The Difference
We show you how to sell,
not what to sell! |
New Life Products
Features Guide
Here! |

Is Now the Time to Reconsider John Hancock's Protection UL/SUL?
- With product changes being announced at dizzying rates, what do you do?
- Will AG 38 compliance move your "favorite product" out of favor?
- Has the GUL market seens its best days?
- With new products being manufactured, how do you decide what to offer?
- Most "experts" agree that interest rates are low and are expected to stay low. But, for how long?
- Is now the time to consider alternatives to pricey and shrinking GUL landscape?
Are you using
"Insurance Protection Options"?
See how you can increase your comp 2x, 3x, 4x or more
Click HERE
to see how! |
Don't miss the Non-Medical Wave
"Click Here" |
Great Reference
Growth of Money at Various Interest Rate Assumptions

Are you using Business Valuations to get to your small business clients?
For a helpful
Q&A |
Coming Soon -
Lincoln MoneyGuard� Reserve Plus
New State Approvals
California, Hawaii and Virgin Islands
Lincoln is pleased to announce that Lincoln MoneyGuard� Reserve Plus will be available for sale in California, Hawaii and the Virgin Islands beginning on February 9, 2013.
The standard 60-day transition period will apply. Lincoln will accept MoneyGuard� Reserve business in these states through April 12, 2013. The ticket and other required new business paperwork must be received at the Lincoln home office by this date to qualify for the MoneyGuard
� Reserve product. As of April 15, 2013, MoneyGuard� Reserve is being replaced by Lincoln MoneyGuard� Reserve Plus in California and Hawaii. |
Reminder: Changes to Legacy Secure SL Minimum Issue Age
See the bulletin
See the
New York bulletin |
1035 Exchange
Hints |
Preliminary Inquiry
This is NOT an application for life insurance. Use this form as a preliminary evaluation to assist in determing insurability only.
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February 2013 ALB Office Closings
Monday, February 18th - President's Day
A Message From
Mark Milbrod, CLU
What sets you apart?
There has never been a better time to be in the life insurance industry. We have so much to offer to a wide range of clients. It doesn't matter if you are targeting Business Owners, Seniors or making kitchen table sales to new, younger families.
The fact is, there are so many products available to cater to those groups, but, are you pitching products or selling concepts? To me, products are secondary to the process. Sure, without the products, there is nothing to sell, but most salespeople get caught in the trap of talking only about the underlying products, never looking to why a client needs it . I think you'll agree that an overwhelming number of clients do not want to buy Life Insurance. The whole notioin of betting on one's mortaility is a huge pill to swallow, which is why most people procrastinate and ultimately do not purchase it.
By utilizing a Consultative Concept Selling approach, you can greatly increase your chances of closing business by creating a strong awareness and understanding in the clients mind as to WHY they are purchasing life insurance in the first place.
For example, if a client expressed an interest in purchasing $500,000 of term life insurance, don't take the easy way out and "take the order." Talk to the client and ask them what the life insurance is for. The $500,000 is too round a number and often times it is to pay off a mortgage. That's great, but then what? What about monthly living expenses beyond that? Ask the clients what those expenses will be. When you're done, you will most likely be able to simply justify another $500,000 - $1,000,000 of additional life insurance. The client is telling you what their family needs truly are. That higher amount of insurance is now meaningful to the client, will move them to action and because of what you have done, there will be loyalty towards you as their advisor.
This is a simple example of what is meant by Consultative Concept Selling, but it makes the point. Any agent can sell a $500,000 term policy, but only some will set themselves apart and get away from the product discussion and onto a more meaningful needs based selling scenario.
You can be talking to Small Business Owners about Key-Man, Succession or Buy-Sell Planning. To Seniors regarding Legacy Planning or Asset Repositioning. No matter what it is, there are countless other examples of using the Consultative
Approach in all sorts of scenarios. The bottom line is that products are secondary to the process, but as advisors we must get away from just the products and set ourselves apart from others who are not taking this approach. This will undoubtedly lead to more meaningful client relationships and a greater revenue stream to you.
Contact us to learn more about the Consultative Selling Approach and let us assist you with a great answer to the question...
What sets you apart?
Business Planning Services
Fact Finder |
| |
Product Updates to Guaranteed Level Term (GLT) are Effective
February 23, 2013
Click Here |
" As we move into 2013 the news was AG38 and its affect on product pricing.
Symetra has maintained it's pricing levels and continues to be very strong on lifetime solves to 100 and beyond"
Call us for a quote today!!! |
Colony Term Life Insurance
Discount for Pre-paid Premiums
Read More |

The New TransACE
Available for Sale
TransACE� 2013 is now available and continues to offer the guarantees, flexibility and control clients need today. TransACE includes the MultiFlex Surrender Endorsement (MSE), a new two-year rolling target, and is built to be sustainable for the long term with Real Time PricingSM. TransACE also offers the Long Term Care Rider, subject to jurisdiction availability. For more details, view the information below.
TransACE Product Bulletin
TransACE State Availability
TransACE Product Guide
TransACE Quick Facts |
| |
Coming Soon-
Lincoln LifeElements
Level term (2013)
Lincoln is making important changes to its Term product.
Lincoln LifeElements Level Term (2013) will solidify Lincoln's core focus in the term marketplace - ages 45+ with face amounts of $500,000 and above. These changes will become effective February 11, 2013 in approved states. As of now New York and Oregon are the only states that will not be available to launch.
Call ALB for your quote! |
Why Quote Term Life Answers?
Here's why |
Protective Custom Choice UL
Protective Advantage Choice UL
Not all products approved in all States, please check State approvals. |
Promotion Name |

Front left -
Bernie Connell - Underwriter
Janet Stumpf - Contracting & Licensing
Merin Powell - Case Manager
Jill Kinahan - Case Manager
Michael Inserra (not pictured) - Broker Services Specialist
Back left -
Mark Milbrod - Sales Vice President
Pam Broast - Marketing / Contracting & Licesning
Lori Ayers - Senior Case Manager
Millicent Hopes - Case Manager
Sharon Murray - Case Manager
Jeff Ridge - Case Design
Michael Milbrod - IT Department |
Promotion Name |
Call today to speak with one of our
Case Consultation Specialists for information on these and other sales opportunities and see why ALB is The Business Partner You've Been Looking For.
Mark Milbrod, CLU
Associated Life Brokerage, Inc.
135 Route 202/206, Suite #7 Bedminster, NJ 07921 (908) 756-9800 Ext. 120
Associated Life Brokerage, Inc., is a full service General Agency located in Bedminster, NJ handling your Life Insurance, Annuity, Long Term Care and Disability Income needs. We provide independent insurance agents with a comprehensive platform that includes, Expert Case Consultation, Premier Underwriting Services and a Fully Dedicated Case Management Team. With over 100 years of collective experience in advanced case design and underwriting, we are dedicated to giving you the tools you need to significantly increase your revenue. |