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March 2014

In This Issue
Underwriting Corner
Protective Life
Lincoln Financial
John Hancock
Minnesota Life
Prudential Insurance
Weekly Economic Review & Outlook
LTC Updates







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Associated Life Brokerage, Inc., 135 Route 202/206, Suite #7 Bedminster, NJ 07921

(908) 756-9800 Ext. 120


Associated Life Brokerage, Inc., is a full service General Agency located in Bedminster, NJ handling your Life Insurance, Annuity, Long Term Care and Disability Income needs. We provide independent insurance agents with a comprehensive platform that includes, Expert Case Consultation, Premier Underwriting Services and a Fully Dedicated Case Management Team. With over 100 years of collective experience in advanced case design and underwriting, we are dedicated to giving you the tools you need to significantly increase your revenue.

Underwriting Corner
Electrocardiogram (ECG): Recording the electrical activity in the heart


The ECG (ElectroCardioGram) is a recording of the electrical activity within the heart itself. This is a non-invasive test done routinely in a doctor's office and as a routine insurance exam requirement. A normal heart beat begins as an electrical signal in the sinus node located near the top of the heart in the right atrium. That is where the term "Normal Sinus Rhythm" or NSR comes from. This signal travels down the heart while causing the left and right atria (the 2 chambers at the top of the heart) to begin contracting and pushing blood into the ventricles. 


This electrical signal continues down the heart toward the left and right bundle branches that surround the left and right ventricles. After a brief pause, there is a spike in electrical activity causing the two ventricles to forcefully contract or squeeze pushing blood into the lungs (from the right ventricle) and to the rest of the body (from the left ventricle). As the ventricles relax, this activity is also recorded by the ECG.


The ECG tracing records these multiple stages of the heart beat cycle from different angles. This is done using 6 different electrical sensors on the chest (called "Chest Leads") as well as the sensors on both hands and both feel (called "Limb Leads"). By looking at this electrical activity from multiple angles doctors may be able to identify irregularities in the heart rate, rhythm and structure. 

Bernie Connell is the Vice President of Underwriting for Capitas Financial and each week will provide a quick run-down of information you need to know. Bernie can be reached at

Protective Life


Protective Life Products at a Glance


Lincoln Financial

 Lincoln Special Exchange Program (Available February 3, 2014 for a limited time) 

External term to perm with Lincoln Treasury Indexed UL  - CLICK HERE




Lincoln is excited to announce the latest MoneyGuard enhancements with the launch of its new MoneyGuard II policy. Effective February 10th the MG II policy will be available in over 40 states, with more to follow.

The new product offers many new features.


CLICK HERE to view the new product offers and the full article.



IUL Foundation Builder


Below are some highlights about the product:

  • Designed for the Death Benefit market with affordable premiums (Top three consistently vs. the competition)
  • Guarantees up to 30yrs, based on issue age
  • Extremely strong cash value vs. traditional GUL giving you much more flexibility (to 1035 later, skip premiums, take a withdrawal, etc.)
  • Larger targets than your traditional GUL (and they're rolling!)
  • Great product for the Accelerated DB Rider for LTC Services...remember this rider covers both permanent and temporary long term care events [7702(b)



1040 Overlay Resources


* 1040 Guide Book for 2013 Returns

* Click Here to access the 1040 Guide Book and marketing support materials on other related products

* e-Pocket Tax Table


John Hancock


John Hancock's Protection IUL and Protection SIUL 




New Principal  IUL Flex Video Available:  Key Features


Call ALB 
It highlights their product, including: 
  • Efficient policy design
  • The power of choice
  • Convenient features
 to learn more about what makes Principal Indexed Universal Life Flex SM different from the competition.

Minnesota Life


Beginning January 1, 2014, through March 31, 2014, you have the opportunity to receive up to $700 in Visa gift cards for the business you place with Minnesota Life.


  • Brokers will receive gift cards for paid cases during the program, with a maximum of $700 in total winnings: 

$200 for 4 paid cases*

Additional $200 for 7 paid cases*

Additional $300 for 10 paid cases*

  • Cases must be paid between January 1, 2014, and March 31, 2014.
  • All current pending business will count if the case is paid during the program dates.
  • Contest is open to all producers appointed with Minnesota Life through the Independent Distribution Group.**
  • Multiple product sales per insured are allowed. However, an identical product sale on same insured will not be counted as an additional case for this program.
  • Qualifying business must remain in full force throughout the qualification period. Policies that lapse during the contest period will not count.
  • Minnesota Life will be the final judge on all issues pertaining to the incentive program.
  • Credit for split sales will be awarded based on percentages listed on the application.



Mutual of Omaha


Life Media Kit - New Accelerated Death Benefit Riders


Life Product Changes Effective March 1st We're making some changes this March and it's going to be madness:

* We're enhancing our Accelerated Death Benefit Riders. These new riders allow higher benefit amounts than the previous version - up to $1 million


* On Term Life Answers (TLA), we're out to earn your business. Not only are we introducing an Accelerated Death Benefit Rider with one of the highest benefit amounts in the industry for terminal illness, we're also improving our monthly modal factor from .089 to .0875


* On Guaranteed Universal Life (GUL), in addition to the new Accelerated Death Benefit Riders, we are also introducing a new disability rider that offers a continuation of the planned premium


Improvements in Underwriting Make sure to take advantage of our recent underwriting changes designed to help you bring in more sales. Our jumbo limits have increased to $65,000,000 for ages 18-80; and we've also made a number of improvements to our underwriting criteria guidelines. Also, keep in mind; we are one of few companies that continue to offer the benefit of age last birthday underwriting. This unique feature makes your clients' premiums even more competitive for half of your life sales!

Weekly Economic Review & Outlook


Week in Review

  • The underlying fundamentals of the economy seem to be stronger than the stated headlines, as inclement weather continues to cloud the data.
  • Federal Open Market Committee meeting minutes show increased discussion around the guideposts that will be used to change benchmark interest rates.

Week Ahead

  •  New home sales should fall for the third consecutive month in January - dropping to an annualized pace of 390,000 units.
  •  Real GDP growth in 2013Q4 is expected to be revised down to 2.5 percent due to weaker readings for consumer spending and exports.  
  • CLICK HERE to read more.






Not all products approved in all States, please check State approvals.