City of


 Your weekly update of the latest Meadowlakes news and events 
In This Issue
Quick Links
Upcoming Events

 11/12:  City Council Meeting, 5 p.m. at City Hall

11/13:  Special Called POA Meeting, 7 p.m. at City Hall

11/14:  PFC Meeting, 5 p.m. at City Hall

11/17:  POA Work Session, 9 a.m. at City Hall

11/18:  POA Meeting, 7 p.m. at City Hall; Public Hearing immediately following meeting

11/24:  Building Committee Meeting, 2:30 p.m. at City Hall


The events listed above are tentative and subject to change. Please contact City Hall at 693-6840 for confirmation of listed events.





November Calendar  



2014 Trash Collection Schedule 













Important Numbers 

Toll-Free Enforcement Numbers





Animal Control



Non-Emergency Numbers


Security Gate



City Hall



Public Works/POA



Golf Course:



Allied Waste:




Issue: # 223
November 12, 2014



"So once in every year we throng
Upon a day apart,
To praise the Lord with feast and song
In thankfulness of heart.

Arthur Guiterman, The First Thanksgiving              
In today's Picayune there is a survey, located amongst the ads, from the City in regards to establishing its own police department.  The City Council would like input from the Meadowlakes residents regarding this issue prior to taking action.  If you did not receive a survey in your Picayune or overlooked it, you may pick one up from the City Secretary's office at City Hall Monday - Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.   Please return the surveys by November 25th by dropping it in the utility drop box on the outbound lane at the Security Gate, City Hall or you may mail it to City of Meadowlakes, 177 Broadmoor Street, Meadowlakes, TX  78654.
We have had numerous complaints about animal feces not being picked up.  Please remember to bring a baggie with you when walking your pets in case nature calls.  Your fellow neighbors will thank you.

Following is an excerpt from ordinance section 4-5(b):


 "A person commits an offense if the owner or person in control of an animal intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or with criminal negligence allows or permits such animal to defecate on any public or private property other than that of the owner of the animal unless said person removes said animal feces and disposes of it in a safe and sanitary manner." 


This time last week, I was packing to return to Meadowlakes following my first real vacation in at least three years.  My daughter and I spent a week in Puerto Vallarta - essentially doing nothing.  I believe the best sunsets happen in Meadowlakes and in Puerto Vallarta!


In honor of our veterans, the City offices were closed on Tuesday for Veterans Day, and our monthly Council meeting was postponed to today (Wednesday) at 5:00 PM.  As always, there will be time on the Council's agenda for citizens to comment on any matter that concerns them.


In addition to the usual monthly reports, the Council will discuss the survey of Meadowlakes citizens that was delivered TODAY (enclosed with the Picayune) to all Meadowlakes residents.  It is among the slick ads, but it is a light tan or blue sheet of paper with the description of the plan on one side and the survey form on the other.  Your response is needed in order to help the Council determine whether Meadowlakes should establish our own police department.  Please take time to read the proposal and to respond to this survey!


At this time, as in the past, we contract with off duty members of the Burnet County Sheriff's Department to patrol our streets.  Usually, they are available for a total of around 50 hours per month, but they only come when their regular schedule allows, not necessarily when they are needed.  In addition, the City employs an Ordinance Officer to drive around the neighborhood daily to be sure citizens are complying with our basic ordinances.


Don't forget to come to the Special POA meeting this Thursday evening at 7:00 PM.  It is time to vote!  There are four candidates for the three positions.

Mary Ann Raesener

Grill Hours:

Tuesday - Saturday

11 - 3


Take out welcome



Thanksgiving Buffet Menu:


Roasted Turkey Breast and Thighs

Stuffing and Gravy

Red Skin Mashed Potatoes

Cranberry Sauce


Brown Sugar Glazed Ham

w/Baked Cherries and Pineapple

Sweet Buttered Yams

Deviled Eggs


Bacon Seasoned Green Beans

Fresh Garden Salad

Rolls & Butter


Chocolate Fudge Walnut Cake

Pumpkin Pie w/Whipped Topping


Includes Beverages $15.95

Kids $6.95 Serving 11:30-1:30

Thank you for supporting the Club!

Vist our new website at


Winterizing Around Your Home

By Johnnie Thompson, City Manager


With the first freeze of the fall upon us, I would like to discuss a few precautions that can help minimize the impact of freezing weather. In this series of articles I will address winterizing your lawn irrigation systems followed by some tips on how to winterize around your home.


Fortunately, we are blessed with only mild winters and do not have to take the same precautions that our northern neighbors do. However, we do receive our share of hard freezes which may affect your lawn irrigation systems if not properly prepared. The one thing we get the most calls on after a hard freeze is a leaking backflow device that is installed above ground. The vast majority of the backflow devices installed on irrigation systems in the City are located below ground in a box similar to your water meter box. Normally those are not of too much concern with our milder winters. However, there are several backflow devices that cannot be installed below ground. These backflow devices do require winterization as addressed below.


First you must determine the type of backflow device installed on your system. The most common above ground backflow device is normally located near your water meter and is usually installed about 12 inches above ground. There are several different types, but most look very similar to the ones shown below.







These devices are susceptible to light and hard freezes and require freeze protection. Any above ground piping and backflow devices should be insulated. You can use self-sticking foam insulation tape. This is easy to install and does a fairly good job of protecting above ground piping and devices. Another method is utilizing foam insulation tubes. These work very well on the piping but are difficult to install over the backflow device. Please note that care must be taken to prevent blocking the vent and drain opening of the backflow device. One other method that is often utilized is a large insulated bag designed for this specific purpose. It is simple to install and offers fairly good protection for milder winters. Additional precautions must be taken if an extremely hard freeze is expected or if temperatures are expected to remain below freezing for several days. I would recommend that the following extra precautions be taken for all backflow devices, especially those above ground.


1. Turn off the water supply to your irrigation system and open all drain valve test cocks on the backflow device for several minutes to drain all the water from the device and associated piping. If your backflow device is installed in a manner that can easily be removed, take it off and store in your garage.


2. If you have an automatic irrigation systems either turn off your controller or in most cases you may set it to the "Rain" or "Off" mode. By doing this your controller should keep all of your preprogrammed water cycles and be ready for spring. Another alternative is to disconnect the power to controller, just remember you will probably lose any programs you have entered.


There are several sites on the internet that may be of additional help. Most irrigation system manufacturers have tips for winterizing your lawn irrigation systems.  


Next week we will discuss freeze precautions that should be considered around your home.


Please remember it is less costly to properly winterize now than to repair damaged piping, valves, and backflow devices later.



Have you lost a phone, garage door opener, volleyball or childrens toy recently?  If so, please contact City Hall at (830) 693-6840
to claim it.
Did you know that there are clubs, groups and leagues that have special events going on daily at the club?  Click here to see the calendar of events. 

Special called business meeting to elect members of the Board of Directors-November 13-7:00 pm


Work session-November 17-9:00 am


Regular monthly business meeting-November 18-7:00 pm


Public hearing to discuss the proposed revision of the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions-November 18-immediately following the monthly business meeting


All meetings are held at the Municipal Building.



The Helping Center is looking for a few good folks.....


The Helping Center is headed into their busiest time of the year and they are finding themselves a little short handed. The illness of a key volunteer has left a lot of slack in their days.


The Helping Center is the local food pantry for many people in our area. The current need for volunteers is over a wide range of talents. The greatest is for folks (male or female) to stock shelves and fill bag orders. There is also an ongoing need for data entry and filing. If there is someone around that has talent in website design, they could use some of your time also. The Helping Center is located just down Avenue N at the intersection with Broadway so you could be there in less than 5 minutes from the time you walked out of the house. Their hours are 10 am to 12 noon Monday thru Friday, 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm Monday thru Thursday and closed on Friday afternoons. Stop by and talk to Sam Pearce and see what talents you have to offer. Better yet, take a friend or neighbor along! The main thing to remember is that they will take whatever time you have to offer, from hours daily to minutes weekly.   They are located at 1315 Broadway St, right across from Janie's Mexican Restaurant. Phone 830-693-5689



The Marble Falls Noon Lions Club has kicked off its Annual "COATS FOR KIDS" drive and would greatly appreciate any donations of coats from the public, for children (Size 0 thru school children sizes). There is a need for caps and gloves too. The Lions Club typically distributes about 600 coats per season at no cost to deserving families. You may leave your new or gently used coats, caps and gloves in a special box located at the Meadowlakes security gate and other businesses in Marble Falls.  These coats are for the Marble Falls area and help children that would not have a coat without your generosity. 


Thanks to the generous public that donate coats and money to buy some of the new coats that are distributed.  


This is the 30th Anniversary of the Marble Falls Lions Club and your support is greatly appreciated so that they can continue to help others!   

As of September 9th, the City is on a
Twice-a-Week watering schedule.  Please note which days you are allowed to water and adjust your systems to reflect the change.  The watering schedule is as follows:



Odd number addresses: Wednesdays and Saturdays


Even number addresses: Thursdays and Sundays


Commercial: (including large landscapes) Tuesdays and Fridays


Watering Hours: Midnight to 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. to midnight.


An advantage in the twice-a-week watering is that it would reduce the wasting of water by minimizing the need and frequency of flushing fire hydrants.  The City has received several calls recently regarding the taste/odor issues with our potable water, which would normally require the flushing of the lines via use of a fire hydrant.



In our efforts to find more ways to keep you, our residents, better informed about important updates and items of interest, we have created a Facebook page and a Twitter account:


Find us on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

As always, if you have any questions or concerns about communications from the City, you may call us at 693-6840 or come by the office any time. We also welcome any feedback specific to this newsletter. This is for you, our residents; so please tell us what you think!

Christy Fath 
City of Meadowlakes