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Photo by Daniel Eisenkraft Klein


Recently, we hoisted our 13-year-old Bar Mitsvah boy up in a chair and circled around him to tunes played by a quartet from the Jewstice League Klezmer Ensemble.  As we danced joyously, we recalled his mother's words to us earlier that morning, when she asked us to share an aliyah during his bar mitzvah: "You are my mishpocha."  We have heard this on other occasions -- during services and holiday celebrations, at visits with friends in the community, at worship or at play, during times of difficulty and times of joy. 


We write to you today to remind you that the High Holy Days are just around the corner.  To everyone who has already taken out a membership, we thank you and welcome you -- or welcome you back, if you renewed your membership.  For the rest: we need you to become a member of Congregation Shir Libeynu.  On a spiritual level, all we need is love, but when it comes to running our little shul that could -- and does -- money and membership help a great deal.  Joining as a member makes a statement about your commitment to this community. Membership supports and strengthens us all year long and makes for vibrant services throughout, and at High Holy Days, no matter how few or many you attend.  It ensures that you can participate with us whenever you wish, during times of happiness and times of sadness, to revel in your and your family's simchas and achievements, and be supported and comforted during the hard times.


Please take a moment to look at our High Holy Days page, and take out a membership.  We offer a range of fees to make sure that our services are truly accessible. However, if a membership is out of reach for you this year, please consider making a donation to the Shir Libeynu Fund when purchasing your single-service tickets when they go on sale later this month.


The first service of 5774 is Erev Rosh Hashanah, on the evening of Wednesday, September 4th and there's a whole lot of mischpocha-inspired services and events to follow!


Looking forward to seeing you soon at Shir Libeynu. 




The High Holy Days are just three weeks away, so buy your membership now, with our easy on-line membership order form


Our free child care includes thematic holiday activities. Be on the lookout for information about our children's program.


On Yom Kippur afternoon, we offer a variety of free activities for adults.  A schedule and description will be available shortly.


*NEW* Erev Rosh Hashanah Dinner Menu


This year, our popular Erev Rosh Hashanah dinner is being catered by Andrew Cohen of Gourmet Galaxy. With the freshest of ingredients, unique flavour blends and a healthy approach to food preparation, Gourmet Galaxy creates superb fare that is nutritionally sound as well as delicious. Since 1994, Andrew has catered and organized events of all kinds, including the reception at our Pride Oneg Shabbat.



For information on scheduling, ticket prices and more, visit these quick links for the High Holy Days:




Our Next Service


Contemplative Service on the

Shabbat morning before Rosh Hashanah

Saturday, August 31st @ 10:30 a.m. 


If you've found yourself in the past walking into shul on Rosh Hashanah
and wishing you'd been readier for the High Holy Days - perhaps emotionally or spiritually - this contemplative service could be for you.

Led by Lorne Blumer, Helen Bauer and Harvey Weisfeld, we will endeavour to ready ourselves that much more for the approaching Days of Awe.


 Please note that there is no childcare available at this service.

Light refreshments will be served afterwards. 



Shabbat Sukkot Service

Saturday, September 21st @ 10:30 a.m.

 This celebration of the harvest festival of Sukkot will include a visit to the rooftop sukkah, weather permitting.


Our free childcare program will include Sukkot-themed crafts and stories.

A Kiddush lunch will be served afterwards. 


Please note that there is no service on Saturday, September 7th.





Our Next Service


Contemplative Service on the

Shabbat morning before Rosh Hashanah

Saturday, August 31st @ 10:30 a.m. 


If you've found yourself in the past walking into shul on Rosh Hashanah
and wishing you'd been readier for the High Holy Days - perhaps emotionally or spiritually - this contemplative service could be for you.

Led by Lorne Blumer, Helen Bauer and Harvey Weisfeld, we will endeavour to ready ourselves that much more for the approaching Days of Awe.


 Please note that there is no childcare available at this service.

Light refreshments will be served afterwards. 



Shabbat Sukkot Service

Saturday, September 21st @ 10:30 a.m.

 This celebration of the harvest festival of Sukkot will include a visit to the rooftop sukkah, weather permitting.


Our free childcare program will include Sukkot-themed crafts and stories.

A Kiddush lunch will be served afterwards. 


Please note that there is no service on Saturday, September 7th.




Need more information? Please contact us at:

[email protected] or at (416) 465-5488


Congregation Shir Libeynu