Church ShieldEpistle Header

In This Issue
Rylton Thomas' Speech
Parish Notes
The Propers
This Sunday's Altar Flowers
Đại Ý Kinh Văn

Upcoming Events

Saturday, Nov. 16


- Funeral of Mark Houston, 10:30 AM 



Sunday, Nov. 17:


- Confirmation Class, after church


- Meeting of Sunday School children's parents, after church


- Odeon Concert, 4 PM 


- Youth at the Falls Church, 5-7 PM


Sunday, Nov. 24:


Stewardship Sunday


Confirmation Class to Evensong at the National Cathedral, 4 PM  



Thursday, Nov. 28:


Thanksgiving Day Service, 10:30 AM.




Sunday, Dec. 1:

(First Sunday of Advent)




Tuesday, Dec. 3: 


6 PM-9 PM:  Spinelli Bingo Potluck Dinner


Thursday, Dec. 5:


Hypothermia, 8:00 PM


Friday, Dec. 6:


Hypothermia, 8:00 PM 


Sunday, Dec. 8:


Bishop Visitation, 2 PM 



Tuesday, Dec. 10:


Commissions, 6:30 PM

Vestry, 7:30 PM


Thursday, Dec. 12


Hypothermia, 8:00 PM


Friday, Dec. 13


Hypothermia, 8:00 PM


Wednesday, Dec. 18


Blue Christmas Service, 7:30 PM 


Thursday, Dec. 19


Hypothermia, 8:00 PM


Friday, Dec. 20


Hypothermia, 8:00 PM  


Saturday, Dec. 21


- Feed The Homeless Volunteers' Luncheon, 12 PM


-  Feed The Homeless, 3:30 PM 


Sunday, Dec. 22


Greening of the Church


Wednesday, Dec. 24


Christmas Eve Worship, 7:30 PM 


Saturday, Dec. 28

Hypothermia, 8:00 PM


Sunday, Dec. 29

Hypothermia, 8:00 PM  




Altar at Easter 2013      




18   Nam-Tran Mai

24   Thomas H. Wetrich

25   Kiet Samuel Tran




 4    Irene Graham

 5    Jennifer Moya

 6    Jean Pierre Chanu

10    Winnie Lebo

11    Graham Parvinkarimi

14    Lois Cascella

15    Laurie Los

15    Moi Phan

16    Jean DuBro

18    Jackson DuBro

 25    Amelia Nicholson

28    Paul Los

30    Patricia Phan

31    Trang Diep

31    Chon Kim Huynh

Our Prayer List

We remember in our prayer:


Dee Bailey, Kari Boeskov, Brandon, Jane Chapman, Marie Cosimano, Tim Clary, Dorothy Connelly, John Davis, Donald DeVaughn, Michael Dickinson, Loretta Dougherty, The Edsall Family, Dotty Eisenhour, Nance Finegan, Luis Garay, Carolyn Gawarecki, Louise Gibney, Anne Goodwin, Jean Graham, Nick Giuliani, Katherine Hafele, Anne & Thomas Edsall, Margaret Ellis Harris, Alek Hensley, Leslie Hogan, Cindy Hogman, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Michael Horn, Mary Isibel, Lindsay Johns, Gray Johnson, Jamie Kaplon, Robert Kelley, Geoff Kent, Quinn Kimball, Jeffry King, Michael Knowles, Peter Kosutic, Susan Lawrence, Lois Magrogan, Colleen Mavrikas, Gregory McGinnis,  Evelyn Morgan, Danielle Morgan, Ed+ and Margaret Morgan, Que Nguyen, Chick Nixon, Christine Nolan, Olive Oliver, Jim Owens, Gary Owens, Faith Poole, William Ross, Fern Shuck, Bill Sitler, Irene Skowron, Josh Smithers, Inez StantonCandi Stewart, Barbara Stefl, Kara Stryker, Walter Sushko, Steven Talbert, George Thomas, Clara Torres, George Torres, Elizabeth Trigg, Tammy Vanphung, Nhon Thanh Vo, Michael Weekes, Warren Weinstein, The Crowley Family, The Westfall Family, Paula Wiech, Meredith Wiech, Bernard Williams, Donna Wolfe, Rudy Zimple.






Note: If you have a loved one or friend who needs prayer please call the church and leave a message at 703-532-5656, or write to Tinh+ at  or call him at 703-405-9571.  Also, should a name need be removed from the list, please let Tinh+ know promptly, and give the reason.  



Saint Patrick's Ministers 

The Ministers of Saint Patrick's Church are the People of this Parish


supported by


The Reverend  

Tinh Trang Huynh, Rector


Ms. Mariko Hiller,  

Music Director


Ms. Rachel Burgess,

Nursery Care


We serve our Lord as part of the Diocese of Virginia


led by

our chief pastors


The Rt. Rev. Shannon Sherwood Johnston, Bishop


The Rt. Rev. Susan Goff

Bishop Suffragan 



The Rt. Rev. Ted Gulick,

Assistant Bishop 

The Vision of St. Patrick's

Saint Patrick's Episcopal Church is a community of care, called to be Christ-centered and multicultural in worship, Christian education and action to proclaim  Christ's love to the world.


Previous Issues of the Epistle
Please click here if you wish to see the previous issues of The Epistle

St. Patrick's Organized for Missions and Ministry 




Vestry Committee:
Senior Warden: Tom Auld; Junior Warden:  Bill Houston;
Registrar: Winnie Lebo;
Treasurer:  Kathy Oliver; 

Other members of the Vestry:   Elisabeth Nguyen, Milton Thomas, Jocelyne Miller, Pierre Chanu, Chris Nicholson. 




Altar Guild:  Lois Cascella;  
Bell Choir:  Mariko Hiller; 
Sunday Service Bulletin:  Diem Nguyen, Steve Lebo;
Offering Counters:  Bob Cascella; Diocesan Council Delegate: Bill Houston (Kathy Oliver, alternate delegate);
St. Margaret's Circle:  Ann Nelson; Telephone Chain:
Alice King; Feed the Homeless:  Elisabeth Nguyen;
Odeon Chamber Music Series:  Mariko Hiller;
Westlawn Elementary School:  Winnie Lebo;
Falls Church Community Services: Catherine Dubas;
Hypothermia Shelter Program:  Hao Nguyen; 
The Epistle Newsletter Editors: Winnie Lebo and Cindy Rhoad; Flea Market:
Chris Nicholson; Prison Ministry: Nancy Burch;
Meals-on-Wheels: Amelia Nicholson;Sunrise/Bluemont:
Michael Knowles   



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November 14, 2013
 Rylton Thomas On What St. Pat's Means To Him

Our second speaker in the Stewardship Season is Rylton Thomas.  Below are the thoughts he shared with the congregation at announcement time on Sunday.

Good Morning!

     I feel privileged to speak to you about this our church, Saint Patrick's, the members, and what it all means to my family and me. As many of you know I was born and baptized in this church, and now I am on my way to confirmation.

     I have not had the opportunity to visit many other churches, but I have visited quite a few including my aunt's church First African Methodist Episcopal church in Manassas, and Trinity Cathedral in Monrovia, Liberia.

     Many of these churches may be alike in one way or the other, but Saint Patrick's has that special HUMAN connection among its members that can't compare to those other churches.

     Our church has a lot of love, closeness, and a personal touch where everybody that visits Saint Patrick's also feels that connection. What I want to say here is when I come here to the church almost every Sunday, I feel the Spirit and I get to praise the Lord for the many great things that he has done for my family and me each and everyday.                

     Father Tinh's approach of speaking directly to the kids and to us the youth is unique to Saint Patrick's and it has allowed me to understand the teaching of the Bible, because father Tinh explains it for me to understand at my level.

     Saint Patrick's has allowed me to discover some of my God given talents, like singing in the choir, playing the bells, and acting in church plays. I doubt that I could ever learn to play the bells if it wasn't for Saint Patrick's. Thanks, Mariko!

     Saint Patrick's has made me to understand that there is one God. There is not a Vietnamese God, an African God, or an American God even though we worship him in different languages. Saint Patrick's is not a sophisticated church. It is simple, but very rich in it's cultural make-up, and allows its members to fellowship and learn from each other.

     As I close my speech I want to thank Father Tinh, the vestry , and all the members of this church for allowing me to be a member of Saint Patrick's.

     Thank you!



FCS Thanksgiving Basket
Thanksgiving by Patricia Phan Dear all:  Please join us in reaching out to the needy families of Falls Church in the FCS Thanksgiving Basket Program.

      1. If you wish to sponsor a basket, please give $25. Please make check payable to FCS, put "Thanksgiving Basket" on the memo line, and mail or take it to Saint Patrick's Church, 3241 Brush Dr., Falls Church, VA 22042.
Our challenge is getting 10 baskets.  So far we've got 4.

       2. If you wish to partner Trang Read in delivering the Thanksgiving "baskets,"  starting from Knox Presbyterian Church on Rt. 50, at 10 AM on Saturday, November 23rd, please write to Catherine Dubas at and/or to me at  You may also call or send text message to 703-405-9571
    Trang Read has volunteered to start the third team.
We need only one more person to meet our challenge!
The challenge is coming up with three delivery teams from our church.   So far we have had two teams from Saint Patrick's:  (1) Catherine Dubas/Pauline Leonard; (2) The Nicholsons.   Thank you so much!  May God bless you!

 Parish Notes
Mark Houston -  A memorial service for beloved Mark Houston will be held at Saint Patrick's this Saturday, November 16th, at 10:30 AM.  Burial will be at Saint Patrick's Memorial Garden immediately following the service.
Mark, 46, who passed away on October 8th, is son of our Junior Warden Bill Houston.  There will be a reception afterward.  Please bring food to share. 

Margaret Mills - Our condolences to the Mills Family on the passing of Margaret Mills, 76, on Friday, November 8, 2013.  The service for beloved Margaret will be held at Saint Patrick's this Saturday, November 16th, at 2:00 PM, and burial will be at Columbia Garden Cemetery in Arlington, VA, on the same day.  Viewing will be at Murphy's Funeral Home on Friday, November 15th, 2-4 PM and 6-8 PM.  May her soul, and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
- Food for the Homeless. This Saturday, November 16, at 3:30 PM, our Elisabeth Nguyen and other volunteers of Saint Patrick's will be cooking meals for the homeless at Bailey's Crossroads Shelter.  If you wish to participate in the good work and/or to make cupcakes, please contact Elisabeth at  If you wish to donate money to the church for the purpose, please put your gift in the alms basin during worship on Sunday or mail it to Saint Patrick's Church, 3241 Brush Dr. Falls Church, VA 22042.  Checks should have "Food for the Homeless" on the memo line.  Cash should be in an envelop with the same indication on the outside.

  Ms. Petronel Malan, pianist, will perform works by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann and Liszt-Busoni at Saint Patrick's on Sunday, November 17th, at 4:00 PM.   Ms. Malan is a multiple Grammy award nominee and gold medalist of several international piano competitions.  Admission: Free (Donation of $15.00 or more to the Odeon Chamber Music Series is appreciated).  Reception follows the concert.  For more information, please call our Mariko Hiller, 703-200-7489 or write to Mariko at  You are also invited to visit the artist's website at

-  This year's Stewardship Sunday will be Nov. 24th
 On each Sunday in November,  one of our parishioners will speak at announcement time about  what Saint Patrick's means to him or her.  Our speakers are:  My-Linh Tran, Rylton Thomas, Diem Nguyen and Rachel Burgess. The Stewardship Letter and pledge card will be sent to all church members.

- Our Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, December 1st.  At the Annual Meeting we will hear reports on St. Pat's ministry during 2013, and we will elect new Vestry members.  We thank the outgoing members who are finishing their terms for their commitment and service:  Tom Auld, Pierre Chanu, Vivian Benjamin, Chris Nicholson and Jocelyne Miller.  The outgoing vestry members will nominate candidates for election.  To serve on the vestry, a candidate must be a confirmed Episcopalian, a communicant in good standing and known to the Treasurer.
 -  You are invited to participate in the FCS Thanksgiving Basket program, donating food to needy families in the Falls Church area on occasion of Thanksgiving Day.  You may consider donating non-perishable Thanksgiving-type and/or offering assistance at Knox Presbyterian Church in packing and delivering, on Saturday, November 23rd.  Please also consider sponsoring a basket with a gift of $25 to FCS.   For details, please see flyer.  Copies of the flyer are also available in the narthex.

-  We remember in our prayer Carolyn Gawarecki, who is at Burke Health & Rehab Center recuperating after the car accident on October 28th and mourning the loss of her mother, beloved Katie Grossé.  Please pray for the Gawarecki family. 


-  Please pray for Marie Van Beek, Alex Benjamin, Rylton Thomas and Kate Burgess, who will be confirmed, and for James Edward Ellis IV who will be baptized, when Bishop Shannon visits Saint Patrick's on Sunday, December 8, 2013. The service on that day will be held in the afternoon, at 2 PM.  There will be potluck following the service, to honor the Bishop and celebrate with those confirmed and baptized.  Please bring food!


TyphoonThe victims of typhoon in the Philippines are calling for help.  On Sunday morning more than 2300 people lost their lives when Haiyan Typhoon brought death and destruction, and the toll is still rising.  Episcopal Relief and Development has set up the "Disaster Response Fund" in its website to help us reach out to those in need.   Please see Episcopal Relief and Development Website for information on how to give.  Any gift you give between now and Dec. 6 will be matched by a group of ERD donors.    


Hypothermia Shelter Program.  We need volunteers to open church door on Thursday and Friday evenings in December for the homeless who will stay overnight in the church.  The group will be supervised by Volunteers of America, and will come around 8:00 PM on December 5,6,12,13,19,20, 28 and 29.  St. Pat's volunteers will stay for about 15 minutes after they arrive.  A sign-up sheet will be posted in the narthex.  Please sign up to help.  Thank you. 


- On every Sunday we need volunteers to serve for our coffee hour.  Please sign up to help! The sign-up sheet is in the kitchen. Everyone is invited to stay after church for a time to visit with our friends and catch up on what has been going on in each others' lives.  

- A thank you note to Loc Phan, who made the signs to advertize our Bazaar of Nov. 2nd. 


-  Many thanks to Diem Nguyen and Steve Lebo, who make the Sunday service bulletin for us!    


- We thank Catherine Dubas and the volunteers who assist her in organizing and teaching Sunday School while we search for a Sunday School Coordinator. 


-  MChanu paints crossany thanks to Pierre Chanu who painted the cross at the end of the office wing ...


White Cross... and many thanks to Joe and Charles Hiller who cleared the bushes along our church driveway from Kenfig Place.

Joe and Charles Hiller clear the bushes   

-  Last Sunday, after church, the Van Beeks and Lois Cascella led our youth in participating in the FSC CROP Walk.  The 2.5-mile walk involved churches in the Falls Church area, raising fund to help the poor and hungry. Thanks, Lois, for the pictures!

crop walk 1


The Propers 

Sunday, November 17, 2013
This Sunday is the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost     
(Proper 28)



Isaiah 65:17-25
Psalm 98:5-10

2 Thessalonians 3:6-13  

Luke 21:5-19


BLESSED LORD, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for  our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with  you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


This Sunday's Altar Flowers  

The flowers on the altar this Sunday
are to the glory of God,
and are given by Tuyet and Loc Mai
in thanksgiving for Nam-Tran

on occasion of his birthday

Last Sunday's Sermon   

Proper 27 -- Year C -- Nov. 10, 2013

Luke 20:27-38                                           Tinh Huynh+


The Christian faith proclaims resurrection,

and this is one of the most challenging things

to speak about.

     Our Nicene Creed reads, "We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come."

     In the Apostles' Creed, we say, "I believe in the resurrection of the body."  

     What will life after the resurrection be like?

The Book of Revelation depicts buildings and streets of gold in heaven.  I, for one, think we all will need sunglasses when we get there.




     The Sadducees in the Gospel story ask Jesus whose wife the woman would be at the resurrection.

     When the Sadducees made up a story about the woman who married the seven brothers, they did not want to learn anything from Jesus.

      They ridiculed the belief in resurrection.


      Ancient Jews believed that they lived on their children.

      A man can remain alive after death if he has someone to remember him, and to carry on his family name.

      If a man died without an heir, he is finished.

      Deuteronomy 25 specifies that when brothers reside together,

and if one of them dies and has no son,

a brother must become the widow's husband.


If the man has no desire to marry his brother's widow,

the widow would go to the elders to sue him,

and he would then endure the punishment

that no Jewish man wants to go through:

     The widow would pull his sandal off his foot, spit in his face, and declare, "This is what is done to the man who does not build up his brother's house."

      Throughout Israel his family shall be known as

"the house of him whose sandal was pulled off."


     The Sadducees chose not to believe in the resurrection.

      They said on the day of resurrection, if it happens,

the women in the story would be confused:  which man is supposed to be her husband?  


     Jesus answered the Sadducee

saying that the resurrected don't marry

because they are like angels and they are children of God.


     The Bible does not answer questions like those asked by the Sadducees.

     The Bible does not speak of the resurrection as a rational kind of thing.

      Instead, the Bible speaks of the resurrection as a mystery.

      You are created by God,

and you will continue to be part of God's life.


      God's life never stops.

      Barbara Brown Taylor, an Episcopal preacher,

says that resurrection is not about us. Resurrection is about God.  Resurrection is about God's love and faithfulness: God never abandon the bodies of his beloved children.

      In the Bible there is Godly man named Job.

      Job suffered so much from a skin disease that he wanted to die.

      He asks, "If a man dies shall he live again?"

Job must have struggled with this question for a long time. 

      Finally, he said, "I know that my Redeemer lives."

Somehow, in his heart Job knew that there is God who loved him and was his Redeemer, and that God never dies.


     Jesus believed in resurrection.

      He surrendered his life because he trusted in the Father who would raised him up at last.



      After his resurrection Jesus appeared to his disciple in his body.

     Jesus then ate fish, broke bread, and cooked breakfast for his disciples. He also walked through locked doors to visit them, and then he vanished from them.

     Jesus body was the same, and yet it was different.


     The apostle Paul says that we cannot know all about the things heavenly, but in the age to come we will know.

      We must admit that our knowledge and experience are limited.


     Although we cannot understand the resurrection of the last day, we have seen its signs. 

      We have seen the little resurrection that happen in our lives.    

     When reconciliation happens to those in conflict, resurrection happens.

      When we confess our sins and hear the words of absolution, resurrection happens.

       As we believe with our whole heart that God has forgiven us, we experienced resurrection.

       When brothers and sisters come to make peace with each other, after many years of estrangement, resurrection happens.

       When church members, who got into conflict over petty things, and then grow up spiritually to become capable of repentance and forgiveness, I say that is resurrection.

       All these little resurrections speak to the hope of the resurrection that our Lord spoke about.

       While holding on to the hope of the great resurrection that our Lord proclaims, we seek the little resurrections on our earthly journey.   These are the resurrections of the soul.


     It's up to us, whether to believe or not to believe in the resurrection.

     Paul firmly believed in the resurrection,

and he said that nothing can separate us from the love of God.


     Jesus said, "Those who are considered worthy of a place in that age and in the resurrection cannot die any more."  

     We need to work on being fit for the resurrection.  

     Those who believe in resurrection will work on becoming worthy of the resurrection.

     In today's collect, we say, "O God, who blessed Son came into the world that he might destroy the works of the devil and make us children of God and heirs of eternal life: Grant that, having this hope, we may purify ourselves as he is pure, that, when he comes again with power and great glory, we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom."

     Those who believe in resurrection will work on becoming worthy of the resurrection. Amen.  

Đại Ư Kinh Văn  Chúa Nhật Vừa Qua    

Chúa Nhật, 10 tháng 11 2013


Kinh Văn:  Luca 20:27, 34-38 


     Nếu chúng ta để ư th́ thấy rằng tại nhà thờ chúng ta mỗi sáng Chúa Nhật đều có phần Tiệc Thánh trong lễ thờ phượng. Khi đă quen dự Tiệc Thánh, chúng ta sẽ cảm thấy thiếu khi thờ phượng mà không có Tiệc Thánh. Chúng ta tin rằng trong Tiệc Thánh có sự hiện diện của Đức Kitô, và trong Tiệc Thánh chúng ta được đến gần với Ngài. Trong Nhà Thờ Episcopal, Tiệc Thánh là phần chính của Lễ Thờ Phượng -- bài giảng không phải là phần chính. Tất cả các tiết mục trong lễ, như thánh ca, Kinh Thánh, bài giảng, lời cầu nguyện trong ngày, đều là những phần phụ, dẫn chúng ta đến cao điểm là Tiệc Thánh; v́ vậy, không có tiết mục nào trong lễ là tŕnh diễn hay phô trương tài năng, và do đó chúng ta không vỗ tay trong buổi thờ phượng. Ở cuối lễ, chúng ta nghe câu: "Hăy đi ra trong b́nh an để yêu mến và phục vụ Chúa." Điều nầy nhắc nhở tôi và quư vị về sự sống đạo của ḿnh. Đời trở nên đẹp đẽ khi ta nghe Lời Chúa và làm theo.

     Hôm nay chúng ta đọc trong sách Phúc Âm Lu-ca. Trong chuyện nầy, Đức Giêsu bị hỏi mẹo về vấn đề sống lại. Người Sa Đốc là một ḍng họ có thế lực trong xă hội Do Thái thời đó. Họ là con cháu của thầy tế lễ Xa Đốc, và họ được ủy thác cai quản đền thờ. Họ giàu và mạnh thế hơn ai hết, và họ không ưa ḍng tu Pharisi. Họ quả quyết không có sự sống lại, và họ tin một cách cuồng nhiệt nơi năm quyển sách mà họ cho là do Môi Se thuở xưa viết, trong đó có truyện tích sáng thế, Áp Ra Ham ông tổ Do Thái, chuyện xuất hành ra khỏi Ai Cập, cùng với các luật lệ về tôn giáo và đời sống hàng ngày của dân chúng.       

      Mấy người Sa Đốc trong truyện tích hỏi vặn Đức Giêsu rằng nếu một người đàn bà liên tiếp tái hôn với các anh em người chồng chết, v́ họ đều chết trước bà, th́ đến ngày sống lại họ sẽ là vợ của ai. Chúa trả lời rằng trong ngày phục sinh người ta sẽ không sống như người thường nữa. Sự liên hệ trong nước Chúa không giống như mối liên hệ trần đời. Trong nước ấy sẽ không c̣n chuyện cưới gả vợ chồng như thời nay. Và Chúa cu~ng dùng kinh văn để đối lại với câu hỏi cắc cớ của họ. Chúa bảo: cho những ai xứng đáng vào Nước Chúa th́ chuyện cưới gả vợ chồng không c̣n là vấn đề nữa. Họ sẽ như thiên sứ, và là con của Thiên Chúa, tức là con của sự sống lại. Đời nầy có vợ có chồng đă đủ mệt rồi, lo chi chuyện vợ chồng cho đời sau.

     Theo luật Do Thái cổ xưa, hễ người đàn ông nào chết th́ anh hoặc em trai phải lấy vợ của người chết để nối dơi tông đường. Đứa con đầu tiên của người góa phụ sẽ mang tên người cha quá cố. Nếu người anh hoặc em của người chết không chịu lấy góa phụ, góa phụ sẽ đưa họ ra hội đồng khu phố, nhổ vào mặt họ và lột dép khỏi chân họ, và họ sẽ bị gọi là "kẻ bị lột dép."

     Điểm chính trong câu chuyện không phải là chuyện vợ chồng hôn nhân. Điểm chính là sự sống lại và Nước Chúa, cu~ng như thái độ cần có khi sống đời nầy. Đức Giêsu dạy rằng con người ta sống lại không phải để tiếp tục sống cơi đời nầy, mà là hiện hữu trong cơi thiêng.

     Thật là ngây thơ khi tưởng tượng rằng trong đời sau mọi sự thuộc về đời nầy cu~ng tái diễn. Điều mà họ không nhận thấy là sự phục sinh có thể bắt đầu trong ḷng những ai tin và làm theo Lời Chúa, ngay trong đời nầy. Ḿnh không được có thái độ cho rằng ḿnh xứng đáng hơn người khác. Điều trái ngược là trong khi tin rằng ḿnh không xứng đáng hơn ai th́ ḿnh lại được phục sinh và ngay lập tức ở trong Nước Chúa.

     Nếu thời đại nầy toàn những tệ đoan, th́ thời đại sắp tới là toàn hảo. Cái biết của chúng ta về thiên đàng thật là hạn hẹp, nhưng chúng ta chấp nhận trên đời có những chuyện huyền bí. Chúng ta phải chú tâm về Đức Kitô khi  rơi bước trên cuộc hành tŕnh -- không cần phải căi nhau về những chuyện ḿnh chưa thấy.   

      Mọi sự đều sẽ qua đi, song chỉ có một điều không bao giờ phai tàn: đó là t́nh thương. T́nh thương phát xuất từ Thiên Chúa, và có thể phản chiếu qua con người, sẽ c̣n lại đời đời. Hăy tạ ơn Chúa về hy vọng phục sinh. Nếu đời đầy buồn bă, chớ quên hy vọng đó. Xin Chúa cho chúng ta sống lại ngay hôm nay.

May God bless and keep you, and may God grant us peace. 


The Rev. Tinh T. Huynh

Rector of Saint Patrick's Church