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Product Updates & Transition Rules

(As of 11/9/12)


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Finishing the year with Strong Case Submissions


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We show you how to sell,

not what to sell!


Use these underwriting programs to help your clients receive the most favorable rating possible:


Automatic Standard Approval Program


Healthy Lifestyle Credits





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Growth of Money at Various Interest Rate Assumptions





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Preliminary Inquiry


This is NOT an application for life insurance.  Use this form as a preliminary evaluation to assist in determing insurability only.


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December, 2012

Happy Holidays 2012 

A Message From

Mark Milbrod, CLU


Opportunity is NOWHERE

or is

Opportunity NOW HERE ?


I have said it before, and I'll say it again...there has never been a better time to be in our industry. While other industries are more susceptible to economic trends, ours seems to find its way through time after time.   Regardless of the environment, there is always a need for the products and services that we provide.


Let's face it, people always need life insurance. In fact, one can argue that today it is needed more than ever. After all, who can take better care of our families then ourselves?     Regardless of what your political affiliation is, the fact of the matter is that the election is over, Obama has been re-elected and with everything there is always opportunity.


For those who subscribe to the "Glass is Half Empty" school of thought, it is easy to see the negativity. After all,   the $5M gift tax exemption is going away; Estate taxes are going up; Income Tax Rates are increasing; we're going over a "Fiscal Cliff;" they MAY tax the inside build-up of life insurance.


If you can see through that wall of negativity, you can just as easily see the opportunities that present themselves within that thinking.   Ask yourself a question: Is Opportunity Nowhere or is Opportunity NOW Here? It's all in how you look at it.


Yes, the gift tax exclusion will likely go away but let's face it, how many clients were you dealing with that needed to make that $5M gift? And let's not forget that the Estate Tax rates are likely going to climb. With that comes more a need to plan. Smaller thresholds will prevent more wealth from transferring to heirs.   Wouldn't logic have it that Life Insurance could be used to offset the additional taxes so that more of that wealth can get to the heirs?


Income tax rates are increasing.   The tax increases are for those that are in a "higher income level" anyway. Those people still need access to products that will serve them well. Correct?  And what about the market that is not considered upper income. This Middle Market is by far the most unsolicited segment, and studies and surveys have shown that they are the most needy when it comes to being serviced by Financial Advisors.  Here's an interesting fact... individuals who have $500,000 - $1,000,000 of assets make up 13.8 Million households in the U.S. with an average age of 58. That is a market that deserves a little attention and have needs that can keep us busy for a little while. Within that group are business owners, pre-retirees, concerned parents, grandparents, etc., that are all asking for help.  


There's all this talk about a Fiscal Cliff and all of the issues mentioned above are in some ways part of it.  Every aspect of what we do going forward will be effected by the actions of the coming months. No one knows for sure what will be and what changes will be made, but the fact is that whatever the outcome, our industry will be effected in some way.  What we as professionals have to decide is how will we look at it and how will we set the tone for our clients. They will, as they always have, be looking to us for advice and guidance.   If we believe that the opportunities are NOW HERE as opposed to Nowhere, we will be better off.


As we close out 2012, we thank all of you for your business. We look forward to a prosperous New Year and will continue to provide you with all the tools you need to achieve that goal.


Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy

and Prosperous 2013!


John Hancock  


150th Special Anniversary Promotion






Symetra Logo 


Symetra Classic Universal Life
Insurance with Lapse Protection Benefit is offering improved pricing!
  • So many sweet spots - you'll find competitive
  • Ages 55 to 75
  • Most durations, but especially limited pays for ages 90 to 105

Stay on the lookout for a new underwriting credits program - - - - Symetra GoodLife Rewards - - - -




Genworth Logo 

 Commissions:  1099-MISC 2012 Tax Information


 Year End Payment Schedule





ING Logo 

  2012 End-of-Year Deadlines




American General Logo    



AG Secure Lifetime GUL


Producer Guide




 Transamerica Logo



Transamerica Underwriting Allows More Coverage


Stretching Jumbo Limits


Providing Coverage Based on

Net Worth


 Mutual of Omaha Logo

Term Life Answers (TLA)



With outstanding rates and benefits, Term Life answers (TLA) sets the standard in the term marketplace.  In fact, our Standard rates are especially sweet and sure to attract prospects and clients that need affordable life insurance coverage.





MetLife Reverse Mortgage 



Take Table B or C to Standard


 Many clients who received lower ratings may qualify for standard rates, thanks to the MetEdge reinsurance program.


Who is eligible?

Applicants ages 18-70


Which policies can qualify?

Individual permanent and term life insurance products with a face amount of up to $10 million


Does MetEdge really make a difference?

Yes!  MetEdge has improved more than 12,500 policies (nearly $5.2 billioin total face amount) since June 2006.



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Not all products approved in all States, please check State approvals.






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ALB Group




  Front left -

  Bernie Connell - Underwriter

  Janet Stumpf - Contracting & Licensing

  Merin Powell - Case Manager

  Jill Kinahan - Case Manager

  Michael Inserra  (not pictured) - Broker Services Specialist


  Back left -

  Mark Milbrod - Sales Vice President

  Pam Broast - Marketing / Contracting & Licesning

  Lori Ayers - Senior Case Manager 

  Millicent Hopes - Case Manager

Sharon Murray - Case Manager

  Jeff Ridge - Case Design

  Michael Milbrod - IT Department

Promotion Name

Call today to speak with one of our

Case Consultation Specialists for information on these and other sales opportunities and see why ALB is The Business Partner
 You've Been Looking For.


Mark Milbrod, CLU

Associated Life Brokerage, Inc.

135 Route 202/206, Suite #7
Bedminster, NJ  07921
(908) 756-9800 Ext. 120 


Associated Life Brokerage, Inc., is a full service General Agency located in Bedminster, NJ handling your Life Insurance, Annuity, Long Term Care and Disability Income needs.  We provide independent insurance agents with a comprehensive platform that includes, Expert Case Consultation, Premier Underwriting Services and a Fully Dedicated Case Management Team.  With over 100 years of collective experience in advanced case design and underwriting, we are dedicated to giving you the tools you need to significantly increase your revenue.