October 30, 2015

Anointed_ empowered to serve the body

Ever been picked last for a team? Eugene Peterson recounts feeling like a "liability" when this happened to him. In Run With the Horses (IVP Books), he says God always wants us on his side - no matter our individual strengths or weaknesses:


"For a long time all Christians called each other 'saints.' They were all saints regardless of how well or badly they lived, of how experienced or inexperienced they were. 


The word saint did not refer to the quality or virtue of their acts, but to the kind of life to which they had been chosen, life on a battlefield. It was not a title given after a spectacular performance, but a mark of whose side they were on."


Based on its Latin roots, saint is the noun form of the verb consecrate; in other words, Peterson adds, God gave us "spiritual shape" even before we had "biological shape" (see Jeremiah 1:5). 


Even before forming us, God set us apart, or consecrated us, as saints - and chose us to be on his side.

Saints, remember our new worship times:

7:15 a.m. Worship Service # 1
8:30 a.m. Sunday School
9:30 a.m. Worship Service # 2
11:30 a.m. Worship Service # 3

See you on Sunday!
Your Metropolitan Baptist Church Family

Music & Arts Appreciation Sunday with Richard Smallwood

Join us on Sunday, November 15th as we celebrate Metropolitan's very own Dove and Grammy Award Winner: Rev. Richard Smallwood. Rev. Smallwood will be the Preacher of the Hour for 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM Services.

Christian Discipleship Institute

CDI Amazing Grace: The Articles of Faith - Part II (6-Week Series)
Dr. Jesse Wood, Instructor
Wednesdays: November 4th, 11th, 18th; December 2nd and 9th
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. - Miracle Plaza, 3rd Floor Conference Room

CDI Empowering the Teacher to Teach Class: Part II (4-Week Series)
Rev. Arnette Georges, Instructor
Wednesdays: November 4th, 11th, 18th and December 2nd
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. - Miracle Plaza, Room 150

CDI Signs of Praise (5-Week Series)
Ms. Dominique Evans, Instructor
Mondays: November 2nd, 9th, 16th, 30th; December 7th
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. - Miracle Plaza, Room 150

Download the flyer for more information on each class. 

Youth Ministry Bible Studies
Rev. Larrin Robertson, Instructor

The Life Series will encourage students to develop and strengthen their personal relationship with God and gain a healthy sense of self. The 2015 Fall Life Series will teach students who the Holy Spirit is and how the Holy Spirit acts on their behalf. Students will be challenged to apply the principles of each lesson to their individual lives. Successes and setbacks will be shared through stories, art, spoken word, and song.

New Generation - Teen Life (High school)
Tuesdays, October 20th - December 8th
Miracle Plaza, 3rd Floor Conference Room
6:30 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.

Young Disciples - Young Life (Middle school)
Tuesdays, October 20th - December 8th
Miracle Plaza, 3rd Floor Conference Room
7:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Kingdom Kids - Kids Life (Elementary school)
Designated Saturdays, October 24th - December 12th
1200 Mercantile Room
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
It's Time for Sunday School!
Week of November 1, 2015
Sunday School: Join us at 8:30 am for General Sunday School
Trusting the Spirit

Somebody prayed for me. Had me on their mind; took the time and prayed for me. I'm so glad they prayed, I'm so glad they prayed, I'm so glad they prayed for me! This song really says it all-that somebody prayed for me. Imagine that-somebody prayed for you. In this week's lesson Peter finds himself in need of prayer. The political scene surrounding the early church was marked by conflict--between the Jewish hierarchy and the growing separation between Jewish traditionalists and the new sect of believers in Christ, "Christians" which included both Jewish and Gentile believers.


Herod the King is Herod Agrippa. He was appointed by the Roman Emperor Claudius to rule over all Judea. During his reign there was a famine in the land. In order to distract the people from a lack of food; he set out to "vex" certain of the church. First he killed James, the brother of John (Sons of Thunder) with the sword and next he sought to do the same to Peter and put him in prison. Herod was pro-Pharisee and was beloved by the Jewish establishment. He would do anything to remain in their good graces-tormenting the church by punishing its leaders. This was a ploy to keep the people in line by any brutish act he could muster. What he didn't realize was that once he put Peter in prison, the church prayed for him and God heard their prayer. In this week's lesson we will,

  1. Explore the story of Peter's deliverance from prison;
  2. Recognize and appreciate the power of prayer in difficult circumstances;
  3. Commit to praying for those whose witness puts them in life threatening or difficult situations.
Bible Background: ACTS 12:1-24
Devotional Reading Psalm 18:1-9

The most difficult situation is no match for God when believers band together in prayer. Have you had similar experiences of answered prayer? Join us as we explore the power of prayer.

Sunday School will begin at the conclusion of the 7:15 a.m. service

The Adult Class will meet in the main sanctuary promptly at 8:30 a.m.

"Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him." ACTS 12:5

Ministry Announcements

Walter E. Washington Convention Center Wednesday, November 25th, 2015 

A traditional Thanksgiving meal will be served from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm. More than 200 MBC volunteers were on hand last year!

The Holy Spirit: Do You Know Him?
Dr. Watson will continue with our new Church-Wide Bible Study on Tuesday at 1200 Mercantile Lane, Largo MD 20774.

Prayer meeting begins at 6:30 pm; Devotional period at 7:00 PM; Preaching at 7:15 PM; Bible Study at 7:30 PM.

MBC Van Shuttle to Largo Metro Station will run from 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM
for this teaching series. 

The Veterans Assistance Ministry (VAM) solicits your help to update our database. At the end of each worship service, please come by the Reception Desk to either add your information or review your information for those currently in the database. If you have any questions, please contact our VAM Co-Directors: Rev Clarafrancie Cromer at cdcromer@verizon.net Dr. Muriel Kennedy at Muriel_kennedy@yahoo.com or call 202-622-5115


Domestic violence is....
A pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner.

How can you help? 
Join Metropolitan in supporting local shelters that provide emergency assistance to domestic violence victims.

Bring your used cell phone to church on Sunday, November 1, 2015 and it will be cleaned and donated to the DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence in Washington DC and House of Ruth in Baltimore Maryland.

For more information, please contact: Rev. Arnette Georges. 

If you are being abused or threatened . . . . .

  • Pray for strength 
  • Seek ways to be safe 
  • Don't rationalize the abuse 
  • Don't justify the abuse 
  • Don't pretend that the abuse is a show of love 
  • Talk to yourself. 
  • Tell yourself you deserve better as a child of God 
  • Pray without ceasing

If you need our support, Metropolitan's Counseling Ministry is here to help. Give us a confidential call at 240-312-3306.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind". ~ II Timothy 1:7, NKJV

On Sundays MBC Transportation Ministry will run a van shuttle between our church at 1200 Mercantile Lane and the Largo Metro Station from 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM and then for 1 hour after Service. 

The Transportation Ministry is looking for drivers from Largo Metro Station to 1200 Mercantile Lane route. Please call the MBC office at 202-238-5000 or email transportation@metropolitanbaptist.org.

Psalm 34:11 "Come you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord."

Calling all four to six-year-old children! Come learn to sing praises to our King! We're asking all new and returning Cherub's to meet for rehearsal on Saturday mornings at 10:30am in the Sanctuary at Mercantile Lane.

Metropolitan Music and Arts Ministry

Are you looking for a ministry made just for you? Do you like to sing and/dance? Want to find a place where you can praise God with others your age and get involved in your church? Then the MBC Youth Music Ministry is the place for you! We're looking for energetic youth to be a part of our Holliman Memorial Children's Choir (grades 2 - 8), Young People's Choir (grades 9 - 12), and Youth Magnificat! (grades 2 - 12). We practice Tuesdays at Miracle Plaza, and you are even fed the Word through our reformed Youth Bible Study, which is conveniently scheduled in conjunction with practice. Its not too late to join us this Tuesday, November 3rd, at 7 PM.

Parents, join us for an informational meeting SUNDAY, immediately after 9:30 and 11:30 Services in the choir room.

Contact Sis. Barbara Harrison at bfayeh_3@hotmail.com or 240-350-7873 for more information.

Survivors United Ministry is in need of your support with our annual outreach project. This year our plan is to collect 20-30 new decorative children's throws to be donated to the Children's National Medical Center Oncology Clinic. We will be accepting donations from October 25 to December 6, 2015. There will be a drop box in the church office.

On behalf of the ministry and our children we thank you for your generous support. Thank you Metropolitan for being a community that cares.

The Christian Discipleship Council is now accepting entries for the 2016 edition of the 40-Days of Power Lenten Devotional: Carpe Diem! (Seize the Day!). Each entry should have a scripture focus (NKJV, NIV, or The Message), be no longer than 500 words, and include a way for readers to put their faith into action. For more information, please contact Sis. Tiffani Jones at tiffanijjones@gmail.com. The deadline for all entries is December 18th.

Are you willing to let God use your life experiences, spiritual insights and unique perspective to impart spiritual truth to others? If you are interested in writing for MBC's 40 Days of Power Devotional but need help sharing the gem's of God's Word join us on Monday, November 9th at Miracle Plaza from 7pm - 8:30pm for CDI's Devotional Writer's Workshop.

The Christian Discipleship Council is now soliciting cover art and internal graphics for the 2016 edition of the 40-Days of Power Lenten Devotional: Carpe Diem! (Seize the Day!). Please send your original artwork and photographs in JPEG format to Sis. Tiffani Jones attiffanijjones@gmail.com. The deadline for entries is December 18th.
The Public Relations Team is happy to announce that MBC's Worship Services will be broadcast every Saturday, on WPRS Praise 104.1 Radio One Station at 6:30 am. Please tune in and invite others to listen in.

Men's 6 Week Bible Study

Join us for our new Men's 6 week Bible Study starting October 17th facilitated by Pastor Maurice Watson 9am -11am at 1200 Mercantile Lane. 

Please RSVP by e-mailing Brother Arnold Jackson at metropolitanbcmensministry@gmail.com

This year, with your generous help through the Union Missionary Council, we hope to bless the children and families of William Paca Elementary School in Landover, MD and Friendship Armstrong Academy (our former worship location) in Washington, DC. An entire gift list consists of a complete school uniform (pants/skirt, shirt, cardigan and sneakers/shoes) and 2 toys. Please fill out the appropriate form below or send an e-mail to MBCGifts@gmail.com from Sunday, October 4th through Sunday, November 1st.

Women's Bible Study
10-Week Series September 17 - December 3, 2015
Please Note: This class will be interactive, consisting of lectures, small group discussion, movie clip discussion, prayer circles, personal devotion & a weekly prayer call.

Weekly Prayer call will be Monday's 8:00 PM - 8:30 PM
The conference call information:
Phone Number: 1-888-617-3400
Access Code: 459716
Weekly Prayer Calls 
You are invited to join us every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon for Seniors Bible Study and Prayer and again on Friday at 6:00 AM for a Prayer Conference Call. Email prayer request can be sent ahead of time (please indicate if you want it to be anonymous) to awise@metropolitanbaptist.org. Prayer requests will also be shared with the PUSH Ministry. If you cannot call in every Friday, that's okay, just call in when you can, but keep praying for Metropolitan. Remember, the prayers of the righteous availeth much! The conference call information for both calls is:

Phone Number: 1-888-617-3400
Access Code: 459716 
Happy Birthday!

November 1
Mr. Ronald Austin
Ms. Kristin Bolton-Keys
Mr. Otis Nelson III 

November 2
Servant Lora Brown
Mrs. Jada Roberts
Ms. Sonya Burroughs 

November 3
Mrs. Wendy Hines 

November 4
Ms. Vonetta Brown
Ms. Roslyn Mikell
Ms. Jessica Watson 

November 5
Mr. Darryl Blue
Ms. Angela Edwards
Mrs. Tiffany Gilliard
Ms. Maya Harrison
Mrs. Annie Lawson
Mrs. Rena Stevens Suggs
Ms. Knakiya Wheaton
November 6
Mrs. Sara Brookins
Mrs. Annie Matthews
Ms. Sandra Henriquez
Ms. Donna Chatman Owens
Ms. Deborah Lee
Ms. Latosha Day
Ms. LaDedra Drummond
Ms. Raquel McConnico
Mrs. Brenda Templin
Mr. Phillip Wallace

November 7
Ms. Morgan Artis
Mr. Anthony Jangha
Mr. Clifford Jones
Ms. Augustine Moore
Mr. Kenneth White


The Kennedy Center Millennium Stage, Washington National Opera, and NEWorks Productions present Community-wide Spirituals Sing curated by Nolan Williams Jr., Chief Music Editor, African American Heritage Hymnal.

Don't miss this opportunity to blend your voice singing spirituals with an august gathering of choirs and community participants from across the region.

Register yourself, your friends, or your choir TODAY at neworksproductions.com. For more information, email Spirituals@NEWorksProductions.com.

Sun., Nov. 15, 2015 at 6 p.m. (4 p.m. call time) * No tickets required * Kennedy Center Grand Foyer

Download the flyer for more information!
Healing and Recovering
Please keep the following members and their family members in prayer.

Malcolm Clay
Amelia Parker in Greensboro, NC
Lillie Hammonds, 
Gregory Bolton
Gladys Blair
Vivian Lynch 
Hattie Pride
Elsie Ivey
Floyd Coates, brother of Tina Brooks
Servant Nathan Brown
Juanita Thornton
Edna Simons
Sakita Holly
Lucille Funderburk
Charles Wayne Nelson
Angela Williams
Aris Ware
Nathaniel Mack
Joyce Brake
Barbara A. Bryan
Lecoast Mack
Susan Browner
Terez Haynes
Shante Westmoreland
Derrick Oates
Elizabeth Norwood
Lorenita Lucas
Rayford Coleman
The Harold Family
Rita Chandler
Lamont Butler
Regina Gaskin
Rachel Meredith
LaVenia J. LaVelle
Dana Williams
Andrease Moore 
James Watkins, Greensboro, NC
Rosanna Baker
Ellabell Jackson
Ruth C. Smith 
Wanda Tillman
Jimmie Lee Davis
Ethel Dickens 
Rev. Nawanna Miller
Mattie Taylor
Wilhamena Logan
Teresa Dawson

Dorothy Blanding
Hallie Beaner
Ricardo "Rick" Washington
Patricia Grayson
Arnold "Tony" Jones
Carmin Brittain
James Wilson
Emma Johnson
Ruth Tinsley
Audrey Underwood
Anita "Pam" Williams
Annisteen Turner
Mrs. Dorothy Pearson, mother or Linda Prom
Charles Freeman
Anderson Bray
Vikki Mitchell
Gerald Stuart
Freddie Brown Sr.
Crystal Ingram
Rev. Addie McCrimmon
Willie Dixon
Beatrice Holloway

Job & Scholarship Announcements

NROTC Scholarships
The Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) Scholarship Program offers students the opportunity to earn their degrees and receive valuable leadership and management skills while enjoying the benefits of an exciting career.

Selected applicants receive full tuition and other financial benefits worth up to $180,000.00. NROTC Units are located at over 150 of the nation's leading colleges and universities.

Requirements and benefits of this program can be found by clicking the links below. Once you apply, notify Navy Commander Denise McCallaCreary at mccalldj@sbcglobal.net that you are part of the National Baptist Convention of America / Lott Carey partnership and that you applied.

Assistant Director, Systems Compliance 
American University - Washington, DC
The Assistant Director for Systems Compliance works with the International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) Director and staff to ensure the university systems used by ISSS are designed adequately and function properly for immigration compliance with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of State (DoS). This position develops and maintains ISSS web and Share Point resources and the office social media outreach, and advises students and scholars. Educational Requirements: A Bachelor's degree is required. A Master's degree is preferred. Minimum Requirements: U.S. citizenship or U.S. Permanent Resident Status (to comply with the Department of State and Department of Homeland requirement for accessing SEVIS system) Preferred Requirements: Current knowledge of non-immigrant (F-l) and exchange visitors (J -1) regulations and procedures. 

Evaluation & Learning (MEL) Director
International Youth Foundation - Baltimore, MD
The International Youth Foundation (IYF), a global nonprofit organization that works to improve the lives and conditions of young people worldwide, is seeking a Director of Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL). This position will lead and manage MEL activities for a large multi-country workforce development program in sub-Saharan Africa, and play an institutional advisory role for standardization/integration of IYF's global MEL efforts. The ideal candidate will have extensive MEL experience designing and managing gender-sensitive employment and/or self-employment programs, and impact evaluations, preferably in sub-Saharan Africa. S/he will also have the ability to successfully work as part of a dynamic, multi-cultural, cross-functional team, and possess excellent communications (oral/written) and time management skills. This full-time position requires approximately 25% international travel. For more information please consult www.iyfnet.org.

Manager, Out-of-School Time Programs External Relations & Compliance
District of Columbia Public Schools - Washington, DC
The Manager, Out-of-School Time Programs External Relations & Compliance is responsible for coordinating external partnerships in elementary, middle and high schools afterschool programs. The Manager serves as a liaison for all the partner organizations that serve students during afterschool and summer school, conducts a vetting process that determines how the organizations align with the school system's vision and mission, matches schools' afterschool needs with partner's program offering, and assists partner organizations to develop positive and long lasting relationships with local schools. The Manager is also the liaison with other DCPS internal departments and city agencies and will work with staff to ensure that OSTP is in compliance with all federal grant requirements. Qualifications: Bachelor's degree and four to six years of related work experience.Master's degree preferred.Previous exposure to or experience in the education sector a plus. Previous exposure to or experience with community-based organizations and federal grants are a plus.

Vice President of Strategy & Talent
Chiefs for Change - Washington, DC
The Vice-President of Strategy and Talent will play a lead role in the creation, planning and execution of programming for our members in the areas of talent development and strategic advising. The Vice-President will also develop and oversee the knowledge management work that supports this programming.The Vice-President of Strategy & Talent will be someone who wakes up excited to build a high-impact national organization; who believes state and city education chiefs are essential agents of change; and who are motivated by the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of millions of American children and families. Required experience: 5 years Education Management. Required Education: Bachelors Degree.

Metropolitan Baptist Church | 96 Harry S Truman Drive, Largo, MD 20774 