Gray, Gray & Gray
Identity Theft Victims Can Now
Access Fraudulent Returns
Breaking News
Until now, the thousands of taxpayers who have fallen victim to scammers who filed fraudulent tax returns using stolen personal information have been blocked from seeing the bogus returns filed under their names.
Now, however, the IRS has agreed to release a redacted copy of the fraudulent return to the individual whose name and Social Security number were stolen and misused. A copy of the return will be released only to the victim whose name is listed as the primary or secondary taxpayer on the return.
If you are a victim of a fraudulently filed tax return, you can find out how to obtain a copy of the return from the IRS here.
For more information on protecting your personal data, or on any other tax issue, please contact Gray, Gray & Gray's Tax Department at (781) 407-0300. 
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Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP