June 2014
Shabaan 1435

Salaam Alaikum, Peace be with you 

"Unity through Community Service" is UMF's mission. It is a mission that has kept us running strong for over a decade, serving the hungry and homeless. Visit our virtual mosque on Faith street to see that unity in action and the services we provide to the youths who enter our cyberspace


UMF has grown beyond FL and PA to extend our services worldwide, helping youth as far as Syria. Our work speaks for itself. Our mission is a testament to the efforts of hundreds of volunteers and thousands of members at UMF. Each one helps to make that difference through his/her own contribution to the success of UMF's projects. 


Would you like to be a part of the success? 


 - United Muslim Foundation
UMF Upcoming Events

June 21st... Next Hungerteam Feeding!

UMF HungerTeam

During this month's UMF Breakfast Club at Rescue Outreach Mission, we played a ton of frisbee and soccer. We also had henna, 3 birthday celebrations, a bicycle raffle, clothing donation table, and a dawah table.  


As for food, we had plenty! Juice, pastries, French toast, pancakes, and egg and cheese bagel sandwiches! 


Thank you to all of our new donors, families and businesses alike; your donations truly helped make this event a success. 


We can only continue to serve so many at this event with the help of our UMF members coming out to serve.


Join the HungerTeam, click here to pick a task. We are always looking for donations so please feel free to donate anytime!  

UMF Mobile App

All things UMF!  
Always on your phone?  Love the convenience of your mobile apps? 
We do too! UMF invites you to download our app and stay connected! Currently available for Apple users in beta version,  our app provides ease in access to all things UMF!  Next month, download our app on your Android Phone!
UMF Marketing
Advertising with UMF 
  New UMF Logo   
UMF is eager to see all Muslim Services advertised on our website. If you'd like to advertise your business (only $100 monthly.)
Promo to reach a wide audience let us know!
UMF Scholarship
One of the things we love to do at UMF is help motivate students to get involved in community service. Those community service hours can be used towards applying for our annual $4,000 scholarship award. As with most scholarships, there are many students qualified to receive the award but few that apply. You just need to be a high school student or college student willing to spend several minutes completing our application online by June 27. Don't miss this opportunity to be our award winner for 2014! To apply and for more information, click here
Other Organizations

This Ramadan, let's make sure every Muslim family has all they need to get through the holy month! Donate ASAP; check the above flyer for details. 

UMF Florida
UMF Adopt a Grandparent


The adopt the grandparent project is a great time for children to connect with older members of the community! This will launch during Ramadan, inshaAllah, so please be sure to sign your children up and teach them the value of loving someone for the sake of Allah!  For details, contact umfguides@unitedmuslimfoundation.org

UMF Book Drive for ECRA (Encouraging Children to Read Ahead) (ECRA)!
As many long-time UMF supporters know, we have partnered with Midway Elementary School and are working to launch our ECRA (Encouraging Children to Read Ahead) program this fall. However, it is going to be difficult to do so without your support! Please help us collect children's books (appropriate for ages 4-12) to donate to Midway Elementary's Library. Bring the books to UMF events or contact UMF officers to arrange a time to donate. To contact us, e-mail info@unitedmuslimfoundation.org.

UMF Guides  


We had such a wonderful time at the farm!  We petted animals, saw a zorse, rode horses and even took a hay ride!  JazakAllahu Khairan for joining us on this special field trip!  We are SUPER proud of our respectful and well-mannered Guides!  Go UMF Guides!  


Drink Pouch Brigade 


UMF Guides are collecting Capri Sun style drink punches to donate for a post- Earth Day recycling project. Children can collect them at home and even ask their schools to save them! Bring them to Guides meetings or, for larger collections, contact UMF officers.
For more information on the program checkout the recycling center's site,  Terra Cycle!


Summer Reading with UMF


With Ramadan quickly approaching, now is a great time for children to support UMF. TD Bank offers a summer reading program where they pay $10 every summer for each child that reads 10 books.  


Children can read books and donate the money they earn as Sadaqa to UMF! Simply create a FREE child's saving account with a parent/guardian and complete a reading log: Click here for the log and more information!

 UMF Teen Portal
Check Out TeenCentral!


It can be tough being a #muslimteen. Are you looking for a Masjid that really fits your needs, is on your schedule, and has an opportunity to talk to an Muslim Counselor anonymously? Come to UMF's Virtual Mosque!


New UMF Logo   



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