Shir Libeynu Logo
E-Update March 31st, 2013
In This Edition 


1. Next Shabbat Service - This Saturday, April 6, 2013


2. Other Shir Libeynu Items:

a)  Shabbat Morning Service - Saturday, May 4, 2013 

b)  *NEW PROGRAMMING IDEA* Talmud Study Group

c)  Our Facebook Page

d)  Our Songs and Prayers Online


3. New Feature: Help Wanted


4.  Community Announcements 

a)  Yom Hashoah V' Hagvurah: From Resistance to Remembrance: 70th  Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Sunday April 7, 2013 

b)  Yom Ha'atzmaut Celebration - Sunday, April 21, 2013

c)  Tikkun Leil Shavuot All-Night Celebration - Tuesday, May 14/Wednesday, May 15, 2013

d) Heart to Heart 2013: A Program for Jewish and Palestinian Israeli Youth


5.   New Feature: Shir Libeynu People

a)   Paula Wolfson in Strings Attached 



  Our Next  Service


Saturday, April 6, 2013

10:30 a.m.


Celebrate spring and the children of Shir Libeynu -- from birth to bar/bat mitzvah. Our next Shabbat service, led by Aviva Goldberg, will include a baby naming and honours for our upcoming 
bnei mitzvot.


This month's Kiddush is sponsored by Leah Gryfe and Matthew Price in honour of the upcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son Max Price, and Sharon Gryfe in honour of the upcoming Bat Mitzvah of her daughter, Hayley Kadak, as well as by (Buby) Cecile Lapowich and (Auntie) Amy Herskowitz to honour the Hebrew naming of Nathan Angus Gillis, younger son of Francine and Greg Gillis.


Our free childcare program will include crafts and stories that reflect the season.



Other Shir Libeynu Items




Saturday, May 4, 2013 @ 10:30 a.m.


Led by our Chazzan, Daniela Gesundheit, and our long-time member, Charlie Lior.


Our free childcare program includes crafts and stories.

A Kiddush lunch is served at noon.  

Our regular services usually take place at 10:30 a.m. on the FIRST SATURDAY of the MONTH at:


The Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre
750 Spadina Avenue @ Bloor and Spadina
(across from Spadina Station)
in the Michael Bernstein Chapel on the 3rd floor








Talmud Study Group  


Shir Libeynu-ites and associated friends and acquaintances! We are looking to start up a Talmud study group that would meet once or twice a month to read, analyze and discuss different Talmudic passages (something like a chavrusa.) 


Some interest has already been expressed, and we would like to know who else might be into helping make this happen. This is meant to be a collaborative project: we would ideally have rotating "hosts" who would choose a passage, email it out in advance, and make photocopies for the group, as well as organize or provide a venue (if we decide not to do it in the same place each week). This is in the hope of not placing too much burden on one person, and creating something sustainable! It will hopefully also get more of the group thinking about which passages they personally would be interested in studying. 



 Please email Elise Eisenkraft Klein at [email protected]

if you are interested - and pass it on to others who might be!


Our Facebook Group


Don't forget to join our Facebook group, CONGREGATION SHIR LIBEYNU! As administrators, our hope is that you'll use this group to kvetch and kvell. Share with us projects you're involved in, your accomplishments, or any upcoming events which might interest Shir Libeynu members. Want to raise awareness about an issue or share a petition? Our Facebook group is the place: it is YOUR place.


To post to this group, simply log on to Facebook and choose CONGREGATION SHIR LIBEYNU from your list of groups (or join if you haven't already). Click inside the box that says "Write something" and away you go. Want to upload photos from a Shir Libeynu event? Click on the button which says "Add Photos/Videos," then choose "Upload Photos/Videos" and choose the files you want to upload. OurSongs


Our Songs and Prayers On Line 

Shir Libeynu means "song of our hearts," so music is an important part of all of our services. Our website provides live streaming of our chazzan, Daniela Gesundheit, singing a number of the songs, prayers and chants that make our Shabbat services so special. Daniela includes possible variations, including suggestions for singing harmony.






This new section will let you know how you can help out at Shir Libeynu - one project at a time. Please keep an eye out for ways to pitch in.




YomHAnnouncements in this section appear at the discretion of the newsletter editor to help promote Shir Libeynu's community partners and other organizations.


This year, Yom Hashoah V'Hagvurah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) will be observed on Sunday, April 7, 2013 at 11 a.m. Toronto's community-wide commemoration is being held in honour of the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising at 11 a.m. at The Joseph & Wolf Lebovic Jewish Community Campus Schwarz/Reisman Centre (9600 Bathurst Street, Vaughan). A free shuttle bus is available by reservation only. For more information, call 416-635-2883, ext. 5107.


Co-sponsored by the Canadian Society for Yad Vashem, Sarah andYomHazChaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre and the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto.


b) Yom Ha'atzmaut Celebration - Sunday, April 21, 2013


Discover Israeli food, games and activities, arts and crafts, jungle gym and Shira Be'tzibur (Hebrew sing-a-long). This fun-filled celebration for the whole family will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the MNJCC (750 Spadina @ Bloor).




c) Tikkun Leil Shavuot - Tuesday, May 14/Wednesday May 15

Celebrate Shavuot at the corner of Sinai and Spadina (aka the MNJCC, 750 Spadina @ Bloor) with a full night of community, study, singing, snacking and more! Drop by for an hour or stay the whole night. Enjoy a variety of classes, including Torah and Talmud study, cooking, storytelling, philosophy and Jewish meditation. Special programs for kids and teens. All are welcome! Free.


Check here for developing information on this all-night adventure, including details on presenters from Shir Libeynu.

Congregation Shir Libeynu is proud to be a community partner in presenting Tikkun Leil Shavuot.
d) Heart to Heart 2013: Creating a safe space for Jewish and Palestinian Israeli youth to share their hearts and their minds.


For the past two summers, Givat Haviva and Hashomer Hatzair have partnered to bring a group of Jewish and Palestinian Israeli youth from Israel to a three-week coexistence program. Participants spend two-and-a-half weeks at Camp Shomria and also have the opportunity to visit Ottawa and Toronto.


Congregation Shir Libeynu looks forward to supporting this unique program again this year. Here are ways to help out, including hosting participants.




This new section will provide a chance for our congregants to get to know more about each other. If you are engaged in a project, have an interest, have experienced a life cycle event or know of a congregant who has, please let us know. We request that submissions be in before the THIRD MONDAY of the month. Editorial considerations include -- but are not limited to -- length of items, scheduling of listed events, frequency of submissions, and generality of interest.Paula


a)    Shir Libeynu member Paula Wolfson has enriched our High Holy Day services with her wonderful voice. Paula writes here about her latest show,  Strings Attached:

Juno winner Kirk Elliott joins me - Shir Libeynu chazzanut  "understudy" and Dora winner  Paula Wolfson -- in a melodious evening of "how it all began" and "where we are now."  Autoharps, ukuleles, guitars, bagpipes, bouzoukis and fiddles will be FLYIN'!!


Tickets are now on sale for Strings Attached at the Flying Beaver Pubaret.  Early birds who book in advance will guarantee their spot in a limited space and save $ 5.00. Leaving it to the last minute is for the gamblers and risk-takers among you.


Friday, April 5 @ 7:00 p.m.


The Flying Beaver Pubaret (488 Parliament Street)

To purchase tickets to Strings Attached, visit

Shir Libeynu Fund

Proceeds from the fund will go towards ensuring that Shir Libeynu continues to thrive while ensuring access to everyone, regardless of their financial situation.


Click here to donate to the Shir Libeynu Fund (please note that we do not have credit card capability - just PayPal). 


Alternatively, you can make out a cheque to Congregation Shir Libeynu (please write "Shir Libeynu Fund" in the "Memo" or "Re" section on the cheque) and mail it to


Shir Libeynu, 

P.O Box 73509

Toronto, Ontario

M6C 4A7


Please send an email message to [email protected] 

stating the reason for your donation so we can acknowledge it in the Shabbat handout and on our website. Donations in any amount are welcome and income tax receipts will be issued.




The congregation holds Shabbat services on the first Saturday morning of each month, in the Michael Bernstein Chapel, on the 3rd floor of the Miles Nadal JCC, followed by a Kiddush. Free childcare is available during the services. We also offer adult education workshops and programs, the possibility to participate in our choir and chanting events, as well as holiday celebrations and Oneg Shabbat dinners throughout the year.



Congregation Shir Libeynu is unaffiliated, liberal, inclusive and egalitarian. Our participatory services combine tradition and innovation. Shir Libeynu is Hebrew for "song of our hearts," and our services include prayers and music both ancient and modern. Our diverse community is a welcoming one.

Need more information? Please contact us at:

[email protected] or at (416) 465-5488


Congregation Shir Libeynu

Our New Mailing Address:

P.O Box 73509

Toronto, Ontario, M6C 4A7