News Briefs for Faculty of CMSRU
January/February 2013
In This Issue
Breaking News!
Students Win Clinical Competition
Upcoming Events
Press Coverage of CMSRU
JUMP High Scheduled for Spring
How to Submit Story Ideas
Grand Rounds-Feb. 5
Dr. Bekes Honored
East Coast College Advisors Visit CMSRU
"Flipping" the Curriculum
MLD Day of Service Recap
Focus on Faculty
CMSRU Breaking News! 

 Med Students Earn Top Award at Emergency Medicine Symposium   

Earlier this month, CMSRU students Gita Byraiah, Micheal Coletta, Lena Fan, Gururaj Shan, Erica Schramm, Kathryn Gussman, and Joshua Weinstock attended the 2nd Annual Philadelphia Emergency Medicine Medical Student Symposium at Temple University.  At the event, CMSRU's team took first place in the Clinical Case Simulation Competition! 


For the clinical case simulation competition, student teams were presented with an emergency case on a simulation mannequin, then evaluated on their communication, teamwork and clinical management skills as they cared for the "patient." Competitors included first and second year medical students from Jefferson, Drexel, and Temple Universities. CMSRU's three-person team, which included Michael, Gururaj and Joshua, came out on top! 


"This is a great accomplishment for our students and our school," noted Dean Katz. "Our faculty should be proud that our students already have the skills and confidence to participate in and win a competition like this."


CMSRU Grand Rounds  

Mark your calendars for these upcoming events. All CMSRU Grand Rounds will be held in the auditorium:


Tuesday, February 5

7 a.m.-8 a.m. 

Nagaswami Vasan, DVM, PhD

Team Based Learning

See article at right for more detail. 


Tuesday, March 12

7 a.m.-8 a.m.  

David Hirsh, MD

The Longitudinal Clerkship Experience


CMSRU in the Media

CMSRU's Camden Community Collaborative Practice, the free, student-run health care clinic that provides early and continuous patient exposure for CMSRU students, was featured in The Inquirer earlier this month. Click HERE to read the complete article. 


Paul Katz In addition, an in-depth profile on CMSRU Dean Paul Katz, MD, was featured on NJSpotlight, an online news service providing insight and information on issues critical to New Jersey.  Click HERE to read the article. 


Spring JUMP High Dates Announced

CMSRU is now planning its JUMP High Academy sessions for Spring 2013, and needs volunteer physicians, nurses and other health care professionals to make this another successful program!


JUMP (Junior Urban Medical Pioneers) High Academy High School is a one-day program for high school students who excel in math and science. The program's hands-on activities and interactive learning sessions will expose students to applied science, and provide an overview of a variety of science and healthcare careers.


The primary goal of JUMP is to provide mentorship and exposure to medical professions to students who belong to groups that are traditionally under-presented in medicine, as well as those from financially disadvantaged backgrounds.


Dates for this spring's JUMP are:

  • Saturday, March 9th
  • Saturday April 20th
  • May (TBD)

 If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information on the program, contact Octavia Nash, Program Coordinator, at at 856-361-2818 or nash@rowan.edu.


CMSRU's STAT Caf� Offers Starbucks Coffee and More   

Don't forget--CMSRU's STAT Cafe is open for business!  Stop by for breakfast, lunch, a snack, or a cup of Starbucks� coffee. STAT Caf� is located adjacent to the Learning Commons on the first floor of CMSRU. It's open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. 


While STAT Caf� is a take-out restaurant, seating is available in the Learning Commons.

We Want Your News!  


If you have news related to your position at CMSRU that you would like to share with your fellow clinical and basic science faculty members, please submit it to coopermednews@rowan.edu and someone from our marketing team will contact you.     

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Making the Rounds

Medical Education Grand Rounds Scheduled for Feb. 5   

In preparation for the "Curriculum Flip" (See Curriculum Update article below), CMSRU is holding an important faculty development event on Tuesday, February 5. Join us in the auditorium of CMSRU's Medical Education Building from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. for a special presentation by Nagaswami Vasan, DVM, PhD a leading expert on team-based learning and its effect on student performance and motivation in medical education.


"Dr. Vasan is an expert on team-based learning," explains CMSRU Vice Dean Annette Reboli, MD. "He has used it effectively in his anatomy and embryology course, and has published numerous articles on the topic. He will help our faculty and students understand the reason behind this significant change in our curriculum, as well as how to implement it successfully."


Dr. Vasan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey - New Jersey Medical School, where he has been educating medical students since 1977. He served on and chaired multiple curriculum committees, and served as Assistant Dean for Education. Currently, he is involved in conducting both classroom and pedagogical research. Dr. Vasan has received several teaching and service awards from UMDNJ including the Golden Apple, Deans and UMDNJ-Foundation awards, and awards from international academic societies. Dr. Vasan was inducted as a charter member of the UMDNJ Master Educators' Guild in 2000 and has served as its president.  


Dr. Carolyn Bekes Earns Special Recognition   


Carolyn E. Bekes, MD, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and Graduate Medical Education, was honored recently with two major awards.


On December 10, Cooper's medical staff presented Dr. Bekes with its "Lifetime Achievement Award" for her long and extensive record of excellent service to Cooper University Health Care in a variety of leadership roles that has spanned four decades. Her career highlights include roles as Chief, Section of Critical Care; Senior Vice President for Academic and Medical Affairs; and Chief Medical Officer.


On January 21, Dr. Bekes was named a Master of Critical Care Medicine (MCCM) by The Society of Critical Care Medicine.


Her designation as MCCM reflects her status as a long-standing Fellow of the American College of Critical Care Medicine. The SCCM noted that the award is "based on her achievements as a prominent and distinguished leader of national and international stature, [her] personal character, leadership, eminence in clinical practice, outstanding contributions to research and education in critical care and exemplary contributions to SCCM, ACCM, and the field of critical care in its broadest sense." The designation was conferred at the annual meeting of the American College of Critical Care and the Society of Critical Care Medicine.


Dr. Bekes was also featured in SJ Magazine's January 2013 edition, "Women in Medicine."

Annual Meeting Brings 100+ College Health Advisors to CMSRU
Health Advisors toru
Dr. Hector Lopez answers questions about the Gross Anatomy Lab as Dr. John McGeehan tours a group of LAN meeting attendees. 

On January 11, CMSRU hosted the 15th annual meeting of the Philadelphia LAN, a network more than 120 health professions advisors and medical school admissions deans from throughout the region. Columbia, Franklin & Marshall, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, Bryn Mawr, Georgetown, Penn State, and Johns Hopkins are just a handful of the colleges and universities represented at the event.


The program included a morning keynote address by Cooper Family Medicine physician Jeffrey Brenner, MD, founder and executive director of the Camden Coalition of Health Care Providers. Dr. Brenner explained his innovative approach to containing health care costs and improving care for the most vulnerable patients.


According to John F. McGeehan, MD, CMSRU's Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions, the event was a tremendous success. "Hosting this meeting presented us with an amazing opportunity," he said. "We were able to showcase our state-of-the-art facility, our unique and innovative curriculum, and our outstanding faculty to a captive audience of professionals whose influence will help steer the right applicants to our medical school in the future."


"And they were impressed," he added.

CMSRU Curriculum Update 

Student working In February, CMSRU will enter the next chapter of innovative education by piloting a "flipped lecture" program for part of the first year curriculum. For those who haven't kept up with this growing trend, the concept of a flipped classroom is this: instead of having students sit through a lecture and then go their separate ways to study and work through problems, students view the lecture at home (via podcast, video, or PowerPoint presentation) and then complete interactive "homework" on-site that is facilitated by faculty. This interactive work could take the form of case-based practice problems, skill development, or other group and individual projects. See a terrific infographic about flipping HERE.


In many ways, this is an extension of CMSRU's emphasis on active engagement of students through small group work. Students currently work on cases in their seven Active Learning Groups - a process well-regarded by the charter class and faculty alike. While some content will continue to be delivered via the traditional on-site lecture format, our long-term vision is that this will be a very targeted and limited method of teaching.


The first course to use the flipped format will be Infectious Diseases, beginning in February. Already, faculty are recording their lectures - either at home using laptops and webcams, or in CMSRU's "flip recording room" where equipment has been set up for this purpose. Shortly, faculty will be able to test an annotation tablet, so that they may record lectures along with their PowerPoint, as well as annotate slides similar to what they might do in the live classroom. Examples of this type of annotation can be seen broadly in Khan Academy courses (a model for curriculum flipping!), with a specific example HERE.


Stay tuned as we continue to lead the way into the future of medical education...

Students Hold MLK Day of Service Event

MLK Day 2013

CMSRU's Class of 2016 marked this year's Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by hosting "Healthy Habits-Healthy Community," a special service learning event they planned for local youth and young adults.


Nearly 150 middle, high school and college students from throughout the region gathered at CMSRU in Camden for the half-day event, during which CMSRU students trained them to become community leaders in exercise, nutrition and wellness. CMSRU students are required to perform 40 hours of community service per year, including planning and hosting an annual MLK Day of Service event.


"Our students chose this project as a way to encourage the youth in the City of Camden -- and beyond -- to not only be healthier themselves, but to become role models in their families and among their peers for living healthy, active lives," explained Jocelyn Mitchell-Williams, MD, PhD, CMSRU's Associate Dean for Multicultural and Community Affairs.  


Click HERE to read full coverage of CMSRU's MLK Day of Service

Focus on Faculty: Evan Goldman, PhD


Goldman Evan Goldman, PhD, a science educator and researcher in physiology, has joined CMSRU's basic science faculty as Assistant Professor of Biomedical Science. He will teach the gross anatomy sections of CMSRU's organ-based modules to first and second year students, and will facilitate an active learning group.


Prior to joining CMSRU, Dr. Goldman was a member of the biomedical science faculty at Philadelphia University in East Falls, PA, where he was an educator of undergraduate, graduate and physician assistant students in the areas of Advanced Human Anatomy, Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, Integrative Design Process, and Bioethics.


Dr. Goldman's area of research is currently focused on evaluating the benefits and harms of wearing body armor and sports compression clothing in terms of thermal load, proprioceptive changes, cardiovascular changes, and impacts on range of motion, mobility and protection. In the past, he worked under a military grant developing a backpack able to harness energy from human motion and also help reduce the strain experienced by soldiers by dampening the peak forces to which soldiers are subject due to carrying heavy packs in the field. He most recently worked with a team on development of the next-generation military body armor. Following his interest in anatomical education research, he has developed animations and computer interfaces to aid student learning in gross anatomy.


Dr. Goldman earned his doctorate degree in Physiology from Temple University in Philadelphia in 1998. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship on integrative muscle physiology at the University of Pennsylvania in 2004.


Welcome Dr. Goldman!

About Cooper Medical School of Rowan University
CMSRU is committed to providing humanistic education in the art and science of medicine within a scientific and scholarly community in which inclusivity, excellence in patient care, innovative teaching, research and service to our community are valued.

Core values include a commitment to diversity, personal mentorship, professionalism, collaboration and mutual respect, civic responsibility, patient advocacy and lifelong learning. 
Cooper Medical School of Rowan University
401 S. Broadway
Camden, New Jersey 08103
