Storage and transport of
ESD sensitive items
Storage and Transport

During storage and transportation outside an EPA, ESD sensitive components and assemblies need to be enclosed in packaging that possesses the ESD control property of shielding:

  • Electrostatic charges and discharges take the path of least resistance
  • Charge will be either positive or negative; otherwise charge will balance out and there is no charge
  • Charges repel so electrostatic charge will reside on outer surface
A Faraday Cage effect can protect ESDS contents in a shielding bag, or other container with a shielding layer. To complete the enclosure, make sure to place lids on boxes or containers and close shielding bags. Packaging with holes, tears, or gaps should not be used as the contents may be able to extend outside the enclosure and lose their shielding as well as mechanical protection.
When ESD sensitive items are unpackaged from shielding bags or other containers, they should be handled by a grounded operator at an ESD workstation.
ESD Protective Symbol
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