Uplifting Insights & Life-Balance Tools


 April                                                                                                                                    2014
Dear Fellow Caregiver,  

Happy Spring from colorful Colorado! Welcome back to Sip of Soup, my monthly eSip offering a taste of insight and lessons to help you keep caring for yourself while caring for others...a sip of chicken soup for your soul.

Positively Yours,


Positivity Power   


The warmth and sunshine of spring makes the whole world burst forth with joy! Tulips pop up. Trees bud. Nature begins to flourish. Birds, Easter choirs, and hearts sing. Is your heart singing?





Lessons from LeAnn

If your heart is not filled with light and joy it may be that it is dimmed with the shadows of resentment, disappointment or anger. During this happy--and for many of us, holy--season, it's a good time to look into our hearts and souls to see what keeps us from bursting with joy. Often, we discover the need to forgive.


First, we must forgive ourselves, for any past mistakes or regretted decisions. Remember, those were based on who we were and what we knew then. It has nothing to do with who we choose to be today. So starting today, we forgive ourselves.


And starting today, we must forgive someone else, no matter how horrific the offense...and I know some are horrific. But I've learned that when we don't forgive someone, it doesn't hurt them, it only hurts us. Why would we give someone who has hurt us so deeply the power to continue to hurt us, giving us sleepless nights, upset stomachs, and headaches? We must forgive them. We deserve it.


Science shows that people who forgive others enjoy better mental and physical health. They have significantly lower levels of blood pressure, anxiety and depression, higher self-esteem and fewer illnesses.


So starting today, forgive yourself and someone else. And let your heart sing!



In This Issue
Positivity Power
Lessons from LeAnn
Sip du Jour
Bring LeAnn to You
About LeAnn Thieman

To learn steps to forgiveness and other life balance tools, get a signed copy of LeAnn's book Balancing Life in Your 'War Zones.' 


Bring LeAnn to You  


Becoming spiritually strong through forgiveness is one of the life balance lessons LeAnn shares in her books and presentations. To learn more about how to care for yourself, or to explore her books, DVDs and CDs, contact her at  www.LeAnnThieman.com.  


About LeAnn Thieman

Best-Selling Author, Hall of Fame Speaker, and Nurse.  

Co-Author: Chicken Soup for the Nurse's SoulChicken Soup for the Caregiver's Soul, and 10 other Chicken Soup for the Soul titles. Her book Balancing Life in Your "War Zones" shares lessons from her Vietnam Orphan Airlift adventure. Her latest book and initiative is SelfCare for HealthCare

: Your Guide to Physical, Mental & Spiritual Health.  


For tips and tools for balancing your life physically, mentally, and spiritually, see past issues of the "Sip of Soup" by clicking here:
Sip of Soup Archive
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