Daily Challenge
# 6004
Monday, January 4, 2016

The Aviator (2004)
  • Core Paranoid Idol  b.1974 ...Howard Hughes
  • Cancel That Bet  b.1969 ...Katherine Hepburn
  • Tackle Keen Bias  b.1973 ...Ava Gardner
Solutions to yesterday's Screen Test:
Hell and Back (2015)
  • Bodkin Broke
  • B _ _  O _ _ _ _ _ _ _  (M)

Solution to yesterday's Audition:
  • Relish A Loan   =   Arsenio Hall
  • When asked about his charity selection on The Celebrity Apprentice, he said that about a month or so before he agreed to be on the show his cousin died of HIV/AIDS.

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Cast Shortlist for today's Screen Test 
  • Alan Alda
  • Alec Baldwin
  • Kate Beckinsale
  • Cate Blanchett
  • Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Ian Holm
  • Danny Huston
  • John C. Reilly
  • Gwen Stefani
a perfect anagram of the name of an actor or actress, such as
which exactly spells



Rearrange the letters in each an*ACT*agram to find the names of three actors in the movie.

 Movies are selected from the Top 100 Movies of each decade plus silent films.

 Dates of birth/death of the actor and their part in the movie are shown.

If stuck, look further down the email for similar letter groupings in the Cast Shortlist, which has all 3 names.

Click on blue underlined actor names for their Wikipedia biography. 


Rearrange the letters in the an*ACT*agram for the name of the actor.

Movies are selected from major releases in the past 7 years only.

The initial letters of the actor's name are shown as well as the correct number of empty spaces for the rest of their name, together with the actor's gender: M/F

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- Daily Challenge™ - Screen Test™ - Audition.
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