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November 2013

In This Issue
Undewriting Corner
American General Life
AXA Equitable
Lincoln Financial Group
ING Life Companies
John Hancock Life Insurance
Principal Financial Group
Securian Life
Protective Life


Longevity Insurance with

Deferred Income Annuities 



The attached article discusses emerging annuity product offerings that are designed to help solve a concern of many investors approaching retirement or already retired - "running out of money before running out of breath". Life insurance can play an important complimentary role in conjunction these products. First, if the annuity provides that some level of income will be guaranteed for life (or some other pre-selected period) starting at a specified future date, this may free up current income for other purposes including the purchase life insurance to help achieve inheritance, legacy or other financial objectives. Second, one of the biggest downsides risk of these deferred income annuity products is that if the annuity owner does not live until the annuity starting date, all or a significant portion of the owner's investment in the annuity is lost. Life insurance can play a crucial role in mitigating or eliminating this risk by providing cost recovery of the annuity owner's investment if he or she dies prematurely.

Promotion Nae

Call today to speak with one of our Case Consultation Specialists

for information on these and other sales opportunities and see why

ALB is The Business Partner You've Been Looking For.


Associated Life Brokerage, Inc., 135 Route 202/206, Suite #7 Bedminster, NJ 07921

(908) 756-9800 Ext. 120


Associated Life Brokerage, Inc., is a full service General Agency located in Bedminster, NJ handling your Life Insurance, Annuity, Long Term Care and Disability Income needs. We provide independent insurance agents with a comprehensive platform that includes, Expert Case Consultation, Premier Underwriting Services and a Fully Dedicated Case Management Team. With over 100 years of collective experience in advanced case design and underwriting, we are dedicated to giving you the tools you need to significantly increase your revenue.

Underwriting Corner - Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease


Underwriting Picture

These all are terms used when discussing a person with impaired cognitive abilities. Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a mild decline in cognitive function. Sometimes referred to as pre-dementia, it is more than just normal aging and is a decrease in cognitive abilities more than what would be expected for the person's age and education. Someone with MCI may be able to get coverage at older ages, if their functional decline has been mild and relatively stable.  


Dementia is more serious. It involves difficulty with memory function, social functions or occupational tasks. It may be due to a medical condition such as thyroid disorders, vitamin deficiencies, exposure to toxins, alcohol, head injuries (trauma) and often vascular disease. Early signs may involve difficulty with short term memories and more severe cases involving loss of long-term memories about occupations, people and dates. Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is the most common form a of dementia followed by vascular dementia (impaired blood flow to the brain).


Any diagnosis of dementia or AD will be looked at very cautiously and conservatively as the overall mortality rate from Dementia or AD is very high following the initial diagnosis.  Even mild cases of dementia or AD are likely to be declined for individual coverage unless diagnosed at older ages and if disease has been non-progressive.

American General Life Insurance



American General is please to announce a sales contest!  Now is your chance to kick a field goal, score a touchdown, or go for the two-point conversion!


  for complete contest details and qualification rules.


Axa Equitable



Now Available! New Long-Term Care Services Rider for
 New York - New Released Bulletin



Adding AXA Equitable's Long-Term Care Services Rider to a life insurance policy is flexible and affordable way to protect your clients from potentially devastatng long-term care costs.

Lincoln Financial Group



Please note the important product update from Lincoln Financial for the

MoneyGuard Reserve Plus


ING Life Companies


THE NEW IUL- Protector and IUL-Global Choice


Same death benefit protection AND cash value accumulation potential.  Different funding strategies for optimal potential.

Indexed Universal Life Product Overview

John Hancock Life Insurance



 John Hancock's Guidelines to Submitting Term Conversions


  Click Here


Principal Financial Group

Life Accumu

Universal Life Accumulation II


Learn how the Surrender Value Enhancement Rider (SVER) provides high early cash surrender value.  Then use this brochure with business clients to help explain how UL Accumulation II with the SVER can provide multiple benefits to their business and key employees.




Life Accumu

Critical Illness Protection


No wonder producers are excited about Living Benefits! 

A devastating critical illness or injury can produce serious financial problems for clients. Trendsetter� LB is a term life insurance policy that gives clients the option to accelerate their policy face amount should they become stricken with a qualifying critical, chronic or terminal illness. Help clients understand that, for a minimal difference in premiums, Trendsetter� LB (Living Benefits) gives them access to cash when they need it most.




Life Accumu

New Lower Rates for Standard Non-Nicotine on Symetra Classic with Lapse Protection Benefit :  Effecitve September 30, 2013 


As part of Symetra's ongoing commitment to be a premier provider in the no lapse guarantee marekt; they are pleased to introduce new, lower rates on Standard non-Nicoline classes for Symetra Classic Universal Life with Lapse Protection Benefit.  Sweet Spot ages 50-80:


Contact us for your next Illustration!



Securian Life Company


More Securian Life products launching in November


Securian Life Insurance Company is expanding our presence in the state of New York, and we want you to be a part of it! This November we will proudly add four more products to our Securian Life suite:

  • Eclipse Indexed Universal Life (refresh)
  • Eclipse Protector Indexed
    Universal Life
  • Eclipse Survivor Indexed Universal Life
  • Eclipse Survivor Pro Indexed
    Universal Life

Watch for additional details about our November 18 launch. Be a part of it - Securian Life in New York!



Protective Life

Life Accumu

Discontinuation of Empire Term (availabe only in NY)


Protective Life is announcing the discontinuation of the Empire Term product effective November 1, 2013.  The Empire Term product will no longer be available for quoting and application submissions after November 1, 2013.  Please note the following transition rules apply to the discontinuation of the Protective Empire Term product.



Transition Rules

  • Applications must be signed and received in the Home Office on or before December 13, 2013. 
  • All applications signed and received after December 13, 2013 will not be processed.





Not all products approved in all States, please check State approvals.