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June 2016
Fund for the Arts enlivens greater Boston
National Theater Project announces finalists
Democratoz lands in the U.S. next month
Save the date! Idea Swap
Grants Awarded
Apply For A Grant
Staff news

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June 2016 Opportunities
Creative City June 2016 Public Events
Collaborating for Maximum Impact: Presenting the Nile Project at Boston University  
Fund for the Arts enlivens greater Boston

Fund for the Arts awarded $93,675 supporting public art projects that will take place in the greater Boston area. The five Fund for the Arts advisors, Newell Flather, Ann Gund, Geoff Hargadon, Ted Landsmark and Tyra Sidberry, awarded grants ranging from $2,500 to $15,000 to nine nonprofit organizations. Read more at
Image: Celebrity Series' presentation of Street Pianos Boston in 2013. Piano hosted and painted by the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, by Robert Torres.

National Theater Project announces finalists

Early in May, the National Theater Project (NTP) advisors met in New Orleans, LA, to make truly hard decisions about which projects would advance to the final application round. Over the course of two days, the advisors narrowed the field down to 24 finalists from 90 proposals. Each applicant has been paired with an advisor who may help in any number of ways, including looking at text and work samples or helping to refine the budget. In July, six of these finalists will receive NTP Creation and Touring grants. Read more at

Image: NTP finalist Theater Grottesco, provided by Theater Grottesco.
Center Stage season begins with Democratoz

Democratoz lands in the U.S. next month from Oran, Algeria, kicking off Center Stage's third season with their funky mix of reggae, rock, and rai. The tour kicks off in Boston with a free, outdoor performance on July 16. Read more on

Image: Democratoz, by Mihoub Ergo.
Save the date! Idea Swap 2016

N0VEMBER 2, 2016 
Mechanics Hall, Worcester, MA

The Idea Swap is an annual event for New England-based nonprofit cultural organizations to network and share tour project ideas that may qualify for funding from NEFA's Expeditions grant program. 

Registration will be available in early August. Learn more on
Grants awarded
Image: NEST-supported Asylum Quartet, by Doug McVicar.

Apply for a grant
Upcoming application deadlines: (learn more at Grant deadlines are at 11:59PM EST, with staff available until 5:00PM EST.

New England States Touring (NEST) Grant

SEPTEMBER 12, 2016
Creative City Grant 

OCTOBER 11, 2016
National Dance Project Touring Award

National Theater Project Presentation Grant
National Theater Project Presenter Travel Fund
New England Presenter Travel Fund

Image: National Dance Project-supported Nora Chipaumire, by Elise Fitte-Duval. 
Staff news
Nicholas Medvescek has joined the organization as CreativeGround website administrator. He has worked as a freelance producer, product manager, and marketing strategist with multiple Boston area theatre companies. Nick graduated from Emerson College. He currently resides in Somerville, MA. Read more at 
Deidra Montgomery is taking a new role at NEFA as the program coordinator for Creative City. Most recently, Deidra has been a part of NEFA's development department, starting as associate in March 2014 and promoted to coordinator in June 2015. A resident of Somerville, Massachusetts, Deidra received a B.A. from Amherst College and an M.A. from Goucher College. Read more at

Images: Nick Medvescek by Jeffrey Filiault; Deidra Montgomery by Abigail Maulion.