REMINDER: We Need Your Input!
What are the Top Business Challenges Keeping You Up at Night?

We want to know - and help you meet them head-on!

Please complete our brief online survey now.

What are the top business challenges keeping you up at night_
Gray, Gray & Gray's 2016 Year-End Business Planning Seminar is right around the corner...

Gray, Gray & Gray has provided annual, year-end business planning seminars for over 27 years to assist you with overcoming the challenges impacting your business and personal situation. Last year, we introduced a new seminar format with an interactive panel discussion addressing current trends and best practices based on the successes of our more than 4,000 clients. This year, in an effort to continue to help you elevate your business, we want to hear from you. This is your opportunity to shape the seminar topics! By completing our brief survey, you can tell us what is important to you, what is weighing on your mind, and what you need help with. Ultimately, you will assist us in identifying the leading topics that will be most relevant and beneficial to you at this year's seminar.
 Please take a moment to complete our brief survey by clicking here.

We go beyond the numbers by delivering insight,
guidance and success to our clients.


Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP


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Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP | 150 Royall Street | Suite 102 | Canton | MA | 02021