
Does your parish need tools to help build the faith?

We put together some of my most requested talks on CD that can help encourage those who already have a zeal for the Catholic Church, and also reach out to nominal Catholics who need these messages most desperately. 

The CDs are quality recordings in attractive shrink wrapped packages--easy for handing out.

Enjoy the samples below. 
Price Breakpoints

10+ $4.00 each
50+ $3.00 each
100+ $2.50 each
250+ $2.15 each

500+ $2.00 each
1000+ 1.85 each

Free U.S. shipping on orders over $100

Steve's Most Popular Talks
Mary: Real Girl,
Woman of Mystery
One of Steve's most asked-for talks.
He addresses the misconceptions about Mary, and how to defend the Church's teaching about her. She is brought to life as the "Real Girl" living in Nazareth and the "Woman of Mystery" foreshadowed in the Old testament and fulfilled in the New.
Sample 1   |   Sample 2




Steve Ray's Conversion
From Baptist to Catholic
Steve's Conversion Story keeps most people on the edge of their seat as he tells his captivating story. Learn what he used to believe about the Catholic Church, what convinced him of the Truth, and how he relates to those who are protestant with his analogy of the "Ship and the Rafts."


Sample 1  |  Sample 2 



Swimming Upstream:
Living the Catholic Life...
Living in today's culture of death is similar in many ways to the life of the early Christians in pagan culture. How did early Christians respond.
Steve considers what we as Catholic Christians may face in the near future and what we can do to prepare our children and grandchildren.


Sample 1  |  Sample 2   


More Popular Talks
Peter: the Rock,
Keys & Chair
Calendar What was so important about Simon's name change. Why did Jesus choose the name Peter? Steve helps you find your "Jewish lenses"  when explaining Apostolic succession. What does infallibility mean, what does it not mean?
Sample 1  |  Sample 2


Defending the
The Eucharist is our heavenly food, but many Catholics question whether it is truly the Body and Blood of Christ. After listening to this talk they will be hard pressed to doubt any longer. The Biblical truth is unpacked in a way that is easy to understand & encouraging.
    Sample 1  |  Sample 2

Born Again? Faith Alone? What must I do to be saved
Many Catholics do not know how to respond when approached by a Protestant with an intent "Save" Catholics. Steve helps us us to know that Bible is a Catholic book, and how to respond to those who want to argue with Catholics from the Bible.

Sample 1  | Sample 2


All CDs come in an attractive sleeve, are individually shrink wrapped for easy distribution.
Order Online, or call Jesse at 734-926-9070 with questions.