Church ShieldEpistle Header

In This Issue
On Stewardship
Parish Notes
Pictures of the Bazaar
The Propers
This Sunday's Altar Flowers
Đại Ý Kinh Văn

Upcoming Events

Nov. 8th-10th:

PYM Senior High Weekend @ Shrine Mont


Saturday, Nov. 9


Burial of Bau Le's ashes, 1:00 PM. 


Sunday, Nov. 10  


- FCS Crop Walk, 1-2 PM



Saturday, Nov. 16


- Funeral of Mark Houston, 10:30 AM 



Sunday, Nov. 17:


- Confirmation Class, after church


- Meeting of Sunday School children's parents, after church


- Odeon Concert, 4 PM 


- Youth at the Falls Church, 5-7 PM


Sunday, Nov. 24:


Stewardship Sunday


Confirmation Class to Evensong at the National Cathedral, 4 PM  



Thursday, Nov. 28:


Thanksgiving Day Service, 10:30 AM.




Sunday, Dec. 1:

(First Sunday of Advent)




Tuesday, Dec. 3: 


6 PM-9 PM:  Spinelli Bingo Potluck Dinner


Thursday, Dec. 5:


Hypothermia, 8:00 PM


Friday, Dec. 6:


Hypothermia, 8:00 PM 


Sunday, Dec. 8:


Bishop Visitation, 2 PM  


Tuesday, Dec. 10:


Commissions, 6:30 PM

Vestry, 7:30 PM


Thursday, Dec. 12


Hypothermia, 8:00 PM


Friday, Dec. 13


Hypothermia, 8:00 PM


Wednesday, Dec. 18


Blue Christmas Service, 7:30 PM 


Thursday, Dec. 19


Hypothermia, 8:00 PM


Friday, Dec. 20


Hypothermia, 8:00 PM  


Sunday, Dec. 22


Greening of the Church


Wednesday, Dec. 24


Christmas Eve Worship, 7:30 PM 


Saturday, Dec. 28

Hypothermia, 8:00 PM


Sunday, Dec. 29

Hypothermia, 8:00 PM  




Altar at Easter 2013      




7   Bill Herbert (today!) 

9   Colby Leonard

10   Tom Auld

12   Nhung Dang

18   Nam-Tran Mai

24   Thomas H. Wetrich

25   Kiet Samuel Tran




 4    Irene Graham

 5    Jennifer Moya

 6    Jean Pierre Chanu

10    Winnie Lebo

11    Graham Parvinkarimi

14    Lois Cascella

15    Laurie Los

15    Moi Phan

16    Jean DuBro

18    Jackson DuBro

 25    Amelia Nicholson

28    Paul Los

30    Patricia Phan

31    Trang Diep

31    Chon Kim Huynh

Our Prayer List

We remember in our prayer:


Dee Bailey, Kari Boeskov, Brandon, Jane Chapman, Marie Cosimano, Tim Clary, Dorothy Connelly, John Davis, Donald DeVaughn, Michael Dickinson, Loretta Dougherty, The Edsall Family, Dotty Eisenhour, Nance Finegan, Luis Garay, Carolyn Gawarecki, Louise Gibney, Anne Goodwin, Jean Graham, Nick Giuliani, Katherine Hafele, Anne & Thomas Edsall, Margaret Ellis Harris, Alek Hensley, Leslie Hogan, Cindy Hogman, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Michael Horn, Mary Isibel, Lindsay Johns, Gray Johnson, Jamie Kaplon, Robert Kelley, Geoff Kent, Quinn Kimball, Jeffry King, Michael Knowles, Peter Kosutic, Susan Lawrence, Lois Magrogan, Colleen Mavrikas, Gregory McGinnis, Margaret Mills, Evelyn Morgan, Danielle Morgan, Ed+ and Margaret Morgan, Que Nguyen, Chick Nixon, Christine Nolan, Olive Oliver, Jim Owens, Gary Owens, Faith Poole, William Ross, Bill Sitler, Ron

Sipes, Irene Skowron, Josh Smithers, Inez StantonCandi Stewart, Barbara Stefl, Kara Stryker, Walter Sushko, Steven Talbert, George Thomas, Clara Torres, George Torres, Elizabeth Trigg, Tammy Vanphung, Nhon Thanh Vo, Michael Weekes, Warren Weinstein, The Crowley Family, The Westfall Family, Paula Wiech, Meredith Wiech, Bernard Williams, Donna Wolfe, Rudy Zimple.





Note: If you have a loved one or friend who needs prayer please call the church and leave a message at 703-532-5656, or write to Tinh+ at  or call him at 703-405-9571.  Also, should a name need be removed from the list, please let Tinh+ know promptly, and give the reason.  



Saint Patrick's Ministers 

The Ministers of Saint Patrick's Church are the People of this Parish


supported by


The Reverend  

Tinh Trang Huynh, Rector


Ms. Mariko Hiller,  

Music Director


Ms. Rachel Burgess,

Nursery Care


We serve our Lord as part of the Diocese of Virginia


led by

our chief pastors


The Rt. Rev. Shannon Sherwood Johnston, Bishop


The Rt. Rev. Susan Goff

Bishop Suffragan 



The Rt. Rev. Ted Gulick,

Assistant Bishop 

The Vision of St. Patrick's

Saint Patrick's Episcopal Church is a community of care, called to be Christ-centered and multicultural in worship, Christian education and action to proclaim  Christ's love to the world.


Previous Issues of the Epistle
Please click here if you wish to see the previous issues of The Epistle

St. Patrick's Organized for Missions and Ministry 




Vestry Committee:
Senior Warden: Tom Auld; Junior Warden:  Bill Houston;
Registrar: Winnie Lebo;
Treasurer:  Kathy Oliver; 

Other members of the Vestry:   Elisabeth Nguyen, Milton Thomas, Jocelyne Miller, Pierre Chanu, Chris Nicholson. 




Altar Guild:  Lois Cascella;  
Bell Choir:  Mariko Hiller; 
Sunday Service Bulletin:  Diem Nguyen, Steve Lebo;
Offering Counters:  Bob Cascella; Diocesan Council Delegate: Bill Houston (Kathy Oliver, alternate delegate);
St. Margaret's Circle:  Ann Nelson; Telephone Chain:
Alice King; Feed the Homeless:  Elisabeth Nguyen;
Odeon Chamber Music Series:  Mariko Hiller;
Westlawn Elementary School:  Winnie Lebo;
Falls Church Community Services: Catherine Dubas;
Hypothermia Shelter Program:  Hao Nguyen; 
The Epistle Newsletter Editors: Winnie Lebo and Cindy Rhoad; Flea Market:
Chris Nicholson; Prison Ministry: Nancy Burch;
Meals-on-Wheels: Amelia Nicholson;Sunrise/Bluemont:
Michael Knowles   



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November 7, 2013
 Thoughts on Stewardship  -- My-Linh Tran  -- November 3, 2013

   Our My-Linh Tran was the first speaker of our  Stewardship Season.  Below are thoughts she shared with the congregation at announcement time of last Sunday.
  (Picture by Thuy McMurray)


     I am honored to be invited to share my thoughts   today on stewardship at Saint Patrick's.

     To me, stewardship and responsibility go together.   Stewardship speaks to being protective of and/or responsible for something entrusted to one's care.

      On the first day of furlough following the government shutdown, the schedule at my dental office was completely empty.   A sense of panic seemed to kick in as we started the day. Yet after a while, thank God, I felt a sense of calm that came settling in: we must continue to do the right thing; we must provide the best care more than ever; we must even strive to better our customer service.   Action for the day must then include dusting the office to make it look cleaner, tidier. We must continue to be financially responsible, and we must continue to provide pro bono dentistry.   In this situation many dental offices are 30% down in production.  At our staff meeting I told my team members that we have choices to make -- either to panic or to be active in making things better for the patients. I said, "God will take care of the rest, and he always does." We will continue to deliver the same quality of care or, actually, even better. We will even go the extra mile, more than normal. God does provide.

      My thoughts are the same for Saint Patrick's. We will continue to be financially responsible. We will continue to express our thankfulness to God through tithing and community services -- the hypothermia shelter, food for the homeless, prison ministry, FCS food pantry, cookies for co-eds, worship service at Sunrise, altar guild, bazaar, Odeon music program, coffee hour -- to name a few.  That is our stewardship.  We are a small parish, but we speak loudly with our actions.  

      Practically speaking, finance is a big part of stewardship. The church is like a small business. It needs money to run. We have to pay for the maintenance of the building, the bills, and staff salaries. God has said to us through scriptures: "Do not be afraid."   Let us pray to ask God to guide us in managing our own financial matters, so that we may make decision on how we participate in financial stewardship of the church.

      I believe that God will provide. 

      My stewardship moment came during the recent dental clinic at Saint Patrick's. On that particular Saturday afternoon, in the middle of all the chaos and the hectic moment, the church bell rang to remind me of God's presence. I was like hearing God speaking, "Well done! My space is used to host a dental mission, my talented cooks feed the team, my faithful help registering the patients and directing traffic. Do not be afraid. Continue to do the right things. Continue to give. And I will provide." Amen.  
 Parish Notes

In Memoriam

(February 2, 1910 ~ October 28, 2013)
Katie Grosse


- Congratulations to Margaret Kamara and Mitchel Smith, who were married on Saturday, October 26th, at Saint Patrick's.  Mitchel is son of our Victoria Coker-Gunter.

-  Many thanks to Debbie Clark, Kathy Oliver and Winnie Lebo, and to those who helped them, for the successful Bazaar on Saturday, November 2nd.  We made more than $1300.00, and the proceeds of the event will go to support Saint Patrick's outreach.  We thank Oanh Phan for the picture, below.  From left: Le Cao, Cuong Pham, Nghia Dao, Kathy Oliver, Phung Hua and Mariko Hiller.  Thanks are also to Elisabeth Nguyen for the aprons she made for those who served.
Bazaar 1  

-  This year's Stewardship Sunday will be Nov. 24th.  On each Sunday in November,  one of our parishioners will speak at announcement time about  what Saint Patrick's means to him or her.  Our speakers are:  My-Linh Tran, Cheryl Thomas, Rachel Burgess and Diem Nguyen. The Stewardship Letter and pledge card will be sent to all church members.


-  A memorial service for beloved Mark Houston will be held at Saint Patrick's on Saturday, November 16th, at 10:30 AM.  Burial will be at our Memorial Garden on the same day.   


-  We remember in our prayer Carolyn Gawarecki, who is at Burke Health & Rehab Center recuperating after the car accident on October 28th and mourning the loss of her mother, beloved Katie Gross�.  Please pray for the Gawarecki family. 


-  Happy Birthday to Bill Herbert!


CropWalk - FCS CROP Walk -- Sunday, November 10th, 1-2 PM.   The Falls Church Community Service, Inc. (FCS) will be holding its very first "CROP Walk" for hunger relief.  Participants in the 2-mile walk in the Falls Church area will work to raise pledges and donations to fund a world hunger program administered by Church World Service, with 25% remaining for the FCS food pantry.  All are invited to participate.

-  Please pray for Marie Van Beek, Alex Benjamin, Rylton Thomas and Kate Burgess, who will be confirmed, and for James Edward Ellis IV who will be baptized, when Bishop Shannon visits Saint Patrick's on Sunday, December 8, 2013. The service on that day will be held in the afternoon.


-  Please pray for Anna Chanu, Matthew Pizzola and Jonathan Burgess, who will attend the PYM Senior High Weekend at Shrine Mont on November 8-10.  Our Bill Houston and Pierre Chanu will attend the event as chaperons.  Please pray also for their safe trip.   


- On every Sunday we need people to serve for our coffee hour.  Please sign up to help! The sign-up sheet is in the kitchen. Everyone is invited to stay after church for a time to visit with our friends and catch up on what has been going on in each others' lives. 


-  Many thanks to Diem Nguyen and Steve Lebo, who make the Sunday service bulletin for us!

More Pictures of the Bazaar  -- by Elisabeth Nguyen 

Amelia and Chris Nicholson

Donna Herbert

Mariko Hiller and Kathy Oliver

Winnie Lebo, Pat Gardner and Gladys Van Beek

From left:  Cuong Pham, Phung Hua, Nghia Dao, Kathy Oliver, Le Cao, Oanh Phan and Kim-Anh Huynh

The Propers 

Sunday, November 10, 2013
This Sunday is the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost     
(Proper 27)



Job 19:23-27a
Psalm 17: 1-9

2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17

Luke 20:27-38

O God, who blessed Son came into the world that he might destroy the works of the devil and make us children of God and heirs of eternal life: Grant that, having this hope, we may purify ourselves as he is pure; that, when he comes again with power and great glory, we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

This Sunday's Altar Flowers  

The flowers on the altar this Sunday
are to the glory of God,
and are given by Wanda Nolan
in loving memory of her husband John R. Nolan

Last Sunday's Sermon   

Proper 26 -- Year C -- November 3, 2013

Text:  2 Thessalonians 1:1-4,11-12              Tinh Huynh+ 



"It is only by your gift that your faithful people offer you true and laudable service."

In the Name of God:  the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Today's Second Reading

is taken from Chapter One

of Paul's Second Letter to the Thessalonians.

The original readers of the Letter  

were a group of Greek-speaking Christians

of the first century.

From the Book of Acts,

we learn that Paul visited Thessalonica,

the second largest city in Greece in those days,

on his second mission trip

and he was the one who established the church in that city.

You and I may wonder:

- What was that church like?   

-  Did they begin the Sunday service saying,

"Blessed be God:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit"?

-  Did they have the yearly stewardship drive

and send out the stewardship letter with a pledge card?

-  Did they hold the annual bazaar or the harvest thanksgiving dinner?


We don't know.

We don't know whether the Christians in Thessalonica had a church building  

or a yearly budget like we do.

But the Book of Acts gives us a glimpse 

into this early Christian community.

They first met in a synagogue.

They did not have a church building.

Some of them were Jews.

Many of them were Greeks.

Women were among the leaders of the church.

And, remarkably, they were persecuted.

The Christian community in Thessalonica  

was vulnerable to attacks

by those against the Gospel.

Acts Chapter 17 describes their situation vividly:

"... but the Jews became jealous,

and with the help of some ruffians in the marketplaces

they formed a mob and set the city in an uproar.

While they were searching for Paul and Silas,

they attacked Jason's house."

Jason was one of the supporters of the apostles.

Paul and Silas had to leave the city at once.

We don't know exactly where the believers  

in Thessalonica continued to hold worship services.

They must have had some places to gather,

as they were expelled from the synagogue.

They were continually harassed in that city.

The enemies of the Gospel did not leave them alone.

Paul had been in Corinth, a different city,

far away from Thessalonica,

when he sent them the letter.


Letters in the first century did not go as fast as they do today!

Letters might have taken months to reach the addressees.


the main theme of the Second Letter to the Thessalonians

is not about the persecution that they endured.

There were several verses in Chapter One,

which the lectionary omits for today's reading,

that speak about God's punishment of those persecuting Christians.

But Paul's main concern in the letter is not about hardship.

It was about heresy.

Some among the Thessalonians preached that Christ had already come again,

and Paul said, "Don't listen to them." 



is there anything for us to learn  

from this passage?


Obviously, the early Christians were very different from us.

They did not have the New Testament.

Their Bible was what we now call "The Old Testament,"

or the "Hebrew Bible."

They must have had quite a few hymns.

Some of their hymns got into the New Testament writings, as quoted by Paul and some other writers.

We wonder what their music was like.


And yet they might have been very much like us.

They got together to worship and they shared meals with each other.

They experienced conflicts in their community life,

and they learned to forgive.

They reached out to the poor and they preached the Good News of Christ.

They shared joys and sorrows.

Like us, they were called into different ministries. 

There is a call in the mystery of faith that we proclaim:

"Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again."

We say that phrase on every Sunday at the Holy Eucharist.

As Christians, we believe that in Christ God calls us 

to offer ourselves to Him, for the glory of his Name.


This last week I came across a letter

written by our Mary Isibel in 2007

when she was the Senior Warden of Saint Patrick's.

Mary said in her letter:

"Our call in practicing stewardship is not only about maintaining our church property

and keep the church vibrant;

our call is to follow the teachings of Jesus

and to proclaim to the world that  

in Him

there is a place of refuge for the weary soul.

Our call in stewardship is not to look back into the past

nor to maintain the status quo,

but to look toward the future

while making sure that our House of the Lord

is in good shape for the many generations to follow."


We are thankful for the community of faith,

and we are thankful for this place of worship.  

We tend to look at the church as a place

that provides the services we need.

But God calls us to gather mainly to worship God.  


There is a very important message in Paul's letter,

which I would like to point out to you this morning.

Paul says,

"We must always give thanks to God for you,

brothers and sisters,

as is right,

because your faith is growing abundantly,

and the love of each of you

for one another

is increasing."

The love for one another.

Nothing is more important for a Christian church than love.


Each of us has stories

to tell about what Saint Patrick's means

to him or to her.

Yet we all have experienced love in this place.

It is love that holds this community together.

Love is the gift from God for us in this very church.

Love is our guiding light.

Our collect for today reads,

"Almighty and merciful God, it is only by your gift

that your faithful people offer you true and laudable service:

Grant that we may run without stumbling

to obtain your heavenly promises;

through Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever.  Amen."

Đại � Kinh Văn  

Ch�a Nhật, 27 th�ng 10, 2013


Kinh Văn: Luca 19:1-10


C� bao giờ qu� vị suy nghĩ v� hồi tưởng tại sao m�nh h�ng tuần đến thờ phương tại Nh� Thờ Th�nh Patrick? Nhiều l� do đ� mang ch�ng ta đến nh� thờ v� th�c đẩy ch�ng ta tiếp tục c�ng thờ phượng tại nơi nầy. C�c em nhỏ đến nh� thờ l� do cha mẹ. Người trưởng th�nh đến nh� thờ c� thể mới đầu l� do t�nh cảm đối với Mục Sư hoặc c�c t�n hữu, hoặc đối với c�c bạn mới ở một m�i trường mới. Theo thời gian, người trong cộng đo�n trở n�n gắn b�. Sự h�nh th�nh của c�c cộng đo�n đức tin đều tương tự như nhau, v� mỗi cộng đo�n c� những đặc t�nh ri�ng của m�nh về sự thờ phượng, sinh hoạt, c�ch xử sự, sự suy nghĩ về đời v� về Ch�a.

            Nh� thờ Episcopal c� c�i nh�n kh�c với c�i nh�n của c�c nh� thờ Kit� Gi�o kh�c. Nh� Thờ Episcopal ở trong cộng đo�n Anh Gi�o tr�n thế giới. Trong khi người C�ng Gi�o nhấn mạnh về truyền thống Hội Th�nh, v� người Tin L�nh nghi�ng hẳn về Kinh Th�nh, người thuộc Anh Gi�o (như ch�ng ta) t�m một sự qu�n b�nh giữa Truyền Thống, Kinh Th�nh v� L� Tr�. C�ng ở l�u trong nh� thờ, anh chị em sẽ thấy Hội Th�nh ch�ng ta kh�ng nhấn mạnh ở điểm ai đ�ng ai sai về Ch�a, ai l�n thi�n đ�ng v� ai l�n kh�ng tới, v� ai th�nh thiện hơn ai. Ch�ng ta tin Ch�a v� hồng �n của Người, nhưng ch�ng ta tr�nh cuồng t�n. Sự thăng bằng trong niềm tin l� cần thiết, trong đ� ch�ng ta hiểu c�i hy vọng v� sự sợ h�i của m�nh, v� do đ� kh�ng để cho bất cứ ai dẫn m�nh đến chỗ cực đoan qu� kh�ch. Như thế, ch�ng ta nhấn mạnh những điều g�?

            Ch�ng ta nhấn mạnh rằng Ch�a y�u m�nh v� Ch�a y�u tất cả mọi người. Ch�ng ta cu~ng nhấn mạnh sự l�m theo lời dạy dỗ của Đức Gi�su v� t�m sự trưởng th�nh t�m linh.

            Sự trưởng th�nh t�m linh gi�p ta chịu đựng được đau khổ v� đặt Thi�n Ch�a tại trung t�m của cuộc đời m�nh. Thực h�nh lời Ch�a dạy l� điều quan trọng hơn hết. Kh�ng chạy theo l� thuyết, ch�ng ta nhấn mạnh rằng việc theo Ch�a c� nhiều đ�i hỏi. Theo Ch�a, ch�ng ta phải trả gi� -- gi� đ� c� thể l� từ chối một việc l�m kh�ng lương thiện hoặc bất nh�n, mặc d� việc đ� c� lợi vật chất; gi� đ� c� thể l� đổi hướng, kh�ng tiếp tục con đường bất nghĩa.

            Trong khi ch�ng ta c�ng bố t�nh thương của Ch�a, ch�ng ta cu~ng n�i rằng Ch�a c� kỷ luật, v� m�nh phải theo kỷ luật -- chẳng hạn như vấn đề sử dụng năng lực, th� giờ v� tiền bạc. Ch�ng ta tin rằng Ch�a để � đến đời sống đạo đức, lu�n l� v� tinh thần bảo quản của m�nh. Tinh thần bảo quản nằm trong c�u Kinh-Văn: "Lạy Ch�a, tất cả mọi sự của con l� từ Ch�a m� đến, nay con d�ng lại cho Ch�a một phần, kh�ng phải l� của con, m� thực sự l� của Ch�a."

            Sau hết, ch�ng ta nhấn mạnh rằng c� những điều huyền b� thuộc c�i thi�ng m� ch�ng ta kh�ng biết hết được. Ch�ng ta chấp nhận giới hạn của m�nh trong sự hiểu biết về huyền b�, v� do đ� ch�ng ta kh�ng bao giờ nghe ai giải th�ch bảo rằng họ biết 100% về Ch�a.

            Ph�c �m cho h�m nay l� Lu Ca đoạn 19, c�u 1 đến c�u 10. Xin qu� anh chị em xem trong tờ b�i đọc Kinh Th�nh đ�nh k�m.

            Xa-Ch� chọn một nghề m� nhiều người Do Th�i trong thời Đức Gi�su th� ngh�o nhất định kh�ng l�m. Nghề đ� l� nghề thu thuế cho đế quốc. Đế quốc La M� thu thuế d�n Do Th�i bị trị bằng c�ch d�ng người thu thuế v� ấn định h�ng năm một số tiền người đ� phải nộp -- thu được nhiều �t kh�ng cần biết. Người thu thuế c� thể hưởng số tiền thu dư. Họ bị khinh dể v� hai l� do: thứ nhất l� l�m t�i cho đế quốc; thứ hai l� gian tham. C� lẽ Xa Ch� hằng đau khổ về sự khi dể của x� hội. Kh�ng ai nh�n thấy nỗi khổ đ�; họ chỉ thấy Xa Ch� đ�ng gh�t m� th�i.

            Ng�y Đức Gi�su đi ngang qua phố, Xa Ch� tr�o l�n c�y sung để thấy Người. C� lẽ Xa Ch� kh�ng phải t� m� muốn thấy Gi�su. Biết đ�u trong nỗi thống khổ, Xa Ch� chỉ mong tho�ng thấy Người. Sự d�y v� trong t�m khảm đ� l�n đến tột đỉnh. Nhưng trong khi Xa Ch� t�m c�ch thấy Ch�a, Ch�a đ� thấy �ng từ xa. Ch�a chẳng nh�n bề ngo�i như c�ch người ta nh�n. Ch�a đ� thấy r� c�i đau v� những vết thương l�ng m� tiền bạc kh�ng c� c�ch n�o giải tho�t. Tiền của l�c đ� đ� th�nh v� dụng. Ch�a đến gần v� k�u: "Hỡi Xa Ch�, h�y xuống mau. H�m nay ta sẽ v�o nh� ngươi." Xa Ch� vội v�ng tụt xuống. �ng kh�ng c�n để � đến quần ch�ng xung quanh. �ng chỉ thấy Ch�a với m�nh m� th�i. Ngay l�c đ� �ng được l�nh. �ng bảo �ng sẽ đền gấp tư tiền của ai �ng đ� lấy do gian tham; �ng sẽ chia ph�n nửa t�i sản gi�p người ngh�o. Kh�ng phải �ng muốn mua t�nh thương của người đời, m� ch�nh sự giải tho�t của Ch�a th�c đẩy �ng l�m việc đ�, v� �ng vui mừng m� l�m. Ơn cứu độ l� thế. Ch�a đến với ai th� thi�n đ�ng cu~ng đến, ngay trong đời của họ. Xa Ch� đ� thấy c�i đau của m�nh m� t�m Ch�a. Vấn đề l� nh�n thấy c�i đau của m�nh để t�m chư� l�nh. 

May God bless and keep you, and may God grant us peace. 


The Rev. Tinh T. Huynh

Rector of Saint Patrick's Church