Upcoming Event
Saturday, Dec 1 Altar Guild Meeting, 9 AM Christmas Pageant Rehearsal, 9 AM Sunday, Dec 2 Stewardship Sunday. Christmas Pageant, 5:30 PM -- potluck Wednesday, Dec 5 Bible Study with Bernard Yung (last session), 6:30 PM Sunday, Dec. 9 Bishop Johnston's Visitation, 10:30 AM, Potluck Friday, Dec. 14 Girl Scouts' Lock-in, 5 PM Friday to 12 Noon Saturday Sunday, Dec. 16 Annual Meeting Wednesday, Dec. 19 Blue Christmas Service, 7:30 PM Sunday, Dec. 23 Greening the church Monday, Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Services TBA |
4 Irene Graham
5 Robert Aronstein
5 Jennifer Moya
6 Jean Pierre Chanu
10 Winnie Lebo
11 Graham Parvinkarimi
14 Lois Cascella
15 Laurie Los
15 Moi Phan
16 Jean DuBro
18 Jackson DuBro
25 Amelia Nicholson
28 Paul Los
30 Patricia Phan
31 Trang Diep
31 Chon Kim Huynh
Our Prayer List
We remember in our prayer:
Maria Ash, Harry Benson, Kari Boeskov, Mary Anne Bogie, Hoang Thi Ngoc Bich, Thomas Cascella, Marie Cosimano, Tim Clary, Dorothy Connelly, John Davis, Donald DeVaughn, Michael Dickinson, Loretta Dougherty, The Edsall Family, Mary Farmer, Nance Finegan, Luis Garay, Thomas Garner, Anne Goodwin, Jean Graham, Katie Grosse, Nick Giuliani, Katherine Hafele, Anne & Thomas Edsall, Margaret Ellis Harris, Eldon Paul Henry, Betty and Bill Henderson, Alek Hensley, Leslie Hogan, Cindy Hogman, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Michael Horn, Mary Isibel, Lindsay Johns, Gray and Bob Johnson, Jamie Kaplon, Robert Kelley, Quinn Kimball, Jeffry King, Susan Lawrence, Joe Magrogan, Colleen Mavrikas, Kylee Mei and her families, Margaret Mills, Evelyn Morgan, Que Nguyen, Chick Nixon, Olive Oliver, Jim Owens, Gary Owens, Joann Piper, Faith Poole, William Ross, Bill Sitler, Irene Skowron, Josh Smithers, Candi Stewart, Barbara Stefl, Kara Stryker, Walter Sushko, Steven Talbert, George Thomas, Clara Torres, George Torres, Thelma Trout, Nhon Thanh Vo Michael Weekes, Warren Weinstein, The Westfall Family, Paula Wiech, Meredith Wiech, Bernard Williams, Donna Wolfe, Peter Kosutic.
We pray especially for Mary Isibel, Anita Nicholson, Katie Grosse, Susan Lawrence, Christian Benjamin and Bernard Williams.
We pray also for the orphans and those who care for them at Abba Home in Pakistan, and for all orphans in the world.
Note: If you have a loved one or friend who needs prayer please call the church and leave a message at 703-532-5656, or write to Tinh+ at
stpats3241@gmail.com or call him at 703-405-9571. Also, should a name need be removed from the list, please let Tinh+ know promptly, and give the reason.
Saint Patrick's Ministers
The Ministers of Saint Patrick's Church are the People of this Parish
supported by
The Reverend
Tinh Trang Huynh, Rector
The Reverend
Toua Vang,
Seminarian Deacon
Mr. Bernard Yung
Seminarian Assistant
Ms. Kerry Hual
Director of Youth and Children's Ministry
Ms. Mariko Hiller,
Music Director
Ms. Rachel Burgess,
Nursery Care
We serve our Lord as part of the Diocese of Virginia
led by
our chief pastors
The Rt. Rev. Shannon Sherwood Johnston, Bishop
The Rt. Rev. Susan Goff
Bishop Suffragan
The Rt. Rev. Ted Gulick,
Assistant Bishop
The Vision of St. Patrick's
Saint Patrick's Episcopal Church is a community of care, called to be Christ-centered and multicultural in worship, Christian education and action to proclaim Christ's love to the world.
About St. Patrick's Church
| Saint Patrick's was founded in 1953 as a mission church from the Falls Church. The congregation met for the first time on January 3, 1954 in the cafeteria of the Graham Road School. The building was completed in 1956. Members of St. Pat's have been known for their involvement in outreach ministries since the very early days of the parish. In 1995, Saint Patrick's became an Anglo-Vietnamese church, a mission of the Diocese of Virginia, and has become more and more multicultural. In January of 2012, Saint Patrick's full parish status was restored and recognized at the 217th Annual Council meeting of the Diocese. Some of us say that St. Pat's is like a window through which we can see God's love. Other parishioners suggest St. Pat's is a "safe haven" for all who seek peace, a quiet place for those who want to find rest. Many in the congregation mention caring is what makes St. Patrick's special to them. Our vision statement reflects what we are in our hearts: St. Patrick's Episcopal Church is a community of care called to be Christ-centered and multicultural in worship, Christian education and action to proclaim Christ's love to the world."
Saint Patrick's
You are invited to visit our website. Please click here .
Previous Issues of the Epistle | Please click here if you wish to see the previous issues of The Epistle
St. Patrick's Organized for Missions and Ministry
Vestry Committee: Senior Warden: Tom Auld; Junior Warden: Vivian Benjamin; Registrar: Winnie Lebo; Treasurer: Kathy Oliver; Other members of the Vestry: Victoria Kennedy, Jocelyne Miller, Pierre Chanu, Chris Nicholson.
Altar Guild: Lois Cascella; Bell Choir: Mariko Hiller; Church Office: Lois Cascella; Offering Counters: Bob Cascella; Youth Ministry: Maggie Spinelli; Region VIII Representative: Felix Spinelli; Diocesan Council Delegate: Amelia Nicholson; St. Margaret's Circle: Ann Nelson; Telephone Chain: Alice King; Feed the Homeless: Amelia Nicholson; Odeon Chamber Music Series: Mariko Hiller; Westlawn Elementary School: Winnie Lebo; Falls Church Community Services: Catherine Dubas; Hypothermia Shelter Program: Felix Spinelli; Church Women United: Amelia Nicholson. The Epistle Newsletter Editors: Winnie Lebo and Cindy Rhoad; Flea Market: Chris Nicholson
Join Our List | |
Parish Notes
- Christmas Pageant this Sunday at 5:30 PM! We are looking for a few people to help with the set-up and clean-up for the potluck supper that will follow the Christmas pageant this Sunday evening. Tom Auld has volunteered to help with clean-up. Please let Kerry know who can join him in this project. The set-up is not complicated. We are going to set up a few tables in the back of the church where we normally hold Coffee Hour. Thank You!!
- Costume fittings:
* Thursday, November 29th, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
* Friday, November 30th, 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
- Dress rehearsal:
* Saturday, December 1st, 9:00 AM.
For more information, please contact Kerry Hual at kerryhual@gmail.com, or 850-910-1776
- Liturgical Notes. During Advent and Christmas, for Holy Communion we will use Eucharistic Prayer B, which is found on Page 367 of the Book of Common Prayer, and on Page 49 of the Bilingual Prayer Book.
Following the Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy), the Prayer reads, "We give thanks to you, O God, for the goodness and love which you have made known to us in creation; in the calling of Israel to be your people; in your Word spoken through the prophets; and above all in the Word made flesh, Jesus, your Son..."
Also, for the Prayers of the People, we will use Form IV, instead of Form VI. The Creed, the Confession and the Prayers will be printed on the leaflet.
- Christmas Flowers, Greens, and Stars. The Christmas tradition at Saint Patrick's is to use flowers, poinsettias, greens, and stars throughout the Church. The money you offer as a memorial or thank offering goes to this holiday worship. The Altar Guild has always had your support in carrying out this tradition. If you would like to offer flowers in "Memory of a loved one" or as an "Offering of Thanksgiving", please donate $10 to the Altar Guild. Checks should be made payable to the "Altar Guild of Saint Patrick's Church."
You may fill out the form, which is included in the Sunday service bulletin, and put it in the alms basin during worship, or send an email with your message to stpats3241@gmail.com and mail your check to Saint Patrick's, 3241 Brush Drive, Falls Church, Virginia 22042.
- On Sunday, December 9th, Bishop Shannon will visit Saint Patrick's. There will be a potluck after the 10:30 AM service on that day. Please bring food!
- Blue Christmas Service, Wednesday, December 19th, 7:30 PM. If you or someone you know finds Christmas a difficult time, St. Patrick's invites you to attend this service. It is a time to join together to listen to prayers and scripture that acknowledge God's presence, even in times when we mourn and/or experience struggle. - Bobby Dubas is selling citrus as part of a fundraiser for his Music Department Spring Trip in March. If you would like to buy any citrus, please speak with Bobby when you see him at church, or email him at littledubas@gmail.com - Our Annual Angel Tree -- Names of Westlawn Elementary School families participating in our annual Angel Tree will soon be displayed on a tree in the narthex. Please choose as many names as you wish, and purchase only one gift per name. If you don't have time to shop and wrap for our families, you may make a monetary donation and we will do the shopping for you. Checks should be made payable to St. Patrick's with "Westlawn Angel Tree" in the memo line. If you choose to donate cash, please place it in an envelope with "Westlawn Angel Tree" on the front. These can either be placed in the collection plates or given to Kathy Oliver or Winnie Lebo. - St. Pat's Face Book Page. Several people have let us know that they are having trouble finding St.Patrick's Face Book page. Please use the link below to find our page. Don't forget to "Like" us!! If there are any further problems finding the page, please let Jocelyne Miller or Kerry Hual know. Please try http://www.facebook.com/pages/Saint-Patricks-Episcopal-Church/496902677004642?ref=hl - Parish Pictorial Directory. Bernard Yung and Lois Cascella are working on a pictorial directory for the church. They will be asking you to let them take your picture during coffee hour on Sunday. - Please note that the greening of the church will take place on Sunday, December 23.
- This Sunday, December 2nd, will be Stewardship Sunday at Saint Patrick's. The Stewardship Letter and pledge card were mailed out last week. Please consider prayerfully your offerings to God in 2013 and promptly return your pledge card, so that the Vestry can establish St. Pat's budget for next year.
Saint Patrick's Christmas Pageant
Sunday, December 2nd, 5:30 PM Followed by a Potluck Dinner
- Our Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, December 16th, and there will be an election of new vestry members. To serve on the vestry, one must be a confirmed Episcopalian and a communicant in good standing, and known to the Treasurer. The term is three years. If you feel called to serve on the Vestry, please speak with Tinh+.
Prayer Request | Your prayers are requested for our Mary Isibel, who is seriously ill and has been at Fairfax Hospital.
Please pray also for Katie Grossé, who is recuperating after a fall at the Virginian in Fairfax.
"O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servant Mary and Katie the help of your power, that their sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
(Book of Common Prayer, Page 458)
Letter from Afghanistan
Our Garway Thomas has finished his assignment in Afghanistan and is now on his way back to his base in Germany. Below is the email he sent out a couple of hours before his departure.
Greeting from Kabul,
I hope you are doing well and had an amazing Thanksgiving with family and loved ones. Our Thanksgiving was wonderful. The dining facility staff did an outstanding job preparing the food and senior officers served. My team and I ate dinner together and laughed at some of the things that had transpired through the year.
Earlier during the week, the peace and calm that some of us thought was becoming the new norm, was shattered by suicide bombers in the "Green Zone" (The Green zone is the portion of Kabul with the U.S. Embassy and a number of the Coalition bases). According to news sites, the bomber blew himself up a few paces from our base, killing 2 and damaging the walls of one of our parking lots, and destroying a couple of vehicles.
My office normally has an award ceremony before each member of our team departs. My ceremony was held on Saturday. Please see picture. The individual presenting the award is my boss. I used the opportunity to express my thanks to members of my team for the things we were able to accomplish over the past 12 months. I am especially proud of the work my team of six did on the issues of insider threat. More importantly, I am thankful, that I am coming home with a clear conscience, knowing that my actions and in some cases, lack of actions did not contribute to the death or injury of my fellow service members. While the awards are superficially good, my clear conscience is the best.
I would like to use this final weekly update to also express my thanks to all of you on the weekly update distribution list. You all made these last 12 months bearable. Your thoughts, emails, and letters conveyed messages of encouragement, support and in many cases, a boost of much needed motivation. I truly believe that your prayers were essential, to my safety and peace of mind. There were many dark days here, from our base receiving fire from insurgents for nearly a whole day to other issues that could have effectively ended my career.
Through those dark days and the brighter ones, I knew there were scores of folks like you, my Church family at Saint Patrick's Episcopal Church in Falls Church, Virginia, and others who were praying for me and my fellow service members. Because of all the prayers and support you have shown me, I am leaving from here a better man, spiritually, physically, mentally and professionally. Thanks be to God for all of you and may his blessing, protection and guidance manifest itself continuously in your life.
And now, the most important part of the weekly update for the last time, triple drum roll please, the Count Down!!! The official clock indicates, I have, 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, (Please see attached screen shot of the clock) My team gathered around my desk and we counted down the last 10 seconds. It was amazing!!! I will be departing for the airport in a couple of hours to begin the long journey home. I will be flying from Kabul to Bagram, then from Bagram to Manas, Kyrgyzstan. From Manas, I will fly into Ramstein, Germany. If all goes well, I should be landing in Germany on 1 December at 1330.
Thanks again from the bottom of my heart!! Goodbye for now and so long from Kabul!!
Sincerely, Garway Thomas
Last Sunday's Sermon
Proper 29, Year B -- November 25, 2012.
Text: John 18:33-37 Preacher: Deacon Toua Vang
Jesus said, "Every one who belongs to the truth listens to my voice" (v. 37). What is the truth and how do we listen to Jesus?
As Christians, we believe in God the Holy Trinity, and that God is the truth. God is the Creator, sustainer, and redeemer of the world. God is love. In John chapter 14:6, Jesus identified himself as truth telling his disciples, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life." This is the truth of God.
We are called to listen. Jesus said, "listen to my voice, my truth. Listen to my disciples, my parable, and my teaching. Listen in your heart to the whisper of my healing love. Listen to the Holy Spirit and you will get the words you need to speak when under pressure."
How can we discern the voice of Jesus?
The true voice of God is one that speaks of love and is so powerful that it casts out all fears. One only needs to be attentive to that voice. Listening to Jesus is as simple as changing our perception by picking up the voice of God that speaks to us.
Two years ago, a lawyer and a father of six from Texas named Bob Hilliard came to Minnesota to help a Hmong man whom he had never known before. The Hmong man was Koua Fong Lee. He was charged with vehicular homicide when his 1996 Toyota Camry accelerated uncontrollably, reaching above ninety miles per hour as he exited from the interstate, crashing into a car that was stopping at the traffic lights, and killing three persons. Koua Fong Lee was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Three years later, Mr. Hilliard came to Minnesota on his own money, offering his time and expertise to represent Mr. Lee to appeal for a re-trial of the case. Koua Fong Lee was finally freed. The entire Hmong community in Minnesota was so grateful of Mr. Hilliard, and also was Mr. Lee. In his broken English, Koua Fong said, "We will keep in mind forever this big big gift from you. I will tell my children that you are my hero." Mr. Hilliard said, "It was hard to stay in Texas when I started to feel the passion necessary to do everything I could to help him."
Another way way of listening to Jesus may be by attending church. Through worship we hear Christ speaking words of love to us. It may be hard for us to keep the word fresh in our memory; therefore, I suppose this is one of the reasons we come to church every Sunday. And another way of listening to Jesus is to do some silent listening prayer -- Reading a scriptural passage several times and listening to a word or phrase that catches our attention. Then spend times to think about that word or phrase and seeing if we can connect what we hear with our daily life. God may have a message in it for us.
We can know that the voice of Jesus is full of love, and I hope that is something on this Thanksgiving Sunday we are most thankful for. The voice of Jesus may be the kind of feeling that comes to us either directly or indirectly to do something. In the past couple of months my family and I had significant financial need. By faith, Fr. Tinh and some of you in this congregation had acted, and several of you and many others in the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Virginia and around the nation had responded with kind heart and generosity, and our family is able to celebrate Thanksgiving as all of you and people around the nation. Thanks be to God, and to all of you. I pray to the gracious Lord for all of you for your great ministry and for listening to the voice of Jesus.
In this Gospel passage, the way Jesus replied to Pilate, he is saying that his sovereignty applies to truth itself; and that truth is something to which everyone who listens to him can "belong." We belong to this truth. We are called to recognize the truth in the way Jesus lived out his life. We are called to reflect on Jesus as a loving God. We are called to offer healing and care to the needy. We are called to commit ourselves to the truth that in Christ we have been found by the One who stood before Pilate in faithfulness in God and a deep love for humanity. A preacher once said that the truth may be found in what Jesus tells us to do -- "...washing feet, give yourself away, share your food, pray for those who are to get you, and be the first to say I am sorry." Thanks be to God that the Holy Spirit keeps on trying to get the Good News through to us. The loving God is still speaking. Amen.
Đại Ư Kinh Văn Chúa Nhật Vừa Qua
Chúa Nhật, 25 tháng 11, 2012
Kinh Văn: Giăng 18:33-37
Theo truyền thống, hôm nay, Chúa Nhật cuối cùng trong niên lịch Hội Thánh, được cử hành với tiêu đề vương quyền của Đức Kitô. Đức Kitô là Vua?
Hai ư niệm -- "Đức Kitô," "Vua" -- dường như không đi đôi với nhau.
Chữ "vua" làm người ngày nay liên tưởng đến sự ích kỷ, thống trị và nô lệ hóa. Hầu hết các triều đại vua chúa đều bắt đầu bằng sự đổ máu. Vua chúa thường củng cố quyền hành bằng sự giam giữ, giết chóc và bóc lột. Trên thế giới ngày nay vẫn c̣n những nhà độc tài, song họ không dám xưng là vua, v́ chế độ vua quan đă trở nên lỗi thời trong đầu óc con người hiện đại.
Nếu chúng ta nói Đức Kitô là Vua của ḿnh, chúng ta sẽ mô tả Vua và Vương Quốc của Người như thế nào? Vườn Địa Đàng trong sách Sáng Thế của Cựu Ước không thể đại diện cho Vương Quốc Thiên Chúa được, v́ theo sách ấy, loài người đă bất tuân lệnh Chúa.
Nước Do Thái cu~ng không có tư cách để tượng trưng cho Vương Quốc Thiên Chúa.
C̣n Hội Thánh th́ thế nào? Các giáo phụ hồi xưa dạy giáo dân rằng Hội Thánh chính là Vương Quốc Thiên Chúa, và bên ngoài Hội Thánh không có sự cứu rỗi. Nhưng Hội Thánh đă chẳng khác các vương quốc thế gian. Những người lănh đạo Hội Thánh tham nhu~ng, người nghèo bị bóc lột và những người công chính lên tiếng bị đàn áp. Trong những cuộc "thánh chiến," Cứu Thế Quân Kitô-Giáo (Crusaders) đă giết không biết bao nhiêu người Hồi Giáo và tàn phá thành quách của họ, nhân danh Đức Kitô. Vào thế kỷ 16, tại Âu Châu, những người bị coi là tà giáo bị đem đốt sống. Ngay trong những nhà thờ ngày hôm nay cu~ng có thể có bạo hành, thối nát và tranh chấp. Hội Thánh không phải là Vương Quốc Thiên Chúa.
Trong Phúc Âm Gioan đọc hôm nay, khi Phi Lát vặn hỏi Đức Giêsu có phải Ngài tự xưng là vua không, Đức Giêsu trả lời: "Nước của tôi không thuộc về thế gian nầy." Đức Kitô là Vua, song Người không giống một vị vua nào trên thế giới.
Sứ đồ Gioan, trong sách Khải Huyền, tả lại giấc mơ về Đức Kitô, trong đó ông thấy trên thiên đàng có một cái ngai, và trên ngai có một con chiên con - tức là chiên con đă bị hành hạ và giết đi. Rồi ông thấy hàng ngàn thiên sứ cùng các thánh mặc áo trắng vây quanh ngai; họ làm cho ông bị chia trí. Thoáng một cái, Gioan nh́n lại ngai th́ không thấy chiên con, mà lại thấy sư tử. Vị Vua trên ngai là 100% chiên con, và Người cu~ng là 100% sư tử.
Chiên con nhu ḿ hiền lành; sư tử đầy vương quyền oai phong. Trên thế gian, vương quyền đi đôi với kiêu căng. Trong Nước Thiên Chúa, vương quyền lại đi đôi với nhu ḿ. Vua gọi dân là những người yêu dấu. Người phó mạng ḿnh để cứu họ; Người là Mục Tử của họ. Người khiến giông băo nên yên lặng, cho kẻ đói thức ăn, chữa lành cho người bệnh, làm cho tâm hồn bấn loạn nên yên ổn, và đón nhận những ai bị xă hội ruồng bỏ. Vua lau ráo nước mắt mọi người.
Tuy nhiên, điều trên không có nghĩa là nước Chúa không có luật. Con dân Nước Chúa phải nghĩ điều Vua nghĩ, làm điều Vua làm, và nói điều Vua nói. Một thí dụ là Vua luôn nói ḥa b́nh. Điều mâu thuẫn là trong khi chúng ta xưng rằng nước ḿnh được Chúa ban phước v́ là nước có đạo -- xưng Đức Kitô là Vua của đời ḿnh -- ta lại gây chiến tranh xung đột. Chúng ta gọi ḿnh là "môn đệ Đức Kitô, song không làm được điều Chúa làm và không nói được điều Chúa nói.
Trong vô số trường hợp Vương Quốc Thiên Chúa và nước của thế gian xung khắc với nhau, và sự khôn ngoan của đời tranh luận với sự khôn ngoan mà Đức Giêsu dạy. Có cách nào cho chúng ta đạt đến Vương Quốc Thiên Chúa mà Đức Giêsu đă nói đến?
Đức Giêsu nói, "Nước của Thiên Chúa ở trong ḷng các con." Rất nhiều điều phát sinh từ ḷng người không mấy tích cực, song có ai ngờ hạt giống Vương Quốc Thiên Chúa đă ẩn dấu tuốt bên trong từ lúc nào, và hạt giống ấy có thể nẩy nở do lắng nghe tiếng nói của Thánh Linh. Chúng ta không thể t́m thấy Vương Quốc Thiên Chúa trong những điều mà thế gian hay ngay cả Hội Thánh hiến tặng. Chúng ta chỉ t́m được Nước Chúa do ân điển và sự thương xót của Thiên Chúa mà thôi.
Khi chúng ta gọi Đức Kitô là Vua của đời ḿnh, chúng ta không để cho đời ảnh hưởng ḿnh, song ḿnh phải biến đổi để nên giống như Vua Kitô. Hiện nay, trên đường vác thánh giá, chúng ta không thấy Đức Kitô Vua. Song chúng ta không ngă ḷng. Một ngày kia chúng ta sẽ thấy Vua mặt đối mặt.
Tin Tức Sinh Hoạt
- Em Bobby Dubas bán trái cây để gây quỹ cho chuyến đi của ban nhạc của Trường Trung Học JEB Stuart vào mùa xuân. Quư vị muốn mua cam hay bưởi xin gặp Bobby tại nhà thờ để hỏi giá cả. - Ngày 23 tháng 12 chúng ta sẽ chưng Nô En cho nhà thờ. - Thư dâng hiến và phiếu hứa dâng cho năm 2013 đă được gởi đến quư vị. Xin quư vị cầu nguyện và điền vào phiếu gởi lại cho nhà thờ để Ban Chấp Hành thiết lập ngân sách cho năm tới. Cám ơn quư vị. - Buổi Họp Thường Niên của Hội Thánh sẽ được tổ chức vào ngày Chúa Nhật, 16 tháng 12, và năm nay sẽ có bầu cử tân ban viên Ban Chấp Hành. Nếu quư vị cảm thấy được kêu gọi phục vụ trong Ban Chấp Hành, xin cho Mục Sư Tỉnh biết. Thành phần Ban Chấp Hành gồm có các thành viên chính thức của nhà thờ Episcopal (đă được Giám Mục đặt tay cầu nguyện xác nhận niềm tin), có mặt thờ phượng đều đặn và có điền phiếu hứa dâng trong năm. Nhiệm kỳ phục vụ là ba năm. - Năm nay các em thiếu nhi sẽ diễn kịch Giáng Sinh vào lúc 5 giờ 30 chiều Chúa Nhật, 2 tháng 12. Sau buổi tŕnh diễn sẽ có một bữa tiệc potluck. Kính mời quư vị và gia đ́nh tham dự. - Giám Mục Shannon Johnston của Giáo Phận Virginia sẽ thăm viếng Saint Patrick's vào Chúa Nhật, ngày 9 tháng 12. Kính mời quư anh chị em tham dự đông đủ. Sẽ có một bữa tiệc potluck hôm ấy để hoan nghênh Giám Mục.