and Silas then escaped by sea to Athens after the Thessalonian Jews traveled 45 miles to Berea to incite the crowds.  Once in Athens, Paul took note of the many idols in the city. What we will hear next is probably one of the greatest speeches he has ever given. In this week's lesson we will,
  1. Learn that, although Paul and Silas's message was accepted by some but not all, God still received the glory;
  2. Reflect on the efforts of rejection in the lives of those who serve God; and  
  3. Seek out and use spiritual resources that support perseverance in the midst of rejection.
Bible Background: ACTS 17:1-32
Devotional Reading: Psalm 47
The task of evangelism often comes with rejection. In order to persevere, we need to know God is working in ways that we often cannot see. Have you had a similar experience in persevering as a witness for Christ? Join us and share your testimony. 
Sunday School will begin at the conclusion of the 7:15 AM service 
  • The Adult Class will meet in the main sanctuary promptly at 8:30 AM
"For as I passed by, and beheld your devotion, I found an alter with this inscription, To The Uknown God. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you."  ACTS 17:23
Christian Discipleship Institute

CDI Amazing Grace: The Articles of Faith - Part II (6-Week Series)
Dr. Jesse Wood, Instructor
Wednesdays: December 2 and 9
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM - Miracle Plaza, 3rd Floor Conference Room

CDI Empowering the Teacher to Teach Class: Part II (4-Week Series)
Rev. Arnette Georges, Instructor
Wednesday: December 2
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM - Miracle Plaza, Room 150

CDI Signs of Praise (5-Week Series)
Ms. Dominique Evans, Instructor
Mondays: November 30 and December 7
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM - Miracle Plaza, Room 150

Download the flyer for more information on each class

Youth Ministry Bible Studies
Rev. Larrin Robertson, Instructor

The Life Series will encourage students to develop and strengthen their personal relationship with God and gain a healthy sense of self. The 2015 Fall Life Series will teach students who the Holy Spirit is and how the Holy Spirit acts on their behalf. Students will be challenged to apply the principles of each lesson to their individual lives. Successes and setbacks will be shared through stories, art, spoken word, and song.

New Generation - Teen Life (High school)
Tuesdays through December 8
Miracle Plaza, 3rd Floor Conference Room
6:30 PM - 7:15 PM

Young Disciples - Young Life (Middle school)
Tuesdays through December 8
Miracle Plaza, 3rd Floor Conference Room
7:15 PM - 8:00 PM

Kingdom Kids - Kids Life (Elementary school)
Designated Saturdays through - December 12
1200 Mercantile Room
10:30 PM - 11:30 AM
Ministry Announcements

The Holy Spirit: Do You Know Him?
Dr. Watson will resume with our Church-Wide Bible Study on Tuesday December 1 at 1200 Mercantile Lane, Largo MD 20774.

Prayer meeting begins at 6:30 PM; Devotional period at 7:00 PM; Preaching at 7:15 PM; Bible Study at 7:30 PM.

MBC Van Shuttle to Largo Metro Station will run from 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM
for this teaching series. 

In All Things Give Thanks!
Develop an attitude of gratitude by Thanksgiving. Download the Metropolitan PUSH Ministry Thanksgiving Prayer Challenge 2015.

This month is a time for raising awareness of the tens of thousands of children who need loving, permanent families. This year's National Adoption Day celebration will be THIS SATURDAY, November 21, 2015. This annual, one-day event has made the dreams of thousands of children come true by working with policymakers, practitioners and advocates to finalize adoptions and create and celebrate adoptive families. In 2014, more than 4,960 children were adopted by their forever families during the 15th annual National Adoption Day celebration in 405 cities across the United States.

Metropolitan, start to think about how you may be able to help by becoming an advocate for adoption and foster care, becoming a foster or adoptive parent, a mentor for a young person or a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA). For more information on how you can keep the awareness of the ministry alive in the Metropolitan Baptist Church, please send an email to Servant Bonita Martin at

A Personal Journey
My journey to becoming a mother began 8 years ago.  I was asked by a friend, Celia Washington, to attend a presentation on adoption. The agency was an infant adoption agency and this was very appealing as I wanted to experience "ALL" that motherhood had to offer. One of the attractive things about the agency I chose was that I was able to specify what my interests were for a child. Initially, I did not receive any leads, but I understood most mothers wanted their child to go to a "family" and being single I wasn't high on the list.  

In 2011 I had major surgery and I had to put my quest on hold and then again in 2014 after the passing of my mother I was faced with some serious decisions, I had been in the program for 6 years with no success and I was quite discouraged as two of my friends had been successful 3 years before.  I prayed and asked God for direction.  I then decided that if I did not hear any news by the end of the year I would give up. 

Then God presented me with the perfect baby girl: African American, no drug or alcohol exposure.  Her mom chose me to be her Mommy!! On September 23, 2014 I picked up Ryan Elise, my baby girl, and I had never been so in love with someone upon seeing them.  She was a small little brown "BEAN" and I knew she was all mine. My prayers to become a mother had been answered; I was Ryan's new "heart" mommy. - CAPT Diane Smith
Maintain Don't Gain Challenge
Join the Health Watch Ministry as we issue a six-week challenge to help the congregation stay focused on healthy eating, active living, and being stress free during the holiday season.  The congregation can attend exercise classes with a personal trainer; receive weekly emails that provide tips and strategies for adopting or maintaining healthy behaviors, healthy recipes, stress management tools, physical activity suggestions and encouraging messages to keep you going. 

Join us THIS SATURDAY, November 21 at Miracle Plaza in room 270 from 12 PM - 2 PM to sign up for the challenge and participate in a FREE exercise class. 

Classes are also being offered on December 12 and 19 at Miracle Plaza, in room 270 from 12 PM - 2 PM. See Kathleen Bryant ( or Servant Wilma Robinson ( for more information.

Women's Ministry: Sistahs Studying Scriptures
The Women's Ministry invites Sistahs of all ages to join us at our next meeting at Miracle Plaza THS SATURDAY, November 21, 2015, from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM. This month's theme is "Sistahs Studying Scriptures." Sis. Bernadette White, Sunday School Superintendent, will be our guest presenter. 

Sistahs we are on the move! Together we will "Make It Happen!

Messiah Update
The Music and Arts Ministry has made the decision not to present Handel's Messiah for 2015. In recognition of our church's efforts to possess the remainder of our space here at Mercantile Lane, the Music Ministry will focus its stewardship efforts on tearing down the wall. However, recognizing how vital the Messiah presentations are to our rich church history, we will begin financial and other planning to support the 2016 Messiah, in January 2016. We would like to thank those individuals who made contributions to the 2015 Messiah. For refunds and questions regarding those donations, please contact Charwin Nah at You may also contact Mona Calhoun at or by phone at 301-529-6510 if you would like to volunteer for Messiah 2016 or have other questions.  
Youth Ministry
Youth Sunday
Calling all MBC youth and parents: The Youth Ministry will be leading a worship service for the patients at Howard University Hospital on Sunday, December 6 from 9 - 10 AM.

All youth are invited to join us and participate in this worship opportunity - parents are asked to join us for worship as well. Help us to create a lasting memory and brighten someone else's holiday season.

Howard University Hospital is located at 2041 Georgia Ave NW, Washington, DC 20060. The Hospital Chapel is located on the first floor of the hospital, just past the Chaplin's Office.

Download the flyer!

Please contact Rev. Larrin Robertson ( for additional information.

Cancellation Notice
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, Tuesday night youth practices (HMCC, YPC, and Youth Magnificat!) and Youth Bible Study will be canceled THIS TUESDAY November 24, 2015.  Practices and Youth Bible Study will resume on December 1, 2015.

Consolation Chorus Members Needed!
Are you available during the day? Do you have the desire to sing during a time that  a family needs you most? The music ministry is looking for your support in our Consolation Chorus. This branch of our ministry will sing for funerals here at MBC. Please contact Janel Merritt at for further details.

Health Professionals Needed
"But a certain Samaritan as he journeyed, came where he was ; and when he saw him, he had compassion on him and went to him and bound up his wounds..." Luke 10:33-34

Interested in joining a ministry where you can make a difference? The Good Samaritan Health League is looking for you. Our mission is to provide a medium through which the members of the church and community can receive first aid treatment and/or emergency referrals during worship service and other church sponsored activities.

Must be 18 years of age or older and of good character.
Must be a licensed health professional and/or have completed a first aid and CPR course.
Must maintain current first aid and CPR training status.
Must take the Child Abuse Prevention Initiative training classes.

Interested persons should contact Joyce Graham, President at :
202-346-3610 from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM and, 301-434-3261 after 6:00 PM or

Joyce Graham, President
Good Samaritan Health League
MBC Shuttle to Largo Metro Station
On Sundays MBC Transportation Ministry will run a van shuttle between our church at 1200 Mercantile Lane and the Largo Metro Station from 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM and then for 1 hour after Service. 

Do You Have An Hour Before Or After Services?
The Transportation Ministry is looking for drivers from Largo Metro Station to
1200 Mercantile Lane route. If you are interested in helping, please feel free to call the MBC office at 202.238.5000 or email

Decorative Throws Needed
Survivors United Ministry is in need of your support with our annual outreach project. This year our plan is to collect 20-30 new decorative children's throws to be donated to the Children's National Medical Center Oncology Clinic. We will be accepting donations through December 6, 2015. There will be a drop box in the church office.

On behalf of the ministry and our children we thank you for your generous support. Thank you Metropolitan for being a community that cares.
Worship Service Broadcast
The Public Relations Team is happy to announce that MBC's Worship Services will be broadcast every Saturday, on WPRS Praise 104.1 Radio One Station at 6:30 AM. Please tune in and invite others to listen in.

Men's Six Week Bible Study

Join us for our new Men's 6 week Bible Study facilitated by Pastor Maurice Watson 9 AM - 11 AM at 1200 Mercantile Lane. 

Please RSVP by e-mailing Brother Arnold Jackson at

Women's Bible Study
War Room: The Power of Prayer!
10-Week Series through - December 3, 2015
Please Note: This class will be interactive, consisting of lectures, small group discussion, movie clip discussion, prayer circles, personal devotion & a weekly prayer call.

Weekly Prayer call will be Monday's 8:00 PM - 8:30 PM
The conference call information:
Phone Number: 1-888-617-3400
Access Code: 459716
Weekly Prayer Calls 
You are invited to join us every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon for Seniors Bible Study and Prayer and again on Friday at 6:00 AM for a Prayer Conference Call. Email prayer request can be sent ahead of time (please indicate if you want it to be anonymous) to Prayer requests will also be shared with the PUSH Ministry. If you cannot call in every Friday, that's okay, just call in when you can, but keep praying for Metropolitan. Remember, the prayers of the righteous availeth much! The conference call information for both calls is:

Phone Number: 1-888-617-3400
Access Code: 459716 
Save the Date!

The Eastern Montgomery County 
UMC Cluster Churches invite you to Save the Date!
Sunday, December 6, 2015, 3:00 PM
The Pursuit of Harmony
Join celebrated and award winning Jewish-American songwriter/producer Michael Hunter Ochs and noted Palestinian songwriter/recording artist and Peace activist AlaaAlshaham for an intimate afternoon of song and conversation. You will be inspired as these two improbable friends retrace their steps between Israel and the West Bank - eventually finding themselves performing together at the United Nations. The songs, personal stories, stunning photographs and exclusive video will sweep you into this once in a lifetime experience.
For more information, contact Jocelyn Johnson, CUMC Director of Music at
Colesville United Methodist Church
Rev. Michael W. Armstrong, Pastor
52 Randolph Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904       
Happy Birthday!
We Missed Your Birthday Ronn Jackson 11/3!

November 22
Ms. Jamica Blue
Ms. Sharon Dameron
Ms. Emerald Elder
Ms. Angela Lee
Ms. Dawn Lyles
Mr. Arnold Smiley

November 23
Mr. Jordan Brown
Mr. Warren Matthews
Mrs. Amy Shaw
Servant Gregory Thornton
Servant Celia Washington

November 24
Servant Reginald Arno
Ms. Mary Carter
Mr. Gary Cooper
Ms. Delores DaCosta
Mrs. Linda Evans-White
Ms. Jasmine Marshall
November 25
Mr. James Blake
Ms. Sharita Griffin
Mr. Brandon Love

November 26
Ms. Kristina Bigby
Mr. Timothy Bland
Mrs. Doris Hall
Dr. Judith Williams

November 27
Mr. Lewis Powers

November 28
Mr. George Hardy
Mr. John Townsend
Ms. TyWanda McLaurin-Jones
Ms. Robin Nix

Family Matters

Congratulations to Servant John Davis!
Servant John Davis wins award
On November 4, 2015, Servant John Davis received a commendation at the First Annual MENofPGCPS (Prince George's County Public Schools) Award Ceremony as a male educator. He was recognized for his consistent professionalism with parents, his commitment to the school and students where he teaches (Turning Point Academy), and innovation in education. But it is his dogged pursuit to be "Great by Choice" that makes him worthy to be named a MENofPGCPS Award recipient.

Servant John teaches third graders at Turning Point Academy! Servant John, you are EVERYBODY's hero! Congratulations on this great honor!

Welcome to the Family!
Blessings to  Mr. James Hadley and  his daughter Ms. Abra Hadley on the birth of their granddaughter and daughter respectively. Miss Bella was born on August 25, 2015 weighing 8 pounds 10.7 oz.

Thank You!
Dear Metropolitan Family,

We were blessed beyond measure through your kind expression and note shared at my Aunt Peggy's homegoing  service. My aunt was a witness to other's who have suffered from life's struggles and through God's grace and mercy was made strong. This loss was a deep one for the family but we felt your prayers and love in the words of Pastor Watson. Thank you for your support and know that it will help to carry us through this valley.

Lucy D. Suddreth

World Prematurity Awareness Day is November 17th

Healing and Recovering
Please keep the following members and their family members in prayer.

Malcolm Clay
Amelia Parker
Lillie Hammonds
Gregory Bolton
Gladys Blair
Vivian Lynch
Hattie Pride
Elsie Ivey
Floyd Coates
Servant Nathan Brown
Juanita Thornton
Edna Simons
Sakita Holly
Lucille Funderburk
Charles Wayne Nelson
Angela Williams
Aris Ware
Nathaniel Mack
Joyce Brake
Barbara A. Bryan
Lecoast Mack
Susan Browner
Terez Haynes
Shante Westmoreland
Derrick Oates
Elizabeth Norwood
Lorenita Lucas
Rayford Coleman
The Harold Family
Rita Chandler
Lamont Butler
Regina Gaskin
Rachel Meredith
LaVenia J. LaVelle
Dana Williams
Andrease Moore
James Watkins 
Rosanna Baker
Ellabell Jackson
Ruth C. Smith
Wanda Tillman
Jimmie Lee Davis
Ethel Dickens 
Rev. Nawanna Miller
Mattie Taylor
Wilhamena Logan
Teresa Dawson
Dorothy Blanding
Hallie Beaner
Ricardo "Rick" Washington
Patricia Grayson
Arnold "Tony" Jones
Carmin Brittain
James Wilson
Emma Johnson
Ruth Tinsley
Audrey Underwood
Annisteen Turner
Dorothy Pearson
Anita Williams
Charles Freeman
Anderson Bray
Vikki Mitchell
Gerald Stuart
Freddie Brown Sr.
Crystal Ingram
Rev. Addie McCrimmon
Willie Dixon
Beatrice Holloway
Gloria Simmons
Inez Bartee

Our Condolences
  • Minister Will Wilson and family in the passing of his uncle, Mr. Billy Chandler. The Homegoing Service will be held today, November 20 in Salisbury, MD.
  • Ms. LaShon Holtzclaw, daughter of Reverend Michael Thomas, and Family in the passing of her mother. Final arrangements are pending.
Metropolitan Baptist Church | 96 Harry S Truman Drive, Largo, MD 20774