First Lutheran Church
               WEEKLY E-NEWS

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April 28, 2016

"Faith is Caught, More Than Taught"
This Sunday we say "THANK YOU!" to all our Faith Formation leaders and volunteers who nurture, grow and tend to the faith of children, youth and adults. If you've ever attended a class, or any member of your family has, please say thanks to their leader(s) and offer a prayer of thanksgiving.
"People don't care what you know, until they know that you care." Yes, LOVE is what lies at the heart of sharing faith and helping others grow as disciples of Jesus. Check out these readings-2 Timothy 1:3-6 & John 21:15-17. Reflect on a few questions: Who has nurtured my faith journey? Have I thanked them? In what ways can I love someone into deeper, more vibrant faith? How are we doing as a faith community?

~ Pastor Jay


The first three weeks of May are the last three weeks of Faith Formation.  We still need shepherds and volunteers for our Good Samaritan rotation.  Click here or contact Jennifer if you would like to volunteer,  [email protected].

Registration is now open for CAVE QUEST
Vacation Bible School! 
We are so excited to explore Cave Quest where we will learn that Jesus is the light of the world.  The dates for VBS are July 18-22 from 9 a.m-12 p.m .  VBS is open to kids age 4 to rising 5th grade.  Older kids and adults are needed as volunteers.  The cost is $10 per child with a family max of $25.  This fee includes a t-shirt for each participant.  Scholarships are available, if needed.  CD's are available for $10.  Be on the lookout soon for our donation requests. If you have any questions, contact Bonnie Meyer at [email protected]
Click here  to register. 
Take a light and help VBS shine bright!  Our donation cave is up in the Community Center.  Please sign out your lantern on the clipboard.  We are expecting 200 kids again this year so all donations are greatly appreciated.


all faith formation teachers
and mentors!
Children, Youth and Adult faith formation could not happen without volunteers who are willing to share their faith and time weekly. This Sunday, we will recognize all of this year's faith formation leaders in our morning worship services.  All faith formation leaders who are not teaching please drop by the community center for a special treat at 10 AM. If you are teaching, we will drop by and visit your room!  

Sunday, May 1

Communion in
Traditional Worship

Contemporary Worship 
 9 am & 11 am 
Pastor Jay Hilbinger

Traditional Worship 
11 am
Pastor Bernie Hess

Community Worship
6 pm

Youth and Family Ministries

RAD Youth & Family Event -- Saturday, May  14   Agape-ganza!  
It's our end-of-the-school year RAD event open to youth, Grade 6-12 and their families.  We are heading to Camp Agape, near Fuquay-Varina, NC  at noon for an afternoon of playing, hiking, zipping and of course - Gaga Ball fun!   On the way back we will enjoy dinner together. Pre-register here for a day of fun.   Agape-ganza will feature a Gaga ball competition (all ages welcome). If you'd like to be on our FLC team - please sign up and let us know! 

RAD Youth Beach Retreat - June 12 - 16

Registration for the RAD BEACH RETREAT, June 12-16, is still open for Youth, Gr 5-12.  Cost is $300, scholarship assistance is available. Together, we will enjoy devotions, serving in Wilmington, games, beach time, and end by worshipping on the beach! 
Register online by MAY 8 here.

Parents & Adults- we are still looking for 1-2 adult males who are willing to help us out. Your cost is covered. Contact:
[email protected] if you can help us for the full event or even half of the time!

High School Graduates, we'd like to know your future plans and celebrate your accomplishments too.  Please email:
[email protected]  with the following information:  name, HS you are graduating from, plans for your future (examples: college, community college, work, serve).  Join us on Sunday, May 21 as we recognize and bless you at either the 9 AM contemporary or the 11 AM traditional worship service.

Follow us on Twitter 

May 3
James Esterline, pianist extraordinaire, who was invited by Melissa Burris, will offer a piano program.  This will be presented in the traditional worship space at 
11 am, our usual time.  We invite and encourage interested members and friends to come and enjoy this amazing musician. 
Programs begin at 11 am and lunch is at noon.  If you are 50 to 110, come and join us.


+ HABITAT BUILD IN NICARAGUA NEEDS YOUR HELP: The 12-member team of First Lutheran members is readying passports, going through packing lists, and mentally preparing for an amazing experience.  Check the latest edition of First Glance (which you will receive tomorrow) for more information! Support for the trip, which is June 18-26, can be made using the church's website HERE. Checks may be made to First Lutheran Church, Memo: Nicaragua Trip. Questions? Contact Jenna Rhyne at [email protected], 540-354-5724.

+ HOMERUN FOR HOMELESSNESS:  Have fun at a Greensboro Grasshoppers game and fight homelessness at 4 p.m. Sunday, MAY 22. Ticket sales are THIS SUNDAY AND MAY 8 in the Community Center from 10-11 a.m. Cost: $9 per ticket, $2 helps Partners Ending Homelessness.

+ SERVING GREENSBORO TOGETHER: Invite a friend to breakfast, lunch or dinner to help Greensboro Urban Ministry.  Area restaurants will donate some proceeds from sales on Tuesday, MAY 3. A list of participating restaurants can be found here

+ BREAD FOR THE WORLD: The 2016 Offering of Letters, which emphasizes Healthy Nutrition for Mothers and Children, will take place during and after the worship services  MAY 8. Please stop by the tables near the services and sign letters to our congressional delegation to request their support for mothers and children. Contacts: Ginny Hultquist and Jim Killacky.

+ FOCUS ON STYROFOAM: Environmental Stewardship Greensboro, a coalition of faith communities in Greensboro concerned about care of creation, is urging the Greensboro City Council to start recycling Styrofoam (#6).   For more information about this, see the May edition of First Glance, which comes out tomorrow.

+ REMEMBER TO RECYCLE: After hearing sermons and prayers about the care of creation during April, please take some practical steps and bring the following items to the Mission Depot: Styrofoam #6, batteries, ink-jet cartridges, glasses/hearing aids, cell phones, clothing and shoes.  Click here for a list of materials that can be recycled in the recycling can provided by the City of Greensboro.
+ BIKES NEEDED: Two men who have job offers at a local plant need bikes for a 3-mile trip. The bus does not go to the factory. The lack of bus lines going to some work sites has been a big barrier in helping people to find jobs, according to Debbie Taylor of W. Market St. United Methodist Church, with which we partner for the WE shelter. Contacts: Frank Moore or Colette Gibson.

+  Living Lutheran (formerly The Lutheran Magazine) E-News can be accessed here.

First Lutheran Church | 3600 W. Friendly Ave. | Greensboro | NC | 27410