Church ShieldEpistle Header

In This Issue
Parish Notes
Parish Notes
Last Sunday's Sermon
The Propers
This Sunday's Flowers
Community News
Đại Ý Kinh Văn

Upcoming Events

Saturday, June 1:

Spring Festival, 9 AM - 2 PM

Sunday, June 9:

Celebration of Sunday School.

Tuesday, June 11:

Commissions, 6:30 PM
Vestry:  7:30 PM

Saturday, June 15:

Feed the Homeless, time TBA

Sunday, June 16

Farewell to the Vang family (Potluck).
Pool Party at the Aulds in the afternoon. Preacher:  Toua Vang

Tuesday, June 18:

Last day of public schools

Thursday, June 20:

The Vang family leaves Virginia for Minnesota

Sunday, July7:

Guest Preacher and Celebrant:  The Rev. Samuel Reddimalla

Tuesday, July 9:

Commissions, 6:30 PM
Vestry, 7:30 PM

Saturday, July 13:

Youth Service Week begins (July 13-21)

Saturday, July 20:

Feed the Homeless, time TBA.

Saturday, August 17:

Feed the Homeless, time TBA

Sunday, September 8:

Sunday School begins

Tuesday,September 10:

Commissions, 6:30 PM
Vestry, 7:30 PM

Saturday, Sept. 14:

Clean-up Day (Clean inside the church)

Saturday, Sept. 21:

Feed the Homeless, time TBA

Saturday, Oct. 5:

Fall Festival

Sunday, Oct. 6:

Blessing of the Animals, 4 PM

Sunday, Oct 13:

UTO Sunday

Saturday, Oct. 19:

Feed the Homeless, time TBA.

Altar at Pentecost  



30   Alexander Benjamin (today!) 

31   Brian Leonard

31   Kathleen Oliver

31   Janice Mills



1   Kim Anh Huynh

1     Reese Miller

2   Maggie Spinelli

4   Christopher Lam

5   Bradley Pizzola

6   Evelyn West

7   Virginia Brown

11   Pa Ying Vang

12   Rylton Thomas

13   Miriam Balding

24   Vashti Leonard Curtis

25   Ruth Spinelli

25   Claire Dubas

25   Reed Dexter

25   Mariko Hiller

26   Le Cao

26   Tuyet Mai

27   Jessica Mills

28   Asa Mills

28   Catherine Dubas

28   Melissa Burris

30   Cindy Rhoad



 2    John Cascella

 5    Hannah Burris

 9    Lillian Berg

10    Lucinda Downing

11    Timothy Dang

12    Mickie Frizzell

13   Tom Wetrich

13   Louis Spinelli

13   Tina VanPhung

15   Mary Anne Grant

17   Tuyet Diep

19   Jonathan Huynh

20   Frankie Haan

20   Toua Vang

22   Diem Nguyen

24   Matthew Mills

26   Christian Benjamin

27   My Linh Tran

31   Stephen Gawarecki


Our Prayer List

We remember in our prayer:


Maria Ash, Dee Bailey, Harry Benson, Kari Boeskov, Mary Anne Bogie, Hoang Thi Ngoc Bich, Brandon, Thomas Cascella, Marie Cosimano, Debbie Clark, Tim Clary, Dorothy Connelly, John Davis, Donald DeVaughn, Michael Dickinson, Loretta Dougherty, The Edsall Family, Nance Finegan, Luis Garay, Anne Goodwin, Jean Graham, Katie Grosse, Nick Giuliani, Katherine Hafele, Anne & Thomas Edsall, Margaret Ellis Harris, Alek Hensley, Leslie Hogan, Cindy Hogman, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Michael Horn, Mary Isibel, Lindsay Johns, Gray Johnson, Jamie Kaplon, Robert Kelley, Quinn Kimball, Jeffry King, Peter Kosutic, Susan Lawrence, Joe Magrogan, Lois Magrogan, Jim Magrogan, Colleen Mavrikas, Gregory McGinnis, Kylee Mei and her families, Margaret Mills, Evelyn Morgan, Danielle Morgan, Que Nguyen, Chick Nixon, Christine Nolan, Olive Oliver, Jim Owens, Gary Owens, Moi Phan, Faith Poole, William Ross, Bill Sitler, Ron Sipes, Irene Skowron, Josh Smithers, Candi Stewart, Barbara Stefl, Kara Stryker, Walter Sushko, Steven Talbert, George Thomas, Clara Torres, George Torres, Tammy Vanphung, Nhon Thanh Vo, Michael Weekes, Warren Weinstein, The Westfall Family, Paula Wiech, Meredith Wiech, Bernard Williams, Donna Wolfe.



We pray especially for Chick Nixon,

Ben Nindel, Polly DuJany, Lois Magrogan,  Mary Isibel,  Debbie Clark, Greg McGinnis, Danielle Morgan, Pao Yang, Michael Knowles, Tammy Vanphung and Christine Nolan.




Note: If you have a loved one or friend who needs prayer please call the church and leave a message at 703-532-5656, or write to Tinh+ at  or call him at 703-405-9571.  Also, should a name need be removed from the list, please let Tinh+ know promptly, and give the reason.  



Saint Patrick's Ministers 

The Ministers of Saint Patrick's Church are the People of this Parish


supported by


The Reverend  

Tinh Trang Huynh, Rector


The Reverend

Toua Vang,  

Seminarian Deacon


Ms. Kerry Hual

Director of Youth and Children's Ministry   


Ms. Mariko Hiller,  

Music Director


Ms. Rachel Burgess,

Nursery Care


We serve our Lord as part of the Diocese of Virginia


led by

our chief pastors


The Rt. Rev. Shannon Sherwood Johnston, Bishop


The Rt. Rev. Susan Goff

Bishop Suffragan 



The Rt. Rev. Ted Gulick,

Assistant Bishop 

The Vision of St. Patrick's

Saint Patrick's Episcopal Church is a community of care, called to be Christ-centered and multicultural in worship, Christian education and action to proclaim  Christ's love to the world.


Previous Issues of the Epistle
Please click here if you wish to see the previous issues of The Epistle

St. Patrick's Organized for Missions and Ministry 


Vestry Committee:  Senior Warden:  Tom Auld;  Junior Warden:  Bill Houston; Registrar:  Winnie Lebo; Treasurer:  Kathy Oliver;  Other members of the Vestry:   Elisabeth Nguyen, Milton Thomas, Jocelyne Miller, Pierre Chanu, Chris Nicholson.




Altar Guild: Lois Cascella; 

Bell Choir: Mariko Hiller;  Offering Counters: Bob Cascella; Youth Ministry:  Kerry Hual; Region VIII Representative: Felix Spinelli;  Diocesan Council Delegate: Bill Houston (Kathy Oliver, alternate delegate); St. Margaret's Circle:  Ann Nelson;  Telephone Chain: Alice King; Feed the Homeless:  Elisabeth Nguyen; Odeon Chamber Music Series:  Mariko Hiller; Westlawn Elementary School:  Winnie Lebo; Falls Church Community Services: Catherine Dubas; Hypothermia Shelter Program:  Felix Spinelli and Hao Nguyen;  The Epistle Newsletter Editors: Winnie Lebo and Cindy Rhoad; Flea Market: Chris Nicholson; Prison Ministry: Nancy Burch; Meals-on-Wheels: Amelia Nicholson; Sunrise/Bluemont: Michael Knowles  




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May 30, 2013

Parish Notes

Spring Festival 2
Coming up this Sat., June 1st, St. Patrick's  will host a
Spring Festival from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.   
        There will be a Car Show, Bargains (including a Book Room), Games for Children, Lunch, Bake Sale, and Pet Parade.
       Not only that--you are invited to participate as a vendor!  Contact Catherine Dubas (571-242-2591) to reserve a space in the church parking lot.  For just $10, you will be provided with a reserved space, a card table, and great clientele.  Take home whatever cash you make, along with any unsold items, and enjoy a de-cluttered home!
      But wait!  That's not all!!  You are also invited to enter your pet in the Pet Parade.  There is no fee for the contest; everyone is a winner!  While all dogs must be on a leash, other pets are welcome to participate, too.  (Who would put a leash on a goldfish?!!)  In order to participate, make sure you sign up no later than 11:00 the day of, and have your pet ready to go by 11:20.  This will be a fun event, to be sure!
      For all questions and/or to reserve a vendor space, contact  Catherine Dubas, at    
      Last, please feel free to pass this information along to your friends and family. Hoping to see you at St. Pat's on Sat.!   Catherine Dubas

- Congratulations to Tyler Mills, who has just graduated from the Virginia Military Institute. Tyler will be leaving for Georgia in June.


- Congratulations to Anna Chanu, who received the Girl Scout Gold Award on May 11, 2013.


Tornado 3 - The tornadoes on May 16th and May 20th caused severe damage and loss of life.  Please pray for those who have lost loved ones and homes, and responders working to save lives and address needs.  To support these efforts, please send money to Episcopal Relief & Development, and earmark your check for "Tornado Response Fund," and mail it to P.0. Box 7058, Merrifield, VA 22116-7058.  For credit card donations, please visit   Thank you for your compassion and prayers.  With you help, we are healing a hurting world.

- Happy Birthday to Alex Benjamin -- today!

- Mark your calendar: Sunday, June 9th: Celebration of Sunday School (the service will be held indoors).  There will not be potluck on that day.   Sunday, June 16th:  Farewell to the Toua Vang Family, with potluck and pool party at the home of Tom and Jane Aulds, after church.
-   An adult Sunday School class is being held every Sunday, from 9:30 AM to 10:15 AM.  Our Tom Auld is leading us in the study of the Book of Acts.  Please come join us.


Spinelli 1

-  Our Felix, Maggie and Ruth Spinelli, and Luka, will be leaving for Montana tomorrow, early in the morning.  Please pray for them. 

Youth Corner 

-  Join us Saturday at St. Pat's Spring Festival for the Youth Bake Sale. The sale will take place from 10:00am-12:00pm
      Following the festival, at around 4pm, The Dubas family has graciously invited the youth to the neighborhood pool for food and fellowship.
      Please plan to bring a bag of chips or fruit to help with the meal.
      See you Saturday!  Kerry. 

A Prayer Request 

Please pray for Geoff Kent, cousin of our Jonathan Miller, who was seriously injured in a military training exercise.   Please also pray for his wife Aimee and their children as they cope with the accident and recovery.  This family has been to St. Pats, attending baptisms of Bennett and Reese Miller, and Geoff is Reese's godfather.  Geoff is currently recovering from surgery.

VTS Graduation Pictures 

Graduation 3
The Vang family with Amelia Nicholson, Kim-Anh and Tinh+, at Toua's graduationToua and Bob

The Rev. Dr. Robert Prichard, Professor of Church History, and the Rev. Toua Vang

Graduation 2
Kim-Anh, Amelia, Toua and Tinh+
Vang Family
The Vang family. From left:  Joua, Mouachee, Toua, MouaHmong, GaoHmong and PaYing

Toua and Nyonkon
Nyonkon Mason and Toua Vang.  Nyonkon is nephew of our Pauline Thomas

Nyonkon, Felicia, Toua, tinh and ka
From left:  Nyonkon Mason, Felicia Mitchell, Toua Vang, Tinh+ and Kim-Anh.  Felicia is sister of our Pauline Thomas

Last Sunday's Sermon 

Trinity Sunday -- May 26, 2013

Text:  Isaiah 6:1-8, Canticle 13, Romans 5:1-5, John 16:12-15

Tinh Huynh+ 



"In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the LORD sitting on a throne..."

In the name of God:  the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.


In the First Lesson there is a short story  

about the prophet Isaiah

who sees the LORD in a vision.

Such encountering with God changed his life.

The story is about transformation.


Last Sunday we celebrated Pentecost,

and we read from the Book of Acts

the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit,

and we also heard about the change that happened

to the lives of the disciples of Christ.


Throughout the Bible there are many stories about lives being transformed,

when  God touches humanity.


The story that we read from Isaiah starts with an interesting statement:

"In the year that King Uzziah died,

I saw the LORD sitting on a throne."

What year was that?

We use Christ's birth year for our dating system,

but ancient biblical people used the years of kings' deaths.

So, most likely,  

Isaiah is talking about Year 700 BC.

Anyhow, to Isaiah it could have been very important

to mention the death of King Uzziah.    


Uzziah became king of Judah when he was 16 years old.

When he was young

he was faithful to the LORD, and he was blessed.

He sought God's will,

and God blessed him with wealth and power.

His fame spread far and wide,

and his army was strong.

Skillful men under him designed and made powerful weapons,

which could shoot arrows and large stones

from the towers and corners of Jerusalem.


However, after reigning in Jerusalem for over 50 years,

Uzziah changed.

He became obsessed with his wealth and power.

He became arrogant.

He violated boundaries.


But as Uzziah gained power and wealth,

he became more and more desperate.

He then became blind, spiritually.

His thirst was never satisfied.


One day, Uzziah entered the temple and burned incense on the Altar.

He did the job of the priest, which he was not supposed to do.

He wanted to claim the honor he desired.

He annoyed the LORD.

The priests confronted him,

and they told him to get out.

Uzziah was furious.

Then leprosy broke out on his forehead. //

The disease forced him to be isolated

until he died.


It was in the year of King Uzziah's death that new threats began to come from Assyria, Jerusalem's enemy.  Assyria had become more and more powerful

and it openly threatened the city.

This was the time when Isaiah began to prophesy.


Now we want to speak about the change that happened to Isaiah. 

Isaiah did not come from among the poor.

He grew up free and had everything he needed.

Food was always on the table of his household.

He was related to the king's family,

and he was educated.


Although with such a background,

Isaiah spoke for the poor and the oppressed.

He told the king and the people to do justice,

repent and return to the LORD,

and trust in God.   ////

Why did a person who had almost everything

risk rejection of the powerful to speak for the weak? 


All began with the experience he had in Isaiah 6:1-8.

"In the year of King Uzziah's death, I saw the LORD sitting on the throne..."


Isaiah saw the LORD because the LORD revealed Himself to Isaiah. 

The LORD did touch a desperate and fearful soul.

The burning coal was placed at this lips,

and Isaiah was transformed.


What about us?

Some of us may have said, "I have seen the LORD!"

Can that be true?


Notice the song of the cherubims (angels) in the story, which says, "The earth is full of His glory!"   

Many of us see God in the beauty of nature.

The stars, the sea, the trees and plants, and the animals, speak to God's presence.   

Some of us see God in the new born babies.

We see God in the love of the people around us.

For the many things in life that we see as we look back into our journeys past, we may see God's hand that lead us through.

It's the Holy Spirit who speaks in our hearts and reveals the LORD to us.


When God reveals himself to us and touches our lives,

we are changed.

Such transformation enables us to sing "All fear is gone."

As we go through difficult times we still hold on to hope.

In times of sadness we still believe in joy.

What we sing every Sunday during Holy Eucharist is from this very passage of Isaiah:

"Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts,

Heaven and earth are full of your glory."

Those words proclaim God's presence.

Those words are the Christian proclamation of hope.

The LORD that Isaiah saw is the very God that made us,

loves us,

came to dwell among us,

died and rose from the dead,

and now dwells with us for ever.

This is God the Holy Trinity.

As Christians, we call Him:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


This is the God who is willing to be found and heard.

He lets us find HIm when we desperately seek Him.

This is the God who is calling us ceaselessly.

He wants our souls and our hearts.

He wants to He can set us aside for himself,

and he can make us channels of blessing

to those around us.  


The hymn "Here I am, LORD," takes its words from the Isaiah passage that we read this morning.

God is calling us.

What does God call us to do?

To where?

Who are the people that we promise to hold in our hearts?

God called Isaiah,

and he immediately responded.

Isaiah was in a dream.

But in reality does one say "Yes" right away?

Discerning may take a long time.

One needs to discover himself or herself,

in order to be sure about what God calls him or her to do.


The greatest call for each of us is

the call to discover himself or herself

as a beloved child of God.


That call comes before any vision and any other call.


Discovering our belovedness can change our lives completely --

from resentment to harmony,

from hatred to love,

from anxiety to calmness,

from anger to forgiveness,

from pride to repentance,

from fear to boldness.


Trinity is the Christian name of God.

Trinity and Love go together.

Trinity means: God with us.

Amidst the chaos of this world, God calls us to be still,

to know that He is near,

and to let Him touch us and transform us.  Amen.


The Propers 

Sunday, May 26th, 2013
This Sunday is the Second Sunday after Pentecost     


1 Kings 18:20-21, 30-39
Psalm 96
Galatians 1:1-12
Luke 7:1-10
Collect:   O God, your never-failing providence sets in order all things both in heaven and earth:  Put away from us, we entreat you, all hurtful things, and give us those things which are profitable for us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.

This Sunday's Flowers 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The flowers on the Altar this Sunday are to the glory of God, and are given by Lois, Bob and John Cascella
in thanksgiving for God's grace.

Community News  

school band
-  Members of St. Pat's are invited to attend Westlawn's Spring Concert, at Westlawn Elementary School on Thursday, June 6 at 7:00p.m.  This concert features the chorus, band and orchestra and is free of charge. 

Đại Ư Kinh Văn Chúa Nhật Vừa Qua

Chúa Nhật Ba Ngôi -- 26 tháng 5, 2013


Theo truyền thống của Hội Thánh, theo sau ngày Ngu~ Tuần là "Chúa Nhật Ba Ngôi."  Lẽ đạo Ba Ngôi là đặc điểm của Kitô-giáo.  Ba Ngôi - Đức Chúa Cha, Đức Chúa Con và Đức Thánh Linh -- hiệp một chân thần.  Ba mà là một; một mà là ba - không sao giải thích, mặc dù hiểu và tin.  Hiểu và tin không bằng trí óc, mà bằng cái tâm của ḿnh.  Bất cứ giáo hội nào xưng danh Đức Giêsu và nói nhiều về Đức Giêsu, song không tin nhận lẽ đạo ba ngôi (như Chứng Nhân Giê Hô Va và Đạo Mormon), th́ không phải là Kitô-giáo.


            Trong thời sơ khai của Giáo Hội chúng ta, người ta thắc mắc về Giêsu:  Giêsu là ai?  Kinh Thánh nói về Thiên Chúa là Đấng Tạo Hóa, và Thần của Ngài có mặt từ thuở ban đầu;  Kinh Thánh cu~ng nói trước về sự Chúa đến ngự giữa thế gian.  Hội Thánh đầu tiên đă nhận ra rằng Giêsu chính là Thiên Chúa đă hiện thân làm người, chịu đau khổ, chịu chết và đă phục sinh, và qua Đức Thánh Linh, Ngài vẫn c̣n hiện diện với những người tin kính cho đến tận thế. 

            Đoạn Kinh Thánh thứ nhất mà chúng ta đọc hôm nay ở trong Sách Châm Ngôn nói về sự khôn ngoan.  Trong đoạn nầy tác giả có ư nói về sự khôn ngoan như là một người, hay nói đúng hơn, một Đấng -- Đấng đó là sự khôn ngoan của Chúa, đă ở với Thiên Chúa tự thuở ban đầu. "Ta đă được lập từ trước vô cùng, từ khi nguyên thuỷ, trước khi dựng nên trái đất.  Lúc chưa có vực sâu, chưa có nguồn chảy nước nhiều, th́ ta đă sanh ra rồi."  Đây chỉ là một trong nhiều câu Kinh Văn nói về Giêsu.  Ngài được miêu tả là sự khôn ngoan của Thiên Chúa.  Trong ḷng tin của người tín hữu, Giêsu chính là Thiên Chúa.

            Thiên Chúa là đấng tạo hóa.  Chúa đă dựng nên vu~ trụ, muôn loài sinh linh cùng cỏ cây.  Thi-Thiên đoạn 8 nói, "Sự oai nghi của Chúa hiện ra trên các từng trời!"  Chúa không lăng quên muôn loài. Chúa không giống như một người thợ khéo làm chiếc đồng hồ:  làm xong th́ để mặc đồng hồ cứ thế mà chạy; song Chúa quan tâm đến và chăm sóc cho muôn loài.  Chúa yêu mến muôn loài mà Ngài đă dựng nên.  Tác giả Thi Thiên nói:  "Khi tôi nh́n xem các từng trời là công việc ngón tay Chúa -- mặt trăng và các ngôi sao mà Chúa đă đặt - loài người là ǵ, mà Chúa nhớ đến?  Con loài người là chi, mà Chúa thăm viếng nó?"

            Tin Mừng mà người Kitô-hữu loan báo là Tin Mừng về sự thăm viếng của Thiên Chúa.  Nếu Chúa không đến với chúng ta th́ không có cách chi chúng ta được nối lại mối tương quan với Ngài.  Một chiếc cầu được bắc giữa chúng ta và Thiên Chúa.  Chiếc cầu ấy không phải do chính chúng ta bắc được. Chiếc cầu ấy do chính Chúa thiết lập, qua sự chết và sự sống lại của Đức Kitô Giêsu.

            Phúc Âm Giăng nói về "Đấng Bảo Hộ" mà người tín hữu thuở xưa trông đợi.  Nguyên ngữ không phải là "bảo hộ," mà là "biện hộ."  Đấng đó là Đức Thánh Linh, là thần của Thiên Chúa.  Ngài đă hiện đến với các người tin kính trong ngày Ngu~ Tuần ở thành Giêrusalem.  Như chúng ta đă học tuần trước, họ biết rơ Chúa có mặt:  gió thổi ào ào, lưỡi bằng lửa đậu trên đầu mỗi người trong pḥng họp, và họ nói nhiều thứ tiếng khác nhau.  Họ hết sợ bị bắt bớ, mặc dầu thế lực của điều ác vây quanh họ, và họ mạnh dạn rao truyền sự vinh hiển của Chúa, khiến ba ngàn người hôm ấy trở nên tín hữu, và ngày Ngu~ Tuần trở thành sinh nhật của Hội Thánh.

            Chúng ta không thể cắt nghĩa lẽ đạo Ba Ngôi.  Chắc không cần t́m cách giải thích hay căi nhau về định nghĩa.  "Ba Ngôi" là Tên người Kitô Giáo đặt cho Thiên Chúa.  Chúng ta chỉ cần biết là khi kêu cầu Danh Thiên Chúa Ba Ngôi th́ chúng ta hết sợ.  Có quá nhiều điều làm cho chúng ta lo sợ hôm nay.  Tại sao chúng ta không kêu cầu Danh của Ngài?  Thiên Chúa Ba Ngôi đang ở bên cạnh chúng ta hôm nay.  Ngài muốn chúng ta cầu nguyện cùng Ngài luôn luôn.  Hăy kêu cầu Danh Chúa trong mọi khi, mọi trường hợp.  Ngài sẽ ban cho chúng ta sự b́nh an. 

            Chúng ta không dị đoan hay cúng kiến cầu tá cầu lợi, v́ Chúa là Thần, và Ngài là Thần Chân Chính.  Trong đoạn Kinh Thánh thứ nh́, ông Phao Lô nói ông vẫn vững ḷng tin dù trong hoạn nạn, v́ ông biết rằng Chúa có thật, và v́ Thiên Chúa Ba Ngôi là Đấng hằng yêu thương ông, và chẳng bao giờ ĺa bỏ ông.  Lời nói ấy cu~ng áp dụng cho chúng ta ngày hôm nay.


May God bless and keep you, and may God grant us peace. 


The Rev. Tinh T. Huynh

Rector of Saint Patrick's Church