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Febuary 2014

In This Issue
Underwriting Corner
Protective Life
Lincoln Financial
John Hancock
Minnesota Life
Prudential Insurance
Weekly Economic Review & Outlook
LTC Updates


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Associated Life Brokerage, Inc., 135 Route 202/206, Suite #7 Bedminster, NJ 07921

(908) 756-9800 Ext. 120


Associated Life Brokerage, Inc., is a full service General Agency located in Bedminster, NJ handling your Life Insurance, Annuity, Long Term Care and Disability Income needs. We provide independent insurance agents with a comprehensive platform that includes, Expert Case Consultation, Premier Underwriting Services and a Fully Dedicated Case Management Team. With over 100 years of collective experience in advanced case design and underwriting, we are dedicated to giving you the tools you need to significantly increase your revenue.

Underwriting Corner
Anxiety and Depression 


Underwriting PictureAnxiety and Depression are very common ailments seen in many applicants. These are mood disorders that may have an increased mortality risk from suicide, substance abuse and even may result in increased cardiovascular disorders.


Anxiety has many forms such as phobias or irrational fears, obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD), panic disorders caused by certain situations or even post traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). Symptoms may be very mild but could include heart palpitations, dizziness, nervousness, insomnia or other vague complaints. A diagnosis of anxiety can often be Standard or better if symptoms are mild and well controlled on minimal or no medications.   

is more significant. It can be considered unipolar or bi-polar. Bi-Polar depression is a depressed period alternating with periods of an abnormally elevated or excited mood. A Major Depressive episode is considered to have lasted for a period of 2 weeks or more along with other medical or physical changes. Episodes may also require hospitalization to treat the patient.  A diagnosis of depression will often result in a Standard rating with higher rates possible if a diagnosis of bi-polar depression or if there was a recent Major Depressive episode.


These are very difficult cases to underwrite as the medical documentation may be very vague or not available. Changes in treatment such as increased medication dosages or new medications being added may signal an increase in symptoms. Recent hospitalizations are very worrisome. 

has many forms such as phobias or irrational fears, obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD), panic disorders caused by certain situations or even post traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). Symptoms may be very mild but could include heart palpitations, dizziness, nervousness, insomnia or other vague complaints. A diagnosis of anxiety can often be Standard or better if symptoms are mild and well controlled on minimal or no medications.   

Bernie Connell is the Vice President of Underwriting for Capitas Financial and each week will provide a quick run-down of information you need to know. Bernie can be reached at

Protective Life


Protective Indexed ChoiceSM UL

Protective Life is EXPANDING their Choice Series of universal life insurance policies with the

Protective Indexed ChoiceSM  UL   - Click Here

Lincoln Financial

 Lincoln Special Exchange Program (Available February 3, 2014 for a limited time) 

External term to perm with Lincoln Treasury Indexed UL  - CLICK HERE




Lincoln is excited to announce the latest MoneyGuard enhancements with the launch of its new MoneyGuard II policy. Effective February 10th the MG II policy will be available in over 40 states, with more to follow.

The new product offers many new features.


CLICK HERE to view the new product offers and the full article.



IUL Foundation Builder


Below are some highlights about the product:

  • Designed for the Death Benefit market with affordable premiums (Top three consistently vs. the competition)
  • Guarantees up to 30yrs, based on issue age
  • Extremely strong cash value vs. traditional GUL giving you much more flexibility (to 1035 later, skip premiums, take a withdrawal, etc.)
  • Larger targets than your traditional GUL (and they're rolling!)
  • Great product for the Accelerated DB Rider for LTC Services...remember this rider covers both permanent and temporary long term care events [7702(b)



Ready for the Bright Life?  (Available February 17, 2014)


Coming soon: BrightLifeSM Protect!* The newest generation of UL from AXA. BrightLifeSM Protect is an innovative universal life product with a lower cost structure than most competitors. So you get more flexibility and less expense and less expense.  More upside potential and less downside risk.  Call us for more information!


John Hancock


John Hancock's Protection IUL and Protection SIUL Best in Class Performance 




New Principal  IUL Flex Video Available:  Key Features


Check out this short video
 to learn more about what makes Principal Indexed Universal Life Flex

SM different from the competition. It highlights their product, including:


  • Efficient policy design
  • The power of choice
  • Convenient features

Minnesota Life


Beginning January 1, 2014, through March 31, 2014, you have the opportunity to receive up to $700 in Visa gift cards for the business you place with Minnesota Life.


  • Brokers will receive gift cards for paid cases during the program, with a maximum of $700 in total winnings: 

$200 for 4 paid cases*

Additional $200 for 7 paid cases*

Additional $300 for 10 paid cases*

  • Cases must be paid between January 1, 2014, and March 31, 2014.
  • All current pending business will count if the case is paid during the program dates.
  • Contest is open to all producers appointed with Minnesota Life through the Independent Distribution Group.**
  • Multiple product sales per insured are allowed. However, an identical product sale on same insured will not be counted as an additional case for this program.
  • Qualifying business must remain in full force throughout the qualification period. Policies that lapse during the contest period will not count.
  • Minnesota Life will be the final judge on all issues pertaining to the incentive program.
  • Credit for split sales will be awarded based on percentages listed on the application.



Prudential Insurance Company


Introducing PruLife Founders Plus UL 

Your clients want permanent death benefit protection without having to choose between guarantees or growth. Our new PruLife Founders Plus UL (Founders Plus) potentially gives them both. It is a flexible premium permanent life insurance product that offers an Index feature and is designed to meet the changing needs of your clients, particularly those considering a Guaranteed Universal Life product.

Founders Plus can give clients:

  • Cost-effective death benefit protection with the potential for cash value accumulation
  • Competitive premiums-especially when compared to other permanent life insurance products
  • Two interest crediting account options, a Fixed Account or a Plus Account with an index interest option for more upside potential
  • An extended No-Lapse Guarantee
  • Protection against the financial impact of chronic or terminal illness. Clients can choose, for an additional cost, to add the BenefitAccess Rider that advances up to 100% of the death benefit should they become chronically or terminally ill as certified by a licensed health care practitioner.



Weekly Economic Review & Outlook


Week in Review

  • Early fourth quarter earnings reports have been somewhat disappointing, although the pace of profit growth still appears to be picking up.  
  • The recent flurry of merger and acquisition (M&A) activity is another signpost of a maturing expansion and could be a harbinger of stronger growth moving forward.  

Week Ahead

  •  Existing home sales should edge down a bit in December in response to worse-than-seasonal weather and rising mortgage rates.
  •  The Index of Leading Economic Indicators (LEI) should rise by 0.5 percent in December, suggesting continued positive economic growth in the near term.  
CLICK HERE to read more.






Not all products approved in all States, please check State approvals.