Upcoming Events |
Saturday, August 17:
Funeral for Katie Wright, 2:00 PM
Feed the Homeless, time TBA
Sunday, September 8:
Sunday School begins
Tuesday,September 10:
Commissions, 6:30 PM Vestry, 7:30 PM
Saturday, Sept. 14:
Dental Clinic at Saint Patrick's, 9 AM - 4 PM
Saturday, Sept. 21:
Feed the Homeless, time TBA
Sunday, Sept. 22:
Odeon Concert, 4 PM
Saturday, Sept. 28:
Clean-up Day
Saturday, Oct. 5:
Fall Festival at St. Patrick's, 9 AM - 3 PM
PYM Volunteer Day, 10 AM - 2 PM
Sunday, Oct. 6:
Blessing of the Animals, 4 PM
Sunday, Oct 13:
UTO Sunday
Saturday, Oct. 19:
Feed the Homeless, time TBA.
Nov. 8th-10th:
PYM Senior High Weekend @ Shrine Mont
July 26 Christian Benjamin 27 My Linh Tran 31 Stephen Gawarecki August 2 Mark Mills 2 Jim Ellis 2 Grace Payne 2 Olamide Thomas 8 Bich-Thuy Diep 9 Victoria Kennedy 11 Jonathan Burgess 15 Heather Stefl 15 Christofer Johnson- Harbers 16 Dang Pham 18 Mary Isibel 23 Carrie McCall 24 Benjamin Nindel 24 Frank Harbers
Our Prayer List
We remember in our prayer:
Dee Bailey, Kari Boeskov, Brandon, Marie Cosimano, Tim Clary, Dorothy Connelly, John Davis, Donald DeVaughn, Michael Dickinson, Loretta Dougherty, The Edsall Family, Dotty Eisenhour, Nance Finegan, Luis Garay, Anne Goodwin, Jean Graham, Katie Grosse, Nick Giuliani, Katherine Hafele, Anne & Thomas Edsall, Margaret Ellis Harris, Alek Hensley, Leslie Hogan, Cindy Hogman, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Michael Horn, Mary Isibel, Sarah Jackson, Lindsay Johns, Gray Johnson, Jamie Kaplon, Robert Kelley, Geoff Kent, Quinn Kimball, Jeffry King, Michael Knowles, Peter Kosutic, Susan Lawrence, Lois Magrogan, Colleen Mavrikas, Gregory McGinnis, Margaret Mills, Evelyn Morgan, Danielle Morgan, Que Nguyen, Chick Nixon, Christine Nolan, Olive Oliver, Jim Owens, Gary Owens, Faith Poole, Mandy Rothenhoefer, William Ross, Bill Sitler, Ron Sipes, Irene Skowron, Josh Smithers, Inez StantonCandi Stewart, Barbara Stefl, Kara Stryker, Walter Sushko, Steven Talbert, George Thomas, Clara Torres, George Torres, Tammy Vanphung, Nhon Thanh Vo, Michael Weekes, Warren Weinstein, The Crowley Family, The Westfall Family, Paula Wiech, Meredith Wiech, Bernard Williams, Donna Wolfe, Rudy Zimple.
We pray especially for Jeffry King and Dotty Eisenhour.
Note: If you have a loved one or friend who needs prayer please call the church and leave a message at 703-532-5656, or write to Tinh+ at
stpats3241@gmail.com or call him at 703-405-9571. Also, should a name need be removed from the list, please let Tinh+ know promptly, and give the reason.
Saint Patrick's Ministers
The Ministers of Saint Patrick's Church are the People of this Parish
supported by
The Reverend
Tinh Trang Huynh, Rector
Ms. Mariko Hiller,
Music Director
Ms. Rachel Burgess,
Nursery Care
We serve our Lord as part of the Diocese of Virginia
led by
our chief pastors
The Rt. Rev. Shannon Sherwood Johnston, Bishop
The Rt. Rev. Susan Goff
Bishop Suffragan
The Rt. Rev. Ted Gulick,
Assistant Bishop
The Vision of St. Patrick's
Saint Patrick's Episcopal Church is a community of care, called to be Christ-centered and multicultural in worship, Christian education and action to proclaim Christ's love to the world.
Previous Issues of the Epistle | Please click here if you wish to see the previous issues of The Epistle
St. Patrick's Organized for Missions and Ministry
Vestry Committee:
Senior Warden: Tom Auld; Junior Warden: Bill Houston;
Other members of the Vestry: Elisabeth Nguyen, Milton Thomas, Jocelyne Miller, Pierre Chanu, Chris Nicholson.
Altar Guild: Lois Cascella;
Bell Choir: Mariko Hiller;
Church Office: Lois Cascella
; Offering Counters: Bob Cascella; Diocesan Council Delegate: Kathy Oliver (Amelia Nicholson, alternate delegate);
St. Margaret's Circle: Ann Nelson; Telephone Chain:
Alice King; Feed the Homeless: Elisabeth Nguyen;
Odeon Chamber Music Series: Mariko Hiller;
Westlawn Elementary School: Winnie Lebo;
Falls Church Community Services: Catherine Dubas;
Hypothermia Shelter Program: Hao Nguyen;
The Epistle Newsletter Editors: Winnie Lebo and Cindy Rhoad; Flea Market:
Chris Nicholson; Prison Ministry: Nancy Burch;
Meals-on-Wheels: Amelia Nicholson;Sunrise/Bluemont:
Michael Knowles
Join Our List | |
Parish Notes |
- Cate Johnson will be our guest preacher this Sunday. After serving with USAID for two years in Pakistan, Cate is now living and working Germany. We look forward to having Cate this Sunday, and we thank her for visiting us. - The memorial service for our Katie Wright will be held at Saint Patrick's on Saturday, August 17th, at 2:00 PM. - The Aug-Sept-Oct Forward Day By Day, for daily devotion, has arrived and is now available in the narthex. The little booklet comes with the scripture passages and reflection for each day. On the inner page of the cover there is the "A Morning Resolve," which reads, "I will try this day to live a simple, sincere, and serene life, repelling promptly every thought of discontent, anxiety, discouragement, impurity and self-seeking..." Please pick up your copy. - On Saturday, September 14th, our My-Linh Tran, DDS, and her dentist team will offer free dental services to the needy in the neighborhood of Saint Patrick's. In the past, the team was on mission trips to Vietnam and Cambodia; now it focuses on helping the poor in Northern Virginia. The September 14th's event will be held in the sanctuary of our church, and we will need help with set up and cleaning up. The services will include extracting and filling, between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Set up will begin at 7:00 AM, and clean up will be from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM. There will be a sign-up sheet in the narthex for volunteers. Please sign-up to help.
- Spirito Piano Duo -- On September 22, 2013, at 4 PM,pianists Mariko Hiller and Victoria Wyatt will offer a concert at Saint Patrick's. They will perform works for two pianos by Shostakovich, Shulze-Menter, Piazzolla and Mussorgsky. All are invited to attend. Suggested donation: $15.00.
- The adult Sunday School continues to be held through this summer, on every Sunday at 9:30 AM. The class is led by our Tom Auld, and is studying the Book of Acts. This Sunday we will read and discuss Chapter 17. All are invited to join us.
- Many thanks to our volunteers who take part in our Feed the Homeless and the Meals-on-Wheels program.
- Please pray for Saint Patrick's need of a youth minister and for our upcoming Sunday School program for our children.
The Propers
Sunday, August 4, 2013
This Sunday is the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
(Proper 13)
Hosea 11:1-11 Psalm 107:1-9, 43 Colossians 3:1-11 Luke 12:13-21 Collect: Let your continual mercy, O LORD, cleanse and defend your Church; and, because it cannot continue in safety without your help, protect and govern it always by your goodness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
This Sunday's Altar Flowers
The flowers on the altar this Sunday are to the glory of God, and are given by My-Linh and Hao Tran as a thank offering on occasion of their 10th wedding anniversary.
Last Sunday's Sermon |
Proper 12 -- Year C -- July 28, 2013
Luke 11.1-13; Psalm 138
"When I called, you answered me;
You increased my strength within me."
In the Name of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The psalm that we read this morning begins with words of thanksgiving.
It reads, "I will give thanks to you, O Lord, with my whole heart,"
The psalmist is sure about God's existence and God's presence.
There is in the psalm a connection between the believer and the Creator.
Have you ever experienced answer to prayer?
A young child may pray for harmony between his or her parents,
and God listens.
The newly graduated prays for employment opportunities,
and God listens.
Those facing big decisions pray.
Those in trouble or in grief pray.
Those who are afraid pray, and God listens.
There are also people who never pray,
and, still, God knows the pains in their hearts.
Prayer can be without words.
The psalmist always prayed.
The author of Psalm 138 says,
"When I called, you answered me;
you increased my strength within me."
Inner strength is the best gift from God.
-------------------- In the Gospel that we read this morning, the disciples of Jesus went to Him and asked Him to teach them how to pray: Jesus must have had the magic words to please God,
because Jesus' prayer always worked.
God does not need magic words.
Jesus said, "When you pray, say, 'Our Father, who art in heaven...'" Many of us learned this prayer when very young.
When I was growing up my father led family altar every night.
We sang a hymn and read a chapter from the Bible,
and then a person prayed, and we concluded the session with the Lord's Prayer.
Interestingly, the prayer that Jesus taught never mentions health, wealth or success.
But you have to be persistent.
Jesus told the story about a person knocking at his friend's door at midnight and asking for bread.
He kept knocking, and he finally got what he needed.
"Ask, and it will be given you;
search, and you will find;
knock, and the door will be opened for you."
Sometimes we don't get what we ask for.
When my son was two years old,
he kept asking for a wallet like that of his grown-up cousin.
I took him to the mall to find a wallet.
I found one, but it cost $15.00.
I decided to buy him Lego blocks, instead.
He then forgot about the wallet.
He just loved playing with Lego.
My son insisted on getting one thing,
I gave him something else.
God does not always give us what we want.
God always gives us what we need.
Jesus' saying at the end of the story is intriguing.
He says, "If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"
This is not "how much more will the Father give you what you want."
We may ask for healing of the body, jobs, housing and success, etc.
But God is always ready to grant us the gift of the Holy Spirit.
We often asks for things temporal,
yet things eternal is more important.
What we need first is the Holy Spirit.
Scripture says that we are created in the image of God.
The Spirit of God has been in each of us, right from the very beginning.
The Spirit is like a light in us.
That light may have been dim.
When we face difficult issues in our lives,
we should pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
When we have to make big decisions,
we should pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The psalmist says,
"When I called, you answered me;
You increased my strength within me."
It is the Holy Spirit who can change us,
and increase our strength within us.
Let us be together in a community of prayer,
and may the Holy Spirit be the strength within us."
Đại Ư Kinh Văn Chúa Nhật Vừa Qua
Chúa Nhật, ngày 28 tháng 7, 2013
Kinh Văn: Luca 11:1-13
Trong Phúc Âm Luca đọc hôm nay, các môn đệ xin Đức Giêsu dạy họ cầu nguyện. Chúa dạy họ bài kinh Lạy Cha, và sau đó Ngài kể truyện người nưả đêm gơ cửa nhà bạn xin bánh ḿ, để dạy họ về sự kiên tŕ cố xin. Chúa dạy rằng Cha chúng ta ở trên trời hằng lắng nghe chúng ta cầu xin, và sẽ đáp lời. "Hây xin th́ sẽ được, hăy t́m th́ sẽ gặp; hăy gơ cưả th́ sẽ mở cho."
Chúng ta thường cầu xin và hỏi không biết Chúa sẽ nhậm lời hay không. Khi con trai tôi hai tuổi, nó nói nó muốn có cái ví giống của anh Nguyên." Nguyên lúc ấy khoảng 12 tuổi, là cháu của vợ tôi. Ngày nào Nghiêm cu~ng nói: "Bố, con muốn có cái ví giống anh Nguyên." Cuối cùng, tôi dẫn cháu đi mall t́m mua cái ví. Khi t́m được th́ thấy gíá tiền là $15.00. Tôi nói, "Mắc quá!" Tôi mua cho cháu hộp đồ ráp Lego, v́ tôi nghĩ cái ví đâu có ích ǵ cho đứa bé 2 tuổi. Con tôi xin một thứ, song tôi lại cho nó thứ khác.
Các môn đệ Đức Giêsu muốn biết nên nói ǵ khi cầu nguyện.
Đức Giêsu dạy một điều mà ít ai nghĩ đến. Điều ấy là cầu xin cho được Đức Thánh Linh. Chúng ta thường cầu tài cầu lợi. Cầu xin Chúa cho sức khỏe, hết bệnh. Cầu cho được may mắn, gia đ́nh hạnh phúc. Cầu xin cho được an toàn và mọi sự hanh thông. Song Chúa dạy rằng chúng ta phải xin Thánh Linh cuả Chúa ngự vào ḷng. Đó chính là nền tảng của đời sống tốt, là điều mà Thiên Chúa sẵn sàng ban cho chúng ta.
Khi có Chúa trong ḷng th́ chúng ta mới có thể thấy rằng ḿnh có thể tạ ơn Chúa về mọi điều xảy đến trong đời. Khi có Chúa trong ḷng th́ chúng ta mới cảm nhận và chấp nhận mọi sự và vui mừng trong mọi sự. Tác giả Thi Thiên 138 mà chúng ta đọc hôm nay nói " Khi con kêu cầu th́ Chúa đáp lời con. Chúa khiến sức mạnh bừng lên trong con."
Tất cả mọi sự đều bắt nguồn từ bên trong. Khi chúng ta cầu nguyện theo bài Kinh Lạy Cha: "Xin tha tội cho chúng con, như chúng con tha lỗi cho người khác," th́ chúng ta biết rằng sự tha thứ bắt đầu từ trong tâm của chính ḿnh, chứ không lệ thuộc vào hoàn cảnh hay điều kiện đến từ bên ngoài hay người khác. Khi chúng ta cầu: "Xin cho chúng con hôm nay lương thực hằng ngày," chúng ta cần có sức mạnh bên trong để đương đầu với sự xao xuyến.
Nhà văn người Anh, ông C.S. Lewis, nói rằng lời cầu nguyện không thay đổi Đức Chúa Trời, song thay đổi chúng ta. Khi chúng ta cầu nguyện th́ chúng ta hoán cải.
Chúa dạy rằng: "Cứ xin th́ được, cứ t́m cứ t́m th́ sẽ thấy, cứ gơ cửa th́ sẽ mở cho. V́ hễ ai xin th́ nhận được, ai t́m th́ thấy, ai gơ cửa th́ sẽ mở cho. Ai trong anh em là một người cha, mà khi con xin cá, th́ thay v́ cá lại lấy rắn mà cho nó ? Hoặc nó xin trứng lại cho nó ḅ cạp ? Vậy nếu anh em vốn là những kẻ xấu mà c̣n biết cho con cái ḿnh của tốt của lành, phương chi Cha trên trời lại không ban Thánh Thần cho những kẻ kêu xin Người sao ?"
Linh hồn chúng ta khao khát được về nhà, tức là nơi an trú. Cầu nguyện chính là t́m nơi an trú cho tâm hồn. Chính v́ vậy chúng ta thấy cái nông cạn của việc cầu tài cầu lợi, tức là giam ḿnh vào cái ṿng lẩn quẩn trong cơi chết.
Đức Giêsu dạy rằng "Trước hết hăy t́m kiếm Nước Đức Chúa Trời và sự công chính của Ngài, rồi Ngài sẽ ban cho các ngươi thêm mọi điều khác." Chúa chính là nguồn sống. Trước hết chúng ta phải cầu xin Chúa ban Đức Thánh Linh, để Ngài chiếm hữu và hiện diện trong tâm luôn luôn.