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April 20, 2016
Congratulate Our Student Workers of the Year
Lynne Koepper
IPFW has 701 student workers on campus, as well as 105 graduate assistants. They work anywhere from a few hours a week to several hours every day. To recognize the invaluable work these students do, each year the Career Services and Financial Aid offices ask for nominations for Student Employee of the Year.

A committee of four IPFW professionals reviewed the 
nominations and selected two winners: Grayson Ostermeyer,Outstanding Undergraduate Student Worker, and Lynne Koepper, Outstanding Graduate Student Worker.
Grayson Ostermeyer
Carol Sternberger, associate vice chancellor for academic programs and graduate studies, was named Outstanding Student Supervisor. Read the news release
Meet for Counseling, Lunch and Learn
Weber and Associates, our Employee Assistance Program provider, (EAP) will be on campus April 26 to provide on-site counseling sessions from 1 to 3 p.m. EAP is a great resource for counseling on various issues such as marital problems, elder care, depression, and anxiety. To schedule an appointment for April 26 or any day, call Weber and Associates at 260-432-0696. The location of your meeting will be provided when you call.

Also on April 26, HR/OIE will host a Lunch and Learn with Weber and Associates, who will talk about "Preparing for the Emotions of Retirement." Bring your lunch to Walb Union, Room 114 from noon to 1 p.m. to learn more about this topic.
Give Feedback to Purchasing, Printing Services, Shipping and Receiving
The main purpose of Purchasing, Printing Services, and Shipping and Receiving is to provide the campus with timely and cost-effective services in a professional and courteous manner. These units would like to know what they're doing well and where they could use some improvement. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.

As you may not have used services from all three areas, the survey is divided into sections for each unit. You don't have to answer all the questions. The survey will be available until Friday, April 29.
Note Important Office 2016 Update
IT Services has completed testing for Microsoft Office 2016 and the documentation has been updated. Go to IPFW Applications to install Office on your IPFW-owned machine.

Remember that OneNote and the client for OneDrive are not supported by IT Services. If you have any Microsift Access databases that were created with a version prior to 2010 they may not upgrade properly to Access 2016.
Attend the HR/OIE Open House 
Human Resources and Office of Institutional Equity is hosting an open house Wednesday, April 27, to celebrate the unveiling of the new HR/OIE department. Join them from 2 to 5 p.m. in Kettler Hall, Room G02 for a tour of the redesigned office, refreshments, and a giveaway. Questions? Contact 481-6840.
Learn about the Cuban Economy from DSB Students
Faculty and students from the BUS D490 International Experiences class spent the semester studying the Cuban economy and have recently returned from a week-long experience in Cuba.

You're invited to join them for a presentation Tuesday, April 26, in Kettler Hall, Room 146, from noon to 1:15 p.m. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the changing Cuban economy and to ask questions of our newly formed experts!
Don't Miss Semester's Final Anthropology Lecture on Sovereignty in a Modern World
The next Anthropology Luncheon Lecture will feature a panel discussion led by Professors Richard Sutter and Larwrence Kuznar, Department Anthropology, and Professor James Toole, Department of Political Science. Discussion will center around "Is the Concept of Sovereignty Still Relevant?" as it relates to archaeology, foreign policy, international supranational interventions, terrorism, and non-state actors.
The lecture is today (Wednesday, April 20) at noon in Kettler Hall, Room G46. Free pizza for IPFW students; $1 per slice for non-IPFW students. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Register for Modeling and Simulation Symposium
The Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering and the Modeling and Simulation Lab will host a Modeling and Simulation Symposium Friday, April 29, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Walb Classic Ballroom. Engineering students and professionals, both from academia and local industry, will share details about current practices, projects, and challenges related to modeling and simulation of engineering systems. Posters of student work will also be on display. Registration is required.
Graduates Congratulate Our Grads
The whole campus is invited to join in the Graduation Celebration Wednesday, May 11, in Expo II and III immediately following the ceremony in the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum.

The ceremony will conclude at approximately 6:30 p.m. and the doors will open to guests as soon as the student recessional reaches the room.
Photo of the Week
Mark Walton, the voice actor who played Rhino the Hamster in the Disney animated movie Bolt, met with visual arts and theatre students on April 19. Walton's visit was part of an ongoing effort to connect students with working professionals in their fields.  View large photo | Photo by Jim Whitcraft







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New Faces, New Places
Gladys Calderon, academic advisor-tutorial services for TRIO Upward Bound
Leah Schweikhardt, advisor for Continuing Studies
Jacob Alexander, custodian
Irah Modry-Caron, director of institutional research

Parking Lots 4 and 5 will be closed Friday, April 22, at 5 p.m. and will re-open at 7 a.m. Saturday
RIPPLES Recipients
Michael Berkshire, network systems administrator
Maureen Linvill, business analyst
Josh Smith, senior programmer
Leah Mau, bursar operations
Jackie Henderson, custodian
Karen Geary, senior programmer
Jacqueline Reynolds, custodian
Joseph Papiernik, custodian

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