August 2012
Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce 


Welcome Back!


For those of you who were around seven years ago, you will be happy to know that CalGirlS, the California Girls in STEM (the California affiliate of the National Girls Collaborative Project) is back!  We are planning an exciting Kick-Off Conference November 1, 2012 and you are invited!


For those who are new to CalGirlS, welcome!  Our vision, modeled from the National Girls Collaborative Project, is to bring together organizations throughout California that are committed to informing and encouraging girls to promote interest and engagement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).  


Read on to learn about the CalGirlS Kick-Off event happening November 1, 2012.


Please forward this invitation on to any colleagues who are interested in learning about how to inform and encourage girls to pursue careers in STEM!


We look forward to seeing you in November!



The CalGirlS Team                                                                                              Like us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter


Register for the CalGirlS Kickoff Conference
November 1, 2012  10:00am - 3:30 pm
Clark Kerr Conference Center, University of California, Berkeley

The purpose of this event is to give you information about how the CalGirlS can help your organization increase its capacity to involve girls in STEM through collaboration with others.

At the CalGirls Kick-Off Conference you will:
  • Learn how to collaborate with others to better prepare girls for STEM-related careers
  • Gain access to our mini-grant program to help fund collaboration with another program
  • Network with potential collaborators
  • Share and receive promising practices and resources with others

All program managers, guidance counselors, business partners, technical professionals, K-12 teachers, line staff and representatives from professional organizations and higher education are invited to join us to learn about CalGirlS and meet new colleagues to identify collaboration opportunities.


  • Invited keynote speaker
  • Professional development workshop
  • Guide to apply for NGCP mini-grant program
  • Hands-on collaboration building exercises
  • Best practices shared from the field
  • Box lunch provided
  • Parking available
Registration fee: $25 
Deadline to register: October 24, 2012 

Need a travel
We have a limited number of scholarships to help with travel costs to the conference.  Please contact Sherry Hsi at if you are interested in applying.
Deadline to register for a travel scholarship: October 5, 2012

Support CalGirlS
Do you want to help strengthen the capacity of girl-serving STEM programs throughout California?  Consider supporting CalGirlS!

Contact Sherry Hsi at for information about sponsorship opportunities for the November Kick-off event.  

You may also support us by making an online donation through the NGCP website.  Choose to donate towards a mini-grant or Collaborative support, and then select the state (CA) to support CalgirlS.
About NGCP and CalGirlS
  The goals of the National Girls Collaborative Project are to:
  • Strengthen the capacity of girl-serving STEM programs to effectively reach and serve underrepresented girls in STEM by sharing promising practice research and program models, outcomes and products.
  • Increase the effectiveness of Collaboratives by providing professional development focused on sustainability, organizational effectiveness and shared leadership to more effectively deliver services to girl-serving STEM organizations.
  • Maximize K-12 school counselors' access to and use of relevant, high-quality resources that increase awareness of barriers to girls' interest and engagement in STEM.
The Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley is proud to be the collaborative lead with the National Girls Collaborative Project as its California affiliate - California Girls in STEM (CalGirlS).
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