September 10, 2014
Come to the Biggest Celebration of the Year
Come to the party! IPFW's yearlong 50th Celebration kicks off with the Opening Ceremonies Monday, September 15. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to the Amphitheatre near the Visual Arts Building from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m for an on-campus celebration 50 years in the making.
A special program featuring Chancellor Carwein, city and state officials, other dignitaries, the IPFW Pep Band, and much more will begin at 12:15 p.m. Enjoy free food and live music, and grab your free IPFW merch (with valid IPFW ID)!
And don't forget to take part in the social media activity---- taking photos of the words to the IPFW fight song, which will be played on Instagram at the party.
For complete details, go to the 50th Celebration website.
IPFW Sculpture with Purpose™ Wins International Downtown Association Award for Fort Wayne
Bike Rack Runner by Hadiya FinleyThe International Downtown Association (IDA) honored the City of Fort Wayne and IPFW with a Merit Award for the IPFW Sculpture with Purpose™ project at their annual conference in Ottawa, Ontario. The Sculpture with Purpose effort was recognized for its contribution to beautifying downtown Fort Wayne, making art more accessible, and promoting bicycling.
IPFW's flagship 50th Celebration project includes the installation of 50 sculptural bike racks throughout downtown and on the IPFW campus. Read the news release
Coffee with the Chancellor
Mastodon BlendThe first Coffee with the Chancellor for the new school year will be Friday, September 19, at 9 a.m. in Kettler Hall, Room 178. Additional dates are:
  • Thursday, October 23, at noon in Kettler Hall, Room 178
  • Tuesday, November 18, at 2:30 p.m. in Ketler Hall, Room G83
R.S.V.P. for any of these dates to Victoria Sarjeant at or 481-4106.
USAP Town Hall Meeting
Want to learn more about the University Strategic Alignment Process (USAP) and the recently released unit report template? Join a town hall meeting September 19 from 10 to 11 a.m. in Kettler Hall, Room G46. Everyone is welcome. In follow-up, department meetings will occur in October and will be facilitated by members of the task force. Check the website for the most recent news and to submit a question or share an idea.
Mastodon Bytes: Password Managers
With the switch to Outlook as our primary email service, things can get a little confusing.
Tip #6: Use different usernames and passwords
Wouldn't it be wonderful to use the same password to log in to all of your accounts and rest assured that your accounts are safe? Unfortunately, when it comes to passwords, more is better. If you use the same email address and password for every service, you are you are making it easier for a hacker to steal all of your personal information. Thankfully, a password manager can save the day. Read the details [PDF]
Rewire! Kick-Off Event
Join Continuing Studies for an exciting kickoff of the Rewire lifelong learning programs---- Don't Retire! Refire! The evening will feature food, wine, and a presentation about the Road Scholar program. This event will take place at the beautiful Steel Dynamics Keith E. Busse Steel IPFW Alumni Center located on the west campus.
Enjoy a sampling of wines from around the world by Cap 'N Cork, hors d'oeuvres by Old Crown Roasters, and a special presentation by Elma Chapman about the Road Scholar Program, which offers educational tours in all 50 states and 150 countries.  Read a feature story in the News-Sentinel. Register for the event
It's Going to be Huge!
This year's Mastodon Job and Internship Fair is expected to have more than 2,000 open positions, 120 employers, and more than 500 students and alumni in attendance. You can help by encouraging student participation or volunteering to help at the fair. You're also welcome to attend and meet industry professionals.
Purchase Your Own Vintage IP T-Shirts and Mastodon Cookie Cutters
After many requests, IPSGA is happy to announce that the IP t-shirts that were available to students during Welcome Back Week are now available for purchase through the IPSGA office. T-shirts are available for $10 each on a first-come, first-served basis in sizes S-XXL. Mastodon cookie cutters are also available for $5 each. You can visit the IPSGA office in Walb Union, Room 225 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday-- Friday. Cash or checks only. Please contact 481-6586 or with any questions.
Schedule an Individual Counseling Session with TIAA-CREF
Individual TIAA-CREF Counseling Sessions are available at no additional cost to you. A financial consultant will be on campus Wednesday, September 24, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Kettler Hall, Room G06A. Register for an appointment online or call 800-732-8353. Space is limited.

 Photo of the Week

Part of National Suicide Prevention Week, the "Life Worth Living" resource fair held earlier today (September 10) offered educational activities, information about suicide prevention, music therapy, live entertainment, "de-stress" sessions, and therapy dogs. View large photo Photo by Jim Whitcraft

This Week on Arts Weekly

Joe Ricke and Tracy Manning from Taylor University discuss their upcoming production of Wit; Marsha Wulpi from Art at the Riverside and Renata Robinson from Eel River Arts Fest will also be featured. Join host John O'Connell on Arts Weekly, Thursday, September 11, at 7:30 p.m. on WFWA PBS-39.

Open Interviews for Director of Budget and Planning

The campus community is welcome to attend these open interviews for the director of budget and and planning. R�sum�s will be available at both sessions.

* September 17, 10 a.m., Kettler Hall, Room 118. Philip Davich,  director of accounting and fiscal systems, IPFW
* September 23, 4 p.m., Kettler Hall, Room 132. Christopher Moore, CPA, former controller, Concordia Theological Seminary 


Department Newsletters

Bridges, a journal from the IPFW Department of Nursing


New Faces, New Places

Ron Lewis, digital media service specialist for CELT

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