Revised ALB Logo with encircled R
In This Issue
Non-Medical Wave
Growth of Money
Business Valuations
Lincoln Benefit Life
Preliminary Inquiry
Principal Financial Group
John Hancock
American General
AXA Equitable
Genworth Financial
Lincoln Financial
Protective Life
Agent/Broker Use Only

The Difference 


We show you how to sell,

not what to sell!


Prudential Logo 

 Easy Reference Tax

Are you using

 "Insurance Protection Options"?


See how you can increase your comp 2x, 3x, 4x or more


Click HERE

to see how!


Don't miss the Non-Medical Wave



"Click Here"


 Great Reference



Growth of Money at Various Interest Rate Assumptions





ALB Logo


Are you using Business Valuations to get to your small business clients? 


For a helpful



Lincoln Benefit Logo    

From Table 2 to Preferred


 See more

Metlife Logo   

1035 Exchange



Preliminary Inquiry


This is NOT an application for life insurance.  Use this form as a preliminary evaluation to assist in determing insurability only.


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March, 2013

  Easter 2013

  March 2013 ALB Office Closings 
Friday, March 29th - Good Friday


 A Message From

Mark Milbrod, CLU


"Our March Madness"

(and every other month for that matter)


March is here, and with it, the annual College Basketball phenomenon, March Madness begins.   Every year the sports world goes crazy as this gets under way.   But we in the Insurance and Financial Services Industry have our own March Madness (and every other month for that matter).


If you follow college hoops or you simply get caught up in the hype, it can get pretty exciting. We are all familiar with the visual of "the brackets" that start at the beginning of the tournament. 64 teams start off and we follow the brackets as they wind down to the infamous Final Four.


When it all starts, I find the brackets to be overwhelming and a sensory overload. There is so much happening on one sheet of paper and in the actual tournament, similar to our industry.  So here's a look at Our March Madness and how it looks in my head...


 March 2013


Wow! That's a bit much, but it is the MADNESS that we face every day, every month and throughout the year.   This has been especially relevant over the last several months for all of us. We have experienced unprecedented product, legislative and psychological changes that will permanently alter the way we conduct our practices.


What carrier do we choose? Why one over another?   From our perspective, each of the carriers have their own niches, whether it is product related, an underwriting strength or a particular feature or benefit that sets them apart.


What product design do you choose? There are so many to choose from; Guaranteed Universal Life (GUL), Indexed Universal Life (IUL), Whole Life, Term , Blended Life Contracts or Return of Premium Term (ROP), to name a few. Each has its own bells and whistles which make them so unique and adaptable to a number of planning and individual client needs.


From a legislative standpoint, we have seen changes in our Healthcare system, Income Tax Bracket adjustments and a ratification of the $5,000,000 Individual Unified Credit Exemption.


That all leads us to knowing where the Sales Opportunities are. In the center of our brackets, there are four areas (Our Final Four), where all of these opportunities converge, Policy Valuation Modeling, Legacy Planning, Business Valuation Modeling and Asset Repositioning. 


It is easy to be overwhelmed by the "brackets" we call "Our March Madness."   We scratch our heads as we try to sort it all out.   It is truly overwhelming and it fosters that sensory overload I mentioned earlier. Where are the Sales Opportunities?    They are all there, staring us right in the face.


Having a partner that can guide you through all of this is key. At ALB, we have the expertise to walk you through it and help you Make Sense Out Of All The Madness.



Principal Universal Life Flex II

Principal Universal Life Accumulation II

Effective March 1, 2013

Available in the State of NJ


Further details can be found in the UL Flex II/UL Accumulation II state approvals and transition guidelines documents.  Additionally, sales & marketing materials to support the products can be found on the UL Flex II/UL Accumulation product page.





John Hancock  

Protection IUL

Accumulation IUL


Call ALB to Run an Illustration Today!



American General Logo    



Simple Disability Income Coverage for

Term Buyers


AG Select-a-Term DI Rider


Disability Income Rider Specifications






The Athena Universal Life
crediting rate changed as of February 1, yet continues to provide clients with a competitive rate of return on a lifetime. 




Metlife Logo  



Product Updates to Guaranteed Level Term (GLT) are Effective

February 23, 2013


Click Here




Symetra Logo 

Symetra Classic's

Flexibility Advantage


See how adjusting the Lapse Protection Benefit duration could potentially reduce policy premiums and increase the internal rate of return (IRR). 


Continue reading




ING Logo  

 UW Full Coverage, ING's Standard to Preferred Philosophy


Is your client a true Standard and meets the Preferred criteria, then he or she is elibible for Preferred rates


Read More





Genworth Logo 

Colony Term Life Insurance

Discount for Pre-paid Premiums


Read More





 Transamerica Logo

The New TransACE 

Available for Sale


TransACE� 2013 is now available and continues to offer the guarantees, flexibility and control clients need today. TransACE includes the MultiFlex Surrender Endorsement (MSE), a new two-year rolling target, and is built to be sustainable for the long term with Real Time PricingSM. TransACE also offers the Long Term Care Rider, subject to jurisdiction availability. For more details, view the information below.


TransACE Product Bulletin

TransACE State Availability

TransACE Product Guide 

TransACE Quick Facts


Lincoln Financial Logo 


Level Term Client



Lincoln MoneyGuard� Reserve Plus and Lincoln MoneyGuard� Reserve

Product Changes



Protective Life Logo  

  Protective Custom Choice UL
Protective Advantage Choice UL




Not all products approved in all States, please check State approvals.






Promotion Name

ALB Group




  Front left -

  Bernie Connell - Underwriter

  Janet Stumpf - Contracting & Licensing

  Merin Powell - Case Manager

  Jill Kinahan - Case Manager

  Michael Inserra  (not pictured) - Broker Services Specialist


  Back left -

  Mark Milbrod - Sales Vice President

  Pam Broast - Marketing / Contracting & Licesning

  Lori Ayers - Senior Case Manager 

  Millicent Hopes - Case Manager

Sharon Murray - Case Manager

  Jeff Ridge - Case Design

  Michael Milbrod - IT Department

Promotion Name

Call today to speak with one of our

Case Consultation Specialists for information on these and other sales opportunities and see why ALB is The Business Partner
 You've Been Looking For.


Mark Milbrod, CLU

Associated Life Brokerage, Inc.

135 Route 202/206, Suite #7
Bedminster, NJ  07921
(908) 756-9800 Ext. 120 


Associated Life Brokerage, Inc., is a full service General Agency located in Bedminster, NJ handling your Life Insurance, Annuity, Long Term Care and Disability Income needs.  We provide independent insurance agents with a comprehensive platform that includes, Expert Case Consultation, Premier Underwriting Services and a Fully Dedicated Case Management Team.  With over 100 years of collective experience in advanced case design and underwriting, we are dedicated to giving you the tools you need to significantly increase your revenue.