Breakfast Club:

Appreciation Luncheon


"They ask you (O Muhammad) what they should spend in charity. Say: 'Whatever you spend with a good heart, give it to parents, relatives, orphans, the helpless, and travellers in need. Whatever good you do, God is aware of it.'" - The Holy Quran, 2:215

It only takes a few to make a difference.   UMF Breakfast Club started with $30 and three women in the Sanford, Florida community.   Now, the group boasts over 35 regular volunteers that have doubled the output by serving at two kitchens at Rescue Outreach Mission.   Last month, we celebrated the work of these volunteers with a HungerTeam Appreciation Luncheon!  A big thank you to our volunteers!
Join us next month at 9am!  Sign up using social media or  Text "I'm coming for Breakfast Club" at (407) 810-3916 to join the team making a difference!

UMF Socials:

Peace & Justice Initiative breakfast


On 23rd March, UMF was invited to Valencia Community College's Peace and Justice Initiative Breakfast to share our opinions on how we, as Muslims, can show love, compassion and tolerance for others in our community.  UMF secretary, Sally Hassanali, a speaker at the event, said:

"It was quite an honor to represent UMF at this event because it brings together like-minded people who are on a path towards achieving peace, love, respect, and tolerance for others who are unlike themselves. As Muslims we strive for unity amongst our communities and it is only by example that we can hope to eradicate the negative connotations attached to us by the media as being a violent religion. There were two other speakers other than myself, one who represented the Jewish faith, and a reverend who represented the Unitarian Church. Students gave their opinions and one read a poem about acceptance and tolerance. It was heartwarming to see students interested in learning about other faiths and wanting to make a difference in their own communities through education.  UMF is on a path of trying to bring together Muslims from various backgrounds which can only make us stronger in our faith as we break down the barriers and stereotypes that has kept us apart thus far. May Allah have mercy on us all and guide us towards enlightenment and togetherness."

Islam & Women's Leadership 

UMF was invited to a radio interview on the topic of Women's Leadership and Islam on Magic1220 am earlier this month. This live broadcast is also broadcasted to spanish audiences. Executive Director, Farha Fazel reflects on the experience: "Alhamdullilah, it was an honor to join "Islam4Mankind" radio interview.  It is our hope that such opportunities are continually afforded to us, to showcase how Muslims are uniting to make a difference."

Your contributions are tax-deductible and offer a world of opportunities that make a huge difference. Thank you for being a special part of what we do at UMF!
Salaam Alaikum 
Upcoming Events

Do you feel anxious?  Are you struggling to calm racing thoughts as you try to fall asleep?   Join us for "Managing Family Life: A Proactive Seminar" with Dr. Saadia Munawer on Friday, April 24 at Al Mahmood Center to learn how to manage anxiety, treat racing thoughts proactively.   Limited Seating. 
Tickets $25/person.   To register, click here

Muslim Mental First Aid Training is coming to Orlando!  Event will be held May 16th and May 17 for Community Leaders.   Additional details to follow. 
UMF Scholarship

UMF Scholarship is now accepting applications! Applicants must be high school seniors or, current university students and must be a UMF member to apply.   Applications will be accepted until May 30, 2015.  Scholarship Winner will be announced after Eidul Fitr 2015.   To apply, click here.

Are you doing great work in your community? Let us promote you!  Share your community service and community development events with us, using hashtag #ISupportUniTea and we'll share your goodness with the world!
Helping Hands:

UMF has collected almost 100 bags of new and gently-used clothes to contribute to ICNA Helping Hands and have been lending them our helping hands to sort, fold and pack clothes to fill a container for  those in need.