Revised ALB Logo with encircled R
In This Issue
Non-Medical Wave
Growth of Money
Business Valuations
Preliminary Inquiry
American General
John Hancock
AXA Equitable
Lincoln Financial
Protective Life
Agent/Broker Use Only

The Difference 


We show you how to sell,

not what to sell!



Breaking News!


Over the next few weeks, you will learn about some poweful upgrades AXA is making to earn more of your business. 
An Incentive Compensation Bonus Program, two product enhancements, and enrichments to some of their underwriting programs and offers.


Stay tuned for more details!


In the meantime, here is a

 special preview

of what you can expect.


Are you using

 "Insurance Protection Options"?


See how you can increase your comp 2x, 3x, 4x or more


Click HERE

to see how!


Don't miss the Non-Medical Wave



"Click Here"


 Great Reference



Growth of Money at Various Interest Rate Assumptions





ALB Logo


Are you using Business Valuations to get to your small business clients? 


For a helpful



Mutual of Omaha Logo





Guaranteed Universal Life

Preliminary Inquiry


This is NOT an application for life insurance.  Use this form as a preliminary evaluation to assist in determing insurability only.


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April, 2013

April 2013 ALB Office Closings 


 A Message From

Mark Milbrod, CLU




As the song points out, if you summon this word up, you'll have plenty to say. Although it's a lot cuter coming from a sweet British nanny flying by on an umbrella, there is a point here... We have a lot to say...


With Spring in the air (well, at least in theory anyway), we have a lot to speak to our clients about. We are at the tail end of tax season, and with it, a heightened awareness of one's finances. I'm sure this year, more than others, clients have been keeping their accountants/tax preparers busy with a number of questions regarding their retirement, healthcare, income taxes, etc.


It is a great opportunity to talk to your clients about how to utilize the products and services that we offer to assist them with a number of obstacles that have been created this year.  Let's face it, in prior years, all we heard about was Estate Planning and with The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA), we have a shift to Income Tax Planning. What's interesting is that the latter effects a wider spectrum of clients, rather than Estate Planning that limited our focus and scared away some of you that didn't think that you were in that market.


Things are different thanks to ATRA 2012. With the top tax rate now set at 40% (plus possible investment income Surtaxes on top of it), suddenly, Life Insurance as a Cash Accumulating Product, has become so much more attractive. You still get your tax deferral on the build up and ultimate tax-favored withdrawals. Same old story, but more timely TODAY! Also, Capital Gains rates have been increased to 20%, making the cash value build-up of life insurance more attractive compared to other investment vehicles that are subject to the higher Capital Gains rate.


During this tax season, there is also a lot of emphasis put on the rising costs of health care. This is a great opportunity to talk about ways we can help our clients through offerings of Long-Term Care Insurance, MoneyGuard, Long-Term Care Riders on Life Insurance, etc. There are many strategies that you can use with these products to take advantage of what this tax season brings.


Now I'm not saying to go out an try to fly through the air with an umbrella and sing silly songs. The end result wouldn't be good for many reasons. But what I am saying is that we do have a lot to say. These issues are just the tip of the iceberg. We have so much to talk about and the clients will listen.


Talk to them about what matters most. Keep the silly song in your head and develop your own words to keep "your tune" in their heads.


Happy Selling!

American General 3.28.12      




Click here for Interactive PDF





John Hancock  

Protection IUL

Accumulation IUL


Call ALB to Run an Illustration Today!




Axa Equitable is pleased to announce the
availability of the EasyUnderwriting program. 
With EasyUnderwriting, eligible cases can be issued within 5-6 business days without lab and exmas, if submitted with a completed
Medical Information Questionnaire.




Metlife Logo  


Product Updates



30 Year Term - NY

UL Provider

UL Provide State Approvals




Symetra Logo 

Find Symetra Classic's

'Sweet Spots'


In competitive comparisons,  Symetra Classic with Lapse Protection Benefit performs well in terms of low annual premiums and high target premiums.  View the reports for limited guarantees to age 100 and to age 105 and see for yourself.





 Transamerica Logo


Introducing the

New Transamerica Final Expense



Spec Sheet/Quick Facts

Product Guide

State Availability Chart


Lincoln Financial Logo 


Lincoln Treasury

Indexed UL solution



State Availablity



Protective Life Logo  

  Protective Custom Choice UL
Protective Advantage Choice UL




Not all products approved in all States, please check State approvals.






Promotion Name

ALB Group




  Front left -

  Bernie Connell - Underwriter

  Janet Stumpf - Contracting & Licensing

  Merin Powell - Case Manager

  Jill Kinahan - Case Manager

  Michael Inserra  (not pictured) - Broker Services Specialist


  Back left -

  Mark Milbrod - Sales Vice President

  Pam Broast - Marketing / Contracting & Licesning

  Lori Ayers - Senior Case Manager 

  Millicent Hopes - Case Manager

Sharon Murray - Case Manager

  Jeff Ridge - Case Design

  Michael Milbrod - IT Department

Promotion Name

Call today to speak with one of our

Case Consultation Specialists for information on these and other sales opportunities and see why ALB is The Business Partner
 You've Been Looking For.


Mark Milbrod, CLU

Associated Life Brokerage, Inc.

135 Route 202/206, Suite #7
Bedminster, NJ  07921
(908) 756-9800 Ext. 120 


Associated Life Brokerage, Inc., is a full service General Agency located in Bedminster, NJ handling your Life Insurance, Annuity, Long Term Care and Disability Income needs.  We provide independent insurance agents with a comprehensive platform that includes, Expert Case Consultation, Premier Underwriting Services and a Fully Dedicated Case Management Team.  With over 100 years of collective experience in advanced case design and underwriting, we are dedicated to giving you the tools you need to significantly increase your revenue.